MOI Flashcards
What D.A. Form is used to transmit sponsorship requirement to gaining commands?
DA Form 5434
Example sentence: The DA Form 5434 is crucial for initiating the sponsorship process.
How soon after the DA Form 5434 is received should a sponsor be assigned?
10 days unless the sponsorship is declined
Example sentence: Sponsors should be assigned promptly to new arrivals.
What are the six elements of the sponsorship program?
- DA Form 5434 2. Welcome Letter 3. ACS Relocation Readiness Services 4. Reception
- Orientation 6. In processing
What is a DA Form 2166-9?
The DA Form for NCOERs (2166-9-1 covers SGT; 2166-9-2 covers SSG-1SG/MSG; 2166-9-3 covers CSM-SGM)
Example sentence: Understanding the different versions of the DA Form 2166-9 is essential for accurate evaluations.
What is a DA Form 2166-9-1A?
NCOER support form
Example sentence: Completing the DA Form 2166-9-1A is a critical part of the NCOER process.
What are the different types of NCOERs?
- Change of rater 2. Annual 3. Extended annual 4. Complete the record 5. REFRAD Status 6. Senior rater option 7. Change of duty 8. Relief for cause (Ref. AR 623-3 (Ch.3 Table 3-16))
Example sentence: Familiarize yourself with the various types of NCOERs to ensure accurate and comprehensive evaluations.
When will the first counseling session be conducted for newly appointed NCOs?
Within the first 30 days of the rating period (starts on date of promotion)
Example sentence: Timely counseling sessions are crucial for the development of newly promoted NCOs.
What is the DA Form 67-10 series?
The DA Forms for OERs
Example sentence: The DA Form 67-10 series is used for Officer Evaluation Reports.
How many articles are there in the U.S. Constitution?
Seven (7)
Example sentence: The U.S. Constitution consists of seven articles.
How many amendments are there in the US Constitution?
Twenty-seven (27)
Example sentence: There are a total of twenty-seven amendments to the US Constitution.
When was the US Constitution signed?
1787, First Amendment enacted 1791
Example sentence: The US Constitution was signed in 1787, with the First Amendment enacted in 1791.
Who wrote the ‘Blue Book’ and standardized NCO duties and responsibilities in 1778?
Baron Frederick William von Steuben – Written in 1778, also he was the first to refer to the NCO as the ‘backbone’ of the Army
Example sentence: Baron von Steuben’s ‘Blue Book’ laid the foundation for NCO duties and responsibilities in 1778.
In what year was the Sergeant Major of the Army Established?
Example sentence: The Sergeant Major of the Army position was established in 1966.
In what year was the NCO Creed written?
1973 at Fort Benning, GA
Example sentence: The NCO Creed was officially written in 1973 at Fort Benning, GA.
Who introduced drill and ceremony to the US Army?
Baron Frederick William von Steuben
Example sentence: Baron von Steuben played a key role in introducing drill and ceremony to the US Army.
When and where did Baron von Steuben begin teaching drill and ceremony?
Upon his arrival at Valley Forge in 1778
Example sentence: Baron von Steuben started teaching drill and ceremony at Valley Forge in 1778.
What is the purpose of drill?
It enables a commander or NCO to move a unit from one place to another in an organized manner
Example sentence: Drill plays a crucial role in ensuring organized movement within military units.
What does ASPP stand for?
Army Suicide Prevention Program
Example sentence: ASPP is an essential program for promoting mental health and preventing suicides within the Army.
What regulation Covers ASPP?
AR 600-63
Example sentence: AR 600-63 provides guidelines and regulations for the Army Suicide Prevention Program.
What are the three phases of ASPP?
Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
Example sentence: Understanding the three phases of ASPP is crucial for effective suicide prevention efforts.
What are some resources available for Soldiers with suicidal ideations?
ACE (Ask, Care, Escort) Training, MFLAC, Chaplain, Behavioral Health, Suicide and Crisis Lifeline (988)
Example sentence: Soldiers with suicidal thoughts can access various resources such as ACE Training and the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
What is the primary focus of a unit when not deployed?
Example sentence: Units focus on training to maintain readiness
What does METL stand for?
Mission Essential Task List
METL includes tasks essential for mission success
What are the 3 domains the army uses?
Institutional, Operational, and Self Development
These domains categorize different aspects of army operations
What are the 8 Troop leader procedures?
RIMICCIS (Receive the mission, Issue the WARNO, Make a tentative plan, Initiate movement, Conduct reconnaissance, Complete the plan, Issue the OPORD, Supervise and refine)
Remember the acronym RIMICCIS for troop leader procedures
What is leadership?
The process of influencing people by provide purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and/ or improve the organization
Leadership involves providing purpose, direction, and motivation
What attributes should a leader possess?
Character, Prescence, Intellect
Leaders should have strong character, presence, and intellect
What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?
Event, Performance, and Professional Growth
Developmental counseling focuses on different aspects of a soldier’s growth
What does TC 3-22.9 provide?
Provides Soldiers with the critical information for their rifle or carbine and how it functions
Soldiers learn about their weapon and its functions from TC 3-22.9
How many cycles of function are there and what are they (in order)?
