Module 8 - Oxidation Flashcards
What is oxidation? What is reduction?
Oxidation is a chemical change in which electrons are lost from a substrate.
This change increases the substrate’s oxidation state and the substrate is said to be oxidised.
Reduction is the opposite of oxidation; it is a chemical change with gain of electrons by a substrate.
This change decreases the substrate’s oxidation state.
What is an oxidising agent?
A substance that causes oxidation is called an oxidising agent.
What are the components of wine that most readily undergo oxidation?
Phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, sulfur dioxide and/or ethanol.
What are the components of wine that most readily undergo reduction?
Oxygen (which is
dissolved in the wine) and hydrogen peroxide.
The reduced form of these reagents will generally have an increase in the number of bonds to hydrogen in the product.
In winemaking what initiates oxidation processes?
Reaction occurs through catalysts that mediate the reaction between oxygen and substrates.
In winemaking they are ions of certain heavy metals, particularly copper and iron. These may either be free or complexed ions in solution, as is the case for non‑enzymatic oxidation, or they may be present in the active site of biological catalysts called enzymes, as is the case for copper ions in enzymatic oxidation.
What is the oxidising agent in winemaking and what is it reduced to?
In winemaking, both enzymatic and non‑enzymatic oxidations use oxygen as the oxidising agent and it is
(ultimately) reduced to water.
Can oxidation progress in wine without oxygen?
Oxidation uses molecular oxygen as the primary oxidising agent. If oxygen is not available then oxidation
generally cannot proceed; if its availability is lowered then oxidation will be decreased.
Can oxidation occur in wine in the absence of catalysts?
Oxidation can only occur through the action of catalysts. If catalysts are only available at particularly low
concentrations then oxidation will proceed very slowly.
Factors that reduce the concentration or activity of these catalysts will reduce the extent of oxidation.
Is oxidation of wine usually reversible?
Much energy is released during oxidation. For this reason, if catalysts and oxygen are available the reaction
will proceed readily and not usually be reversible.
What does the sensory description of ‘reduction’ refer to?
The sensory description of ‘reduction’ refers to the accumulation of low molecular weight sulfur compounds (e.g. hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol) in a wine, while chemical reduction represents the overall gain of electrons by at least one atom in a compound.
It just so happens that the sensory ‘reduction’ character often occurs when wines are stored for long periods in conditions of low
oxygen concentration. Given that wines gained ‘oxidation’ sensory characters in the presence of oxygen, the sensory characters they gained in conditions of low oxygen became known as ‘reduced’.
What is the principal substrate of oxidation in wine or juice?
What is the main oxidation product of a phenolic compound?
The principal substrates of oxidation in wine or juice are phenolic compounds.
The main oxidation product of a phenolic compound, which is an ortho-quinone.
Why is ascorbic acid artificially to juice or wine?
Ascorbic acid is readily oxidisable.
It reacts very rapidly with dissolved oxygen, can act as an oxygen scavenger, and may be added artificially to juice or wine for this purpose.
Does sulfur dioxide react as an antioxidant by combining directly with oxygen?
Studies of sulfur dioxide reactivity do not support this.
It reacts so slowly at the pH of wine that it is not competitive with other wine substrates.
It does have other important roles, described later, but does not scavenge or combine with oxygen directly.
What are the main effects of oxidation?
- development of brown colouration, not only through colourless phenolic compounds becoming brown but
also through red phenolic pigments, if present, becoming brown - precipitation of phenolic material as a result of oxidised phenolic compounds reacting with proteins to give
- insoluble protein‑quinone products;
precipitation of phenolic material as a result of oxidation-induced polymerisation of phenolic compounds - flavour loss, or, masking of flavour by oxidation‑produced aroma substances
- premature ageing in the resulting wine
- decreases of concentration of sulfur dioxide and ascorbic acid.
What is an important effect of non-enzymatic oxidation?
Its ability to produce acetaldehyde by
oxidation of ethanol
Why is the oxidation of wine generally more detrimental than oxidation of juice?
Some effects of juice oxidation can be reversed or partially reversed by the reducing environment of primary
yeast fermentation.
