Molars Flashcards
Maintenance of vertical dimension
Proper alignment
Support cheeks
General molar characteristics
Mesiodistally greater than occlusalcervically 3 to 5 cusps Shortest teeth occlusalcervically Large root to crown compared to others Taper to lingual and distal Facial contour in cervical third Lingual contour in middle third Mesial contour in middle occlusal third Distal contour middle third
Maxillary vs Mandibular
Mandibular are greater mesiodistally
Maxillary are greater faciolingually
Mandibular have 4 or 5 cusps
Maxillary have 3 or 4 cusps and carabelli
Mandibular tilt lingual and distally while maxillary no tilt
Maxillary 3 root and Mandibular 2 root
Mandibular Buccal
Wider mesiodistally than occlusocervically, more on first
First molar larger than second
First molar will have 5 cusps with smallest distal
First has 2 Buccal grooves
Second molar has 4 cusps
Seconds has 1 Buccal groove
CEJ almost straight
First has more taper to crown= more contour
First molar has large distal contour than mesial
Mesial root is wider than distal
First bifurcation is more cervical
First has more divergent roots
Mandibular lingual
Taper to lingual Lingual cusps are longer than Buccal Mesial is taller and wider Lingual groove possible not carious CEJ straight might tip into bifurcation
Mandibular proximal
Buccal contour in cervical third Lingual contour In middle third Second will have Buccal cervical ridge Lingual cusp are more pointed Mesial marginal ridge higher CEJ line sloped to lingual Mesial root is broader than distal Smaller distal root can have Mesial depression Mesial root is flat with two canals
Mandibular occlusal
second is rectangular
Second has prominent Buccal cervical ridge
First is pentagon shaped
First has distal third narrower than mesial third
First has prominent middle Buccal protrusion
First has small distal cusp=separate distal cusp triangular ridge
Buccal cusps are closer to central groove bc working cusps
Central Mesial and distal fossae
Second has plus groove
First has zig zag central groove
Mesial and distal contact slightly Buccal
Larger lingual embrasures
Mandibular cusp size
Height 1. Mesiolingual cusp and Distolingual 2. Mesiobuccal cusp 3. Distobuccal cusp 4. Distal Size 1. Mesiolingual 2. Mesiobuccal 3. Distolingual 4. Distobuccal 5. Distal
Maxillary cusp size
- Mesiolingual
- Mesiobuccal
- Distobuccal
- Distolingual
Maxillary Buccal
First is largest maxillary tooth First is wider mesiodistally 4 cusps but can be missing Distolingual Mesial contact occlusal middle third Distal contact middle third 3 rootstock lingual, mesiobuccal, Distobuccal Trunk on first is shorter or root bifurcation more cervical on first Roots diverge more on first Buccal groove is noticed but not carious
Maxillary lingual
First has wide lingual surface
Large lingual cusps
Second can be missing Distolingual cusp 33%
First has carabelli 5 th cusp 70%
Lingual groove on both are caries prone
First molar will have longer lingual root with depression
Second will have smooth lingual root
Maxillary proximal
Mesial marginal ridge is higher Buccal contour is cervical Lingual contour in middle third or more bc carabelli Taper distally Marginal groove seen on Mesial first CEJ flat First will have roots wider than crown Second will have roots inside crown Mesiobuccal root depressions possible
Maxillary occlusal
Have Buccalingual greater than mesiodistal
First is square or rhomboid
Second is trapezoid in shape
Second has small disto lingual cusp or missing
Mesiobuccal cervical ridge larger on second
Transverse ridge from Mesiolingual cusp to mesiobuccal cusp
Oblique ridge from Distobuccal cusp to Distolingual cusp
Four fossae: central, distal oblique, Mesial, distal
Groove: central, Buccal,lingual, distal,oblique, transverse groove of oblique ridge
First has central distal occlusal contact rest are Buccal