Module 9 Vocabulary & Terms Flashcards
Language Acquisition
The process by which humans acquire the capacity to perceive and comprehend language, as well as to produce and use words and sentences to
innateness hypothesis
the idea that humans are genetically equipped to acquire language
language acquisition device (LAD)
an innate mechanism or process that facilitates the learning of language
cognitive abilities
capabilities related to the acquisition and application of knowledge in problem solving
Stages of Acquisition
- Prelingual Stage (0-6 months)
- Babbling Stage (6-12 months)
- One-Word or Holophrastic Stage (1-2 years)
- Two-Word Stage (approximately 2 years)
5.Telegraphic Stage (MLU measured)
theoretical linguistics
the study of language from a structural point of view, without much attention (if any) to cultural contexts of language use
a copy that is represented as the original
inborn; natural
any event that strengthens the behavior it follows
Active Construction of a Grammar Theory
Theory of language acquisition that says that children acquire a language by inventing rules of grammar based on the speech around them.
Connectionist Theories
Language is organized in a network containg nodes and connections. the network of nodes and connections undergoes constant trnasformation in response to language input. (Narture or nurture Inspired)
feral children
children assumed to have been raised by animals, in the wilderness, isolated from humans
second language
A language that is different from the mother tongue learned at birth but is the predominant language spoken in a region.
Critical Period Hypothesis
Erick Lenneberg - theory of language development that states language must be learned by a certain age, otherwise, we will experience continual difficulty learning language
sign language
a form of communication that uses mainly hand movements to convey messages
The ability to speak two languages
prelinguistic communication
communication that occurs before children use words; includes gestures and nonword vocalizations
babbling stage
beginning at about 4 months, the stage of speech development in which the infant spontaneously utters various sounds at first unrelated to the household language
one-word stage
the stage in speech development, from about age 1 to 2, during which a child speaks mostly in single words
two-word stage
beginning about age 2, the stage in speech development during which a child speaks mostly two-word statements
Beyond the two-word stage
Once children move out of the two-word stage, they quickly begin uttering longer phrases; may still resemble a telegraphed message, but will continue to follow the rules of syntax