The Research Process
- Planning
it is necessary to carefully consider what the purpose of the reasrch is and create a well-thought out plan for how you will go about conducting your research
The research process - 1 Planning
1.1 Define the problem statement
involves narrowing down a larger problem or oppertunity to specifically relate to what is to be researched.
The research process - 1 Planning
1.2 Develop a research question
directs the organisation toward knowing what data to gather and how the data should be analysed, as different types of questions require different types of data analyses.
The research process - 1 Planning
1.3 Develop a hypothesis or hypotheses
A hypothesis is a tentaive statement that stands to be supported or not supported by the research findings; the hypothesis is an assumed answer for one of the research questions, and is tested for it’s validity through research.
The research process - 1 Planning
1.3 Develop a hypothesis or hypotheses
A hypotheses is a supposition that stands to be accepted or refuted. Hypotheses help clarify research questions for the researcher, and provide focus for the study.
The research process - 1 Planning
1.4 Plan research method and design
Developing a clear and detailed research plan is an essential part of conducting purposeful research.
The research process - 1 Planning
1.4 Plan research method and design
Should detail the following aspects 1
What to measure - identifying the relevant variables is an essential aspecct of data design. This involves asking what data you need to collect to answer your research question.
The research process - 1 Planning
1.4 Plan research method and design
Should detail the following aspects 2
How to measure it - the design should include clear guidelines for how the data will be gathered, taking into account the time and cost involved.
The research process - 1 Planning
1.4 Plan research mthod and design
Should detail the following aspects 3
Research methos - is largely dependent on the type of data needed to meet the objectives of the study. (number of methids: secondary data studies, survesy, experiments and observations)
The research process
- Execution
After research goals have been clearly defined, and a research plan has been developed, the researcher can start collectiong and working with the date.
The research process - 2 Execution
2.1 Gather Data
Data collection is a process in and of itself, as data can come in a variety of sources and in a number of different forms. One has to determine what type of data will answer the questions at hand, how much data is enough, and how the data will be collected, compiled, and stored
The research process - 2 Execution
2.1 Gather data - Primary Data
refers to the raw data that has been collected directly from the source for the purposes of the research study. Experiments, surveys and observational data are like;y to generate new primaty data.
The research process - 2 Execution
2.1 Gather Data - Secondary Data
is data that has been collected by someone else at another time, and is, therefore, readily available. Databases are a form of secondary data.
The research process
2.2 Prepare data for analysis
2 Execution
involves evaluating, editing, and arranging data before running a statistical analysis. Verifying the data, and looking for inconsistencies and errors that could negatively impact the research.
The research process 2.2 Prepare data for analysis
Organising data
One of the activities in preparing the data
2 Execution
Once data is gatheres, it is necessary to enter the data into a logical and useful format or database. The same format should be used throughout to avoid confusion and difficulty later on.