Molecular and Cellular Concepts of Oncology Flashcards
Involves malignant cells break away, attach to and degrade proteins that make up the surrounding extracellular matrix (ECM), escape, and establish secondary tumors
As long as it is not invading its surrounding normal tissues, the tumor is still considered as benign. Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels in and around tumor. The purpose of angiogenesis is for tumor to obtain more nutrients for faster growth and proliferation.
Leukemias, Lymphomas/Myelomas, CNS Cancers
Leukemias: cancers of hemopoietic cells
Lymphomas and myelomas - cancers that arise in the immune system
Central nervous system cancers - cancers that begin in the tissues of the brain and spinal cord
Key Info from Genomic Studies
Multiple genetic mutations are needed for cancer to develop
Different cancer requires (contains) different number of genetic(gene) mutations
Skin cancer and lung cancer contain the most genetic mutations
Mutations in both tumor suppressor genes and proto-oncogenes are needed for cancer to develop
Driver vs. Rider Genes of Oncogenesis
Certain gene mutation(s) at a given stage of oncogenesis are the most important for oncogenesis to proceed (drivers)
Other gene mutations play very small or no roles in oncogenesis at that stage (riders)
At different oncogenesis stages, drivers may be (usually) different; riders can change into drivers and vice versa
The most effective anticancer therapies are those that target driver genes
Genetic Development of Colorectal Cancer
Loss of APC tumor suppressor gene
Activation of K-ras oncogene
Loss of DCC tumor suppressor gene
Loss of p53 tumor-suppressor gene
Other changes in genes whose products are involved in assisting metastasis
Same cancer from different people may have different mutations in different sets of genes (or different sequence of mutations).
Cancer Stem Cell Hypothesis
Cancer cells are fast replicating and usually less-differentiated, and immortal cells
Hypothesis: tumors often originate from the transformation of normal stem cells, similar signaling pathways may regulate self-renewal in stem cells and cancer cells, and cancer cells include ‘cancer stem cells’ — rare cells with indefinite potential for self-renewal that drive tumorigenesis
Clonal Evolution vs. Cancer Stem Cell Model
Clonal: no matter the genetic make up of a cell, they can each form a new tumor
Cancer stem cell model: only the cancer stem cell can establish the new tumor
Cancer Stem Cells (CSC)
Cancers have cancer stem cells that are responsible for most of the cancer growth, metastasis, and drug resistance
Different cancers have different CSC (different cell surface markers)
Different cancers have different percentage of CSC
CSC has become a new therapeutic target in cancer treatment
Proto-Oncogenes vs. Oncogenes
Proto-oncogenes: Normal cellular genes that encode proteins involved in various aspects of cell growth and cell proliferation.
Oncogene: Cancer-producing genes that are derived from proto-oncogenes by various types of genetic mutations.
Proto-oncogenes and oncogenes are growth (cell proliferation) promoting genes, while tumor suppressor genes are growth-suppressing (-decelerating or -inhibiting) genes
7 Proteins that Control Cell Growth
Seven types of proteins:
- Growth factors
- Growth factor receptors
- Intracellular transducers
- Transcription factors
- Pro- or Anti-apoptosis proteins
- Cell-cycle control proteins
- DNA-repair proteins
Cancer result from expression of mutant forms of these proteins
Normal growth factors (proteins) become oncogenic when they are over-expressed (over-produced)
Receptor Tyrosine Kinase (RTK)
Valine to Glutamine is the oncogenic mutation that makes the monomer HER2 receptor dimerize so when GF activated they must be dimerized and sends cell growth signals = breast cancer
EGF receptor is also a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK)
Dimerization of two receptor proteins in the absence of normal EGF-related ligand via a deletion causes the oncogenic mutation = lung cancer
Tyrosine Kinases
Mutated receptor tyrosine kinases and intracellular kinases are one type of key oncogenes
Manynew targeted anticancer drugs target (inhibit) membrane bound tyrosine kinases or intracellular kinases - TKIs
GTP binding protein
Ras protein- most commonly mutated protein in all human cancer (30% of all cancers); Ras mutation makes the protein always active and sends cell growth signal constantly, which leads to cancer
Transcription Factors: Fos and Myc
Fos and Myc are two important transcription factors. Their activities are tightly controlled in normal cells and they are not in active state for long.
However, in some cancer cells, you can find the Fos or Myc proteins are constitutively active, causing overexpression of genes involved in cell growth and lead to cancer.
