Module One Flashcards
Identify the defining concepts associated with health profession regulation; Explain the role of the College; Review the governance structure of the College
What model of regulation does Alberta use for most recognized health
Health Profession Regulation
What is the primary role of the College under the Health Professions
The primary role of the College is public protection.
What does the College do to carry out its primary role?
a. Establishes entrance to practice requirements for the profession
b. Oversees concerns and/or complaints by the public and/or
c. Applies ethical codes and standards of practice
d. All of the above
To whom may a concern/complaint against a registered psychologist
be made by a client, member of the public, or other psychologist?
a. The psychologist’s employer (if employed)
b. The psychologist
c. The College of Alberta Psychologists
d. Complaints can be received and/or reviewed by all of the above
As a self-regulated professional, who assumes primary responsibility
and accountability for professional decisions?
The Psychologist
According to the Health Professions Act, registered psychologists are
permitted to:
a. Assess, diagnose, treat, guide and support persons or groups
of persons in order to enhance development, effective living
and quality of life or to prevent, remedy or ameliorate mental,
emotional, cognitive, behavioural and interpersonal difficulties
b. Teach, supervise or consult in the practice of psychology
c. Manage and conduct research in the science, techniques and
practice of psychology
d. Any and/or all of the above
Which of the following statements best describes the concept of self-
a. Occurs when the government delegates responsibility to a
profession to engage in activities such as setting entrance
requirements, establishing and enforcing a code of ethics,
responding to public complaints and other activities as outlined
in the Health Professions Act.
b. A group of laws and organizations designed to ensure the rights of consumers, as well as fair trade, competition, and
accurate information in the marketplace.
c. A gathering of professionals who advocate for their profession, sometimes placing the profession’s goals against the interests of the public.
d. None of the above
Where can a registered psychologist learn more about the College’s activities?
a. CAP Monitor
b. CAP Strategic Plan
c. CAP Annual Report
d. All of the above
The scope of activities undertaken by the College are defined in the:
a. Mental Health Act
b. Health Professions Act
c. Protection for Persons in Care Act
d. None of the above
Which of the following statements best describes the role of the Psychologists’ Association of Alberta?
a. The mission of PAA is to advance the science-based profession of psychology.
b. PAA is a voluntary professional body that advocates for
consumers of psychotherapy, psychological, and mental health
c. PAA and its members are recognized leaders in enhancing the psychological health of all Albertans.
d. All of the above