Eight (8): FeedingàChamberingàLockingàFiringàUnlockingàExtractingàEjectingàCocking
Learn the order of the eight cycles of function in rifle/carbine operation
What are the primary firing positions?
Standing, Squatting, Kneeling, Sitting, Prone
Soldiers use different firing positions for stability and accuracy
What are the two general types of corrective action for a weapon malfunction?
Immediate action and Remedial action
Immediate and remedial actions are taken to address weapon malfunctions
What are the three reasons for remedial action?
Stove Pipe, Double Feed, Bolt Override
These are common reasons for remedial action in weapon malfunction
What is an Article 15, UCMJ
A type of non-judicial punishment used for minor offenses imposed upon military members
Article 15 is a form of non-judicial punishment for minor offenses
How many types of nonjudicial punishment are there and what are they?
Three (3): Summarized, Company Grade, Field Grade
There are three types of nonjudicial punishment with varying severity
What form is used for Article 15s?
DA Form 2627
DA Form 2627 is the document used for Article 15 proceedings
Who may impose an Article 15?
Any commanding officer
Commanding officers have the authority to impose Article 15 punishments
Who may impose a field grade article 15?
Anyone with the rank of Major (MAJ)/ O-4 or higher
Only officers of a certain rank can impose field grade Article 15 punishments
What happens when a Service Member tests positive?
SM will be flagged, An investigation will be conducted, Separation will be initiated within 30 days of incident, SM will be referred to ASAP
Positive drug/alcohol tests lead to specific actions including investigation and referral to treatment programs
What is SUDCC?
Substance Use Disorder Care Clinic
SUDCC provides care for substance abuse disorders
What is ADAPP?
The Army’s Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program
ADAPT focuses on preventing drug and alcohol abuse in the military
What is RRP
Risk Reduction Program
RPP aims to identify and reduce high-risk behaviors among Service Members
Who has an individual responsibility for ensuring their appearance reflects the highest level of professionalism?
All Soldiers
Example sentence: Every Soldier must ensure their uniform is worn properly.
Are hair and fingernail grooming standards punitive under UCMJ?
Additional information: Failure to adhere to grooming standards can result in disciplinary action.
During PT is long length hair authorized to be in a ponytail?
Example sentence: Female Soldiers with long hair can put it in a ponytail during physical training.
What are three levels of leadership?
Direct, Strategic, and Operational
Additional information: Each level of leadership plays a crucial role in organizational success.
What are leadership competencies?
Leads, Develops, and Achieves
Additional information: Effective leaders exhibit these competencies to inspire and guide their subordinates.
How should Soldiers be evaluated?
Merit, Fitness, and Capability
Additional information: Evaluation criteria help determine a Soldier’s performance and potential for advancement.
What is chain of command?
The order of command from superior to subordinate through which orders are transmitted
Additional information: The chain of command ensures clear communication and accountability within the organization.
What are the duties of the NCO support channel?
Instilling ethics, planning, training, teaching history, customs, courtesies, and traditions
Additional information: The NCO support channel plays a vital role in mentoring and developing junior enlisted Soldiers.
What are tactics?
Tactics are the employment and ordered arrangement of forces in relation to each other
Additional information: Tactics are essential for achieving military objectives in combat situations.
What is a deliberate operation?
An operation where the tactical situation allows the development and coordination of detailed plans, including multiple branches and sequels
Additional information: Deliberate operations involve thorough planning and consideration of various contingencies.
What is an engagement?
A tactical conflict, usually between lower echelon maneuver forces
Additional information: Engagements are dynamic and require quick decision-making to achieve mission success.
What echelons typically conduct engagements?
Typically brigades and smaller echelons
Additional information: Engagements at these echelons involve close coordination and rapid response to enemy actions.
What publication covers comprehensive Soldier and family fitness?
AR 350-53 (CSF2)
Example sentence: AR 350-53 outlines the requirements for maintaining physical and mental fitness in the Army.
Define resilience.
The ability to recover from setbacks and adapt to changes
Additional information: Resilience is a valuable trait that helps individuals overcome challenges and thrive in difficult situations.
What Are the five dimensions of strength?
Physical, Psychological, Social, Spiritual, and Family
Additional information: Focusing on these dimensions can enhance overall well-being and readiness.
What is AER and what is its purpose?
The Army Emergency Relief exists to relieve distress of members of the Army and their families during times of difficult financial woes.
Additional information: AER provides financial assistance to Soldiers facing emergencies or financial hardships.
Which Army program can aid military families experiencing stress and possible domestic violence?
The Army Family Advocacy Program
Additional information: The program offers support and resources to address family issues and prevent domestic violence.
What agency is overall responsible for the Family Advocacy Program?
ACS (Army Community Service)
Additional information: ACS coordinates services and assistance for military families in need.
What are the Army Stability tasks?
- Establish Civil Security 2. Support to Civil Control 3. Restore Essential Services 4. Support to Governance 5. Support to Economic and Infrastructure Development 6. Conduct Security Cooperation (ref. ADP 3-07 Ch.2 para 52)
What are the end-state conditions for stability?
