Module A: Other Public Accounting Services Flashcards
agreed-upon procedures
The methods used in an engagement in which users participate in determining the scope of procedures performed by the accountants.
appropriate financial reporting framework
The financial reporting treatment (i.e., GAAP, IFRS, etc.) adopted by management and, when appropriate, those charged with governance in the preparation of the financial statements that is acceptable in view of the nature of the entity and the objective of the financial statements, or that is required by law or regulation.
assurance services
The independent professional functions that improve the quality of information, or its context, for decision makers.
An accounting service resulting in a report on subject matter or an assertion about subject matter that is the responsibility of another party.
An individual or company involved in the business of buying and selling investment securities wither for its own account or on behalf of customers.
cash basis framework
A special-purpose framework in which revenues are recognized when cash is received and expenses are incurred when cash is disbursed.
An accounting service in which the practitioner assists in assembling information that is the representation of management but provides no assurance.
An attestation engagement similar in nature to an audit.
eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
The communication terminology required by the Securities and Exchange Commission for companies to use to provide financial statement information that has a computer-readable identifying tag for each item of data.
financial forecast
The prospective financial information reflecting an entity’s estimates of what is likely to occur in a future period.
financial projection
The prospective financial information reflecting a transaction or event that may occur in the future.
interim financial information
The financial information or statements covering a period less than a full year or for a 12-month period ending on a date other than the entity’s fiscal year-end.
management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A)
A required section of financial reports of public companies in which management analyzes the results of operations and cash flows for the periods presented.
modified cash basis framework
A special-purpose framework that provides limited accruals for items such as fixed assets or inventories and long-term debt.
pro forma
The description of financial information reflecting historical data as if a certain transaction had occurred.
responsible party
The person or persons, either as individuals or representatives of the entity, responsible for the subject matter of an attestation engagement.
An engagement in which a practitioner provides limited assurance about financial information.
review evidence
The evidence required to provide limited assurance obtained by (1) inquiring of management, (2) conducting analytical procedures, and (3) obtaining written representations from management.
service organization
An organization or segment of it that provides services to user entities that are likely to be relevant to user entities’ internal control as it relates to financial reporting.
special-purpose framework
A coherent accounting framework in which substantially all important financial measurements are governed by criteria other than GAAP or IFRS.
The triple-bottom-line of economic viability, social responsibility, and environmental responsibility.
SysTrust Services
An assurance function that reviews an entity’s computer system to provide confidence to business partners and customers concerning the security, privacy, and confidentiality of information in addition to system availability and processing integrity.
trust services
A set of professional attestation and advisory functions based on a core set of principles and criteria that addresses the risks and opportunities of IT-enabled systems and privacy programs.
WebTrust Services
An assurance function designed to reduce the concerns of Internet users regarding the existence of a company and the reliability of key business information placed on its website.