Module 9.3: Defined Benefit Plans, Part 1—Periodic Cost Flashcards
total periodic pension cost (TPPC)
= employer contributions − (ending funded status − beginning funded status)
periodic pension cost
is the employer’s contributions adjusted for changes in funded status
total periodic pension cost (TPPC) alternative
= current service cost + interest cost − actual return on plan assets +/– actuarial losses/gains due to changes in assumptions affecting PBO + prior service cost
Current service cost
increase in the PBO that is the result of the employees working one more period
Interest cost
increase in the PBO due to the passage of time
Interest cost under U.S. GAAP =
(beginning PBO + prior service cost) × discount rate
Net interest income or expense under IFRS =
(beginning funded status − prior service cost) × discount rate
Expected return on plan assets.
Under IFRS, same as the discount rate used for computation of PBO
Actuarial gains and losses
- changes in actuarial assumptions
- difference between actual and expected return on plan assets.
Corridor Approach (U.S. GAAP only)
once the beginning balance of actuarial gains and losses exceed 10% of the greater of the beginning PBO or plan assets, amortization is required
Past (prior) service costs
Under IFRS, recognized in periodic pension cost in P&L immediately (i.e., they are expensed immediately and not amortized).
Under U.S. GAAP, the amortization of actuarial gains and losses and the amortization of past service costs reduces the volatility of periodic pension cost in P&L.