A safe and secure environment, An establishment of rule of law, Social Well-being, Stable Governance, and A sustainable economy
What are the five join stability functions?
- Security 2. Foreign Humanitarian Assistance 3. Economic Stabilization and Infrastructure 4. Rule of Law 5. Governance and participation
Army Special Operations
What are the Special Operations core principles?
Operations should be Discrete, Precise, and Scalable
What does ARSOF stand for?
Army Special Operation Forces
How are Special Operations usually characterized?
Time Sensitive, Clandestine, Low Visibility, Conducted with and/or through Indigenous Forces, Requiring Regional Expertise, and/or a High Degree of Risk
TC 4-02.1
First Aid
What does the acronym TCCC stand for?
Tactical Combat Casualty Care
How many phases are there for TCCC?
(3 Phases) 1. Care Under Fire 2. Tactical Field Care 3. Combat Casualty Evacuation Care.
When evaluating and/or treating a casualty, when would you seek medical aid?
As soon as possible
AR 600-81
(Soldier for Life – Transition Assistance Program (SFL – TAP))
What publication covers the SFL – TAP?
AR 600-81
What form is used for the Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty?
DD Form 214
What is the mission of the SFL – TAP?
To assist Soldiers, their families, and DA Civilians with simple, timely, effective, and positive transitions
Who manages a unit’s NCOPDS?
The Command Sergeant Major or Senior Enlisted Soldier
What are the consequences of being dismissed from an NCOPDS?
Being stripped of rank, Barred from reenlistment, and/or UCMJ
What is STEP?
The Army’s philosophy that soldiers need a professional military education through a deliberate, continuous, and progressive process (Select, Train, Educate, Promote)
What is the 11TH ABN DIV PT Policy?
PT will be conducted during the hours of 0630-0745
ATP 6-22.1
(The Counseling Process)
What are the three major categories of developmental counseling?
Event Counseling, Performance Counseling, and Professional Growth Counseling
What are the five key characteristics of an effective counselor?
- Purpose 2. Flexibility 3. Respect 4. Communication 5. Support
To be effective while counseling, Leaders must have what basic counseling skills?
Active Listening, Self-Awareness, Intentional Responding, Recognizing and evoking change talk, Redirecting Resistance, and Feedback receptiveness (ref. ATP 6-22.1 Ch.1 para 24)
AR 600-8-19
(Enlisted Promotion and Reductions)
What are the three levels of promotion?
Decentralized, Semi-centralized, and Centralized
What are the TIG/ TIS requirements for SGT to SSG?
Time in Grade – 18 Months; Time in Service – N/A
What are the TIG/ TIS requirements for SSG to SFC?
TIG – 36 Months (3 Years); TIS 8 Years (96 Months)
TC 3-25.26
(Map Reading and Land Navigation)
What are the two ways to hold a compass?
Center Hold and Compass to Cheek
hat does the Reddish-Brown color represent on a map?
Contour Lines
What does red color represent on a map?
Cultural features Populated areas and main Roads
AR 600-20 Ch.7
(Sexual Harassment)
What are the Types of Reporting Available for SHARP offenses?
Restricted and Unrestricted Reporting
What does I. A.M. STRONG stand for?
Intervene, Act, Motivate
What are the categories of sexual harassment?
Physical, Verbal, and Nonverbal
Who can a victim report an act of sexual assault to keep the report restricted?
Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC), Victim Advocate (VA), Healthcare Provider, or Chaplain
Who can a victim report an act of sexual assault to if they want it to be unrestricted?
Chain of Command, Law Enforcement, SARC, or VA
What is a DA Form 3340?
A form that serves as a request to reenlist or extend a current contract
What is a DA Form 5689?
Oath of Reenlistment
What is SRB and what is the minimum you must have to reenlist for it?
Selective Retention Bonus: the minimum time for the SRB is 36 months (3 years)
What are Unified Land Operations?
The synchronization of efforts between Join Services, other government agencies, or partner nations
What are the three Strategic Roles of the Army that are captured within the Army’s Mission?
Prevent, Shape, and Win
What is the Army’s Mission?
Deploy, Fight, and Win Our Nations Wars by providing ready, prompt, and sustained land dominance by Army forces across the full spectrum of conflict as part of the Joint Force.
TIMS 21-14
(Team Building)
What does TIMS stand for?
This Is My Squad
What is the overarching theme of TIMS?
How do you build Mutual trust?
Lead by Example, Communicate Openly, and Know Each Other Personally
When did Alaska become a US State?
January 3, 1959 (Purchased from Russia on August 1, 1867 (for $7.2m))
How many tribes of Native Americans exist in Alaska?
There are 9 major Alaska Native cultures in the 49TH State (By Size: Athabascan, Inupiaq, Yupik, Tlingit, Alutiq, Aleut, Eyak, Haida, and Tsimshian) There are 229 Federally recognized Tribes in AK and there is only 1 Reservation.
What is the US Army’s Birthday?
June 14, 1775
When was the department of the Army established?
1947, it was previously known as the War Department
When was the department of the Army established?
1947, it was previously known as the War Department
What is the longest war in U.S. History?
The Vietnam War