Molecular Flashcards
G1 Specimens and records
What is the rule for family numbering in the lab?
In addition to numerical accession files and alphabetical patient listings, each family studied is assigned a unique code (preferably numeric).
G2 General quality control
Should quality of reagents be tested prior to testing?
G3 DNA preparation
Excess isolated DNA should be stored at ——short term, and long term should be atored at……(temperaure)
0-5° C, frozen
G4 Probe/Primer/Locus Documentation
What are the documents needed for oligo probes or primers?
sequesnce, PCR condition, the size ofamplicon with internal documents eg photo showing the size of insert
G5 Assay validation
- Each lab must determine analytical validity for a test, what is it?
- Clinical validity should be done through………..
- sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility
- its own or other published studies
G7 PCR Guidlines
In a PCR reaction how do we avoid false positive due to contamination?
- lab design (pre/post PCR sections)
- lab practice (lab coats, gloves,..)
- Reagents and solutions (should be in small aliquats)
- Controls- non template control (NTC) in each assay (1. use the same buffer that rehydrates DNA, 2. carry on a blank sample through isolation)
G7 PCR Guidlines
What controls should be used in a PCR assay?
NTC (no DNA)- all assays
Size standard- all assays
Negative control (no mutation)-normal
Positive control (het/hom of the mutation), if more than one mutation > rotate positive control mutations