Module One Pre-assessment Flashcards
Prokaryotic cells have a membrane-bound nucleus
One major difference between Gram-positive cell walls and Gram-negative cell walls is that Gram negative cell wall has a thinner layer of peptidoglycan as compared to the Gram-positive cell wall.
Bacteria that are considered Gram-negative will stain purple as a result of the Gram stain procedure
because of the thinner layer of peptidoglycan, Gram-negative bacteria will lose the primary purple stain during the decolorization part of the Gram stain procedure. Gram-negative bacteria will retain the pink/red color of the counterstain.
MacConkey Agar is both a differential and selective media
MacConkey agar is selective in that it will only grow Gram-negative organisms. It is also differential as it helps to differentiate lactose fermenters from non-lactose fermenting organisms.
Staphylococcus aureus can be a common normal flora found in the nose of some individuals
Staph. aureus can colonize in the anterior nares of about 30% of healthy individuals. Staph aureus is an opportunistic pathogen that can cause serious disease under the right conditions.
Teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid are unique components of the gram-negative cell wall
Teichoic acid and lipoteichoic acid are unique to gram-positive cell walls. Teichoic acid is located on the exterior of the cell and is anchored by peptidoglycan while lipoteichoic acid is attached to the bacterial plasma membrane.
In a commensalism relationship, bacteria can colonize human body sites without any beneficial or harmful effect on the individual.
A bacteria that is a facultative anaerobe requires an environment without oxygen. If oxygen is present this type of bacteria will not grow.