Module5_Configuration Flashcards
how to change parameter for a single session
using the SET command
how to show all parameter in DB
show all;
how to see what parameter are set in which file and if they need restart to become active.
select * from pg_file_settings;
how to reload cluster config from psql?
SELECT pg_reload_config();
how to reset parameter to initial value?
alter system RESET parameter_name;
how can multiple cluster on 1 machine use 1 postgresql.conf
by using INCLUDE or INCLUDE_DIR to point to that central postgresql.conf
how to alter parameter on DATABASE level and NOT on whole cluster
alter database DATABASE_NAME set PARAMETER_NAME=1 ;
how to change parameter for 1 USER not whole cluster.
alter user USER_NAME set parameter_name=1;
what overwrites the parameter cluster level, database level and user level.
database level overwrites cluster level parameter
user level overwrites database level parameters
what parameter specified from which hosts PG can accept connections
what parameter define how many connections are allowd on the cluster and what is the default?
parameter name is max_connections and is default 100
how do always reserve connection for superuser in PG
superuser_reserved_connections (default 3 sessions)
what do the parameters unix_socket_directory unix_socket_permissions do?
when local user is usings socket on linux and the permission on that directory (default /tmp)
what is autentication_timeout parameter?
a timeframe where a client need to perform the authentication (default 1 min) longer than that and connection will be terminated.
what does parameter row_security do?
this parameter controls row security policy behavior (default is on)