Proto-Oncogene to Oncogene
A proto-oncogene can become an oncogene by mutations in the regulatory sequence (promoter), in the coding sequence (in the gene), or by chromosomal translocation, or by gene amplification
Ex. If normal gene only has one copy, and then multiple copies are accidentally made = protooncogene and can become an oncogene
Philadelphia Chromosome
One type of cancer caused by chromosome rearrangement is CML
The specific chromosome rearrangement is called chromosome translocation.. The chromosome translocation product is called Philadelphia chromosome, which is generated by the fusion or translocation of Ch 9 and Ch22, and the generation of a fusion gene of bcr and abl
Abl is a tyrosine kinase, the mutated bcr/able fusion protein becomes constitutively active, causing leukemia.
Tumor Suppressor Genes
A tumor suppressor gene, or anti-oncogene, is a gene that protects a cell from becoming cancerous. When this gene is mutated to cause a loss or reduction in its function, the cell can progress to become cancerous, usually in combination with other genetic changes.
They inherit one mutant allele of the RB gene. Somatic
mutation of the other allele coupled with oncogenic mutations in other genes leads to tumor development
Rb gene is a tumor suppressor gene
Two Hit Hypothesis
The two-hit hypothesis – some forms of hereditary cancer might be initiated when a cell in a person heterozygous for a germline mutation undergoes a second, somatic mutation in the other allele of the same gene, thus rendering the cell homozygous for loss of function mutations in a tumor-suppressor gene and giving rise to a tumor
This theory applies only to tumor suppressor genes, not oncogenes.
It applies to the same tumor suppressor gene, not two different tumor suppressor genes
Tumor suppressor, transcription factor mutated or deleted in > 50% of all human cancers
**Involved in DNA damage repair, cell cycle checkpoint control, and apoptosis
Guardian of human genome”
Cause of the genetic diseases Li-Fraumeni Syndrome
Oncogenes vs. Tumor Suppressor Gene Mutations
Oncogenes: cell growth promoting, but mutation causes gain of function and somatic mutations; dominant inheritance (only need one allele)
Tumor suppressor gene: cell growth suppressing, but mutation causes loss of function; must receive both alleles (recessive inheritance), but classified as dominant
A telomere is a region of repetitive DNA at the end of a chromosome, which protects the end of the chromosome from destruction (similar to the plastic caps at the ends of shoelace).
Telomeres are shortened during cell division and replenished by telomerase (2009 Nobel Prize)
As telomeres grow shorter, eventually cells reach the limit of their replicative capacity and progress into senescence.
Telomeres and Cancer Development
Telomere shortening can induce replicative senescence which blocks cell division. This mechanism prevents genomic instability and development of cancer in aged cells by limiting the number of cell divisions.
Cancer cells which bypass this arrest become immortalized by telomere extension mostly due to the activation of telomerase, the enzyme responsible for synthesis of telomeres.
Compared to normal cells, cancer cells’ telomerase activity is higher and telomeres are longer – two of key reasons that cancer cells are immortalized
RNA and DNA Viruses as Cancer Producing Agents
Both RNA and DNA viruses can carry oncogenes
Both RNA and DNA viruses can induce cancer in animals and humans
Oncogenes carried by RNA viruses do not have functions in viral replication cycle, whereas oncogenes carried by DNA viruses do participate in the replication cycle of viral hosts.
Oncogenic mechanisms of the oncogenes carried by RNA viruses are very different from those of the oncogenes carried by DNA viruses
There are two mechanisms for retroviruses to cause cancer – fast or slow tumor-forming
The genome of fast tumor-forming retrovirus contains an oncogene (onc)
Activation of the c-myc
Activation of the c-myc Proto-oncogene by Retroviral Promoter and Enhancer Insertions (slow-acting retrovirus) triggers tumorgenesis
Promoter insertion: RNA transcript promoted from right hand viral LTR
Enhancer insertions: RNA transcript promoted from cell sequences but enhanced by viral sequences
Human Papilloma Viruses (HPV)
Can cause cervical cancer
Once inside the cells of their host, HPV synthesize
a protein designated E7 – an oncogene product
E7 binds to Rb, and RB is a tumor suppressor gene, so unable to suppress tumor growth and allows cancer to grow
E6 – inactivates p53 tumor suppressor gene allowing cancer to progress
Proto-Oncogenes: RTK, Signal Transducer, and TF
Signal Transducer: Ras
TF: c-fos and c-myc
DNA: +oncogene, - tumor suppressor gene, + oncogene as part of a normal viral genome, and + oncogene has normal function in viral cycle
RNA: +/- oncogene, - tumor suppressor gene, - oncogene as part of normal viral genome, and – oncogene has normal function in viral cycle
Checkpoints, CDKs, and Cyclins
Presence of checkpoints are designed for checking correctness is cell development
Cyclin levels fluctuate and CDK = both work together to progress the cycle