Module 9 Flashcards
What is the preferred LMWH dosing strategy for pregnant women?
BD dosing due to increased creatinine clearance
What is the duration of anticoagulation for PE or DVT in pregnant women?
above knee DVT or PE: 6 months total
below knee DVT: 6-8 weeks
must include 6 weeks post-partum
What is the management of anticoagulation in the peripartum period?
- W/H 24 hours pre-neuraxial or planed delivery
- Withhold during labor
- Restart 6-12 hours post given no bleeding complications starting at lower dose
- can step up over 48 hours postpartum
How do we manage women with VTE <2/52 before delivery?
consider clot burden, maternal/foetal compromise, facilities available
LMWH or UFH with APTT aiming 60-80
May admit for heparin
Minimise pushing
Recommence anticoagulation 4 hours post-op
Thrombolysis if cardiovascular compromise
What are the changes in haemostasis and vasculature in pregnancy that increase coagulability?
- Increased venous stasis
- Increased FV, FVIII, vWF, fibrinogen
- Decreased fibrinolysis
- Decreased protein S
- Acquired APC resistance
- Increased venous capacitance
- Decreased flow
- Decreased venous return
- Increased compression from baby
What are some maternal risk factors in the obstetric population for VTE?
- Personal History of VTE
- High BMI
- Family history of VTE
- Age >35
- Ethnicity
- Thrombophilic markers
- Infection
- Smoking
- Varicose veins
What are some pregnancy-related risk factors in the obstetric population for VTE?
Hyperemesis Immobility - 7-10 x risk Caesarean section Multiple pregnancy Multiparity Preeclampsia PPH IVF
Which thrombophilia has the greatest relative risk in pregnancy?
antithrombin deficiency
In what clinical circumstances do we give both pre and postpartum thromboprophylaxis?
Single unprovoked VTE VTE on COCP + 1 RF Provoked extensive DVT/PE Provoked BK DVT + 1 RF No VTE but >3 RF
In what clinical circumstances are 6/52 postpartum VTE prophylaxis warranted?
Provoked VTE with no RF
> 2 RF
What are the options for VTE pharmacoprophylaxis in obstetrics?
LMWH: safe in pregnancy and breastfeeding
Heparin: safe in both
Warfarin: safe in breastfeeding only
DOACs: not safe for either
What are the most common presenting signs/symptoms of VTE in pregnancy?
Dyspnoea in 60-70% 70-90% left leg 70-90% iliofemoral Chest/back pain 66% Cough 37% Collapse
What is a useful clinical prediction model for DVT in pregnancy?
Equal: leg circumference difference >2cm
FT: first trimester
in combination will detect around 75% of DVT in pregnancy
What are the 4 key causes for obstetric haemorrhage (4 Ts)
list some risk factors for each
- multipary
- prolonged second stage
- fetal macrosomia
- instrumental delivery
- advanced maternal age
- fibroids
- uterine rupture
- cervical/vaginal/perineal tear
- operative delivery
- retained products
- placenta praevia
- placenta accreta
- abruption
- thrombocytopenia
- hereditary bleeding disorder
What are some key laboratory indicators of severe PPH?
plt <50 PT >1.5x upper limit fibrinogen <2 temp <35 ph <7.2, BE -6, lactate >4 ionised Ca <1.1
What differentiates between primary, secondary and major obstetric haemorriage?
>500ml within first 24 hours
>500ml 25 hours - 6 weeks
What are some key considerations for obstetric management of those with bleeding disorders?
factor levels at booking factor levels 28-34 weeks controlled 3rd stage TXA 10-14 days postpartum can give neuraxial anaesthesia >50% replace with FVIII or IX or DDAVP if levels <50%
Are c sections or vaginal births preferred in bleeding disorders?
LUSCS decrease risk of ICH in neonates