Additionally, juice oxidation is principally enzymatic oxidation, which does not have some of the side‑effects that non‑enzymatic oxidation can have.
If oxygen is consumed through oxidation, its rate of replacement by oxygen from the air will depend upon a number of factors:
The surface area exposed to air.
The volume of liquid.
The flow of air and liquid at their interface.
The dissolved oxygen content of the liquid.
The oxygen content of the gas.
Oxidation can be retarded by reducing the availability of oxygen.
How can this be achieved?
- Minimising exposure to the gas phase, for example by use of closed tanks and enclosed presses and
drainers; avoidance of splashing or aeration; maintaining tanks and barrels without ullage space; use of tall, narrow containers rather than squat, broad containers, and handling large volumes in preference to small volumes; - Reducing the oxygen content of the gas phase by addition of inert gasses, e.g. inert gas blanketing in
containers, inert gas flushing of hoses, and use of inert gas flushing in bottling; - Reducing the dissolved oxygen concentration by sparging juice or wine with inert gas.
Is enzymatic or non-enzymatic processes more important in wine (vs juice)?
The catalytic effect of oxidative enzymes is strong and enzymatic oxidation is much more rapid than
non‑enzymatic oxidation. However, loss of enzymatic activity can occur with time, so although enzymatic
processes are the more important in juice, non‑enzymatic processes become important in wine
What two oxidative enzymes are of particular concern in winemaking?
What compounds do they act on?
Two oxidative enzymes are of particular concern in winemaking, catechol oxidase and laccase.
They act on a complex group of compounds called ‘polyphenolic’ compounds.
What influence do enzymes have on oxidation?
- They act catalytically to speed up the process. Under conditions favourable to the operation of an enzyme, oxidation is very much more rapid than without it;
- They are selective in the type of oxidation process that they carry out, and may bring about processes that
are not possible without them; - They are selective in the type of substrate that they oxidise. An enzyme will generally oxidise only certain types of components.
Is hydrogen peroxide produced from oxygen during enzymatic oxidation?
Note that, unlike non-enzymatic oxidation, hydrogen peroxide is not produced from oxygen during the process.
Enzymatic oxidation, therefore, does not generate a further oxidising agent such as hydrogen peroxide but converts oxygen directly to water.
Where is catechol oxidase (phenolase, polyphenol oxidase or tyrosinase) found?
How does it find its way into juice or wine?
Catechol oxidase is an oxidative enzyme that is naturally present in the grape berry, mainly associated with membranes within cells, particularly in chloroplasts.
Although this ties the enzyme to the solid parts of the grape
berry, the enzyme becomes increasingly released into the juice during berry ripening.
Membrane‑bound enzyme
can also act upon juice components and become released into juice during grape processing. The greater the cell damage and the longer the juice‑solids contact, the more these are likely to occur.
What is an important characteristic of catechol oxidase (phenolase, polyphenol oxidase or tyrosinase)?
An important characteristic of the enzyme is that it undergoes gradual inactivation during oxidations of phenolic compounds. This is due to irreversible binding of the enzyme to oxidised phenolic compounds, leading to loss of
Where does laccase come from?
This enzyme is not a berry component but an enzyme of many fungi.
It is secreted into the berry through the hyphae of Botrytis cinerea infecting the berry; it is therefore an enzyme characteristic of infected fruit.
The enzyme is completely soluble and readily finds its way into the juice.
It can oxidise a wider range of phenolic substrates including red pigments and ascorbic acid. This is because as well as oxidising phenolic compounds with adjacent hydroxyl groups, as for catechol oxidase, laccase can oxidise phenolic compounds with a single hydroxyl group
The enzyme is much more resistant towards inactivation than catechol oxidase, to the point that although
catechol oxidase activity is seldom found to persist through to the wine, laccase activity can still be strong in the wine.
Why is laccase give rise to problems with wines made from Botrytis infected red grapes?
What problems arise?
The strong activity of laccase towards oxidation of red grape pigments and the persistence of its activity into the
wine gives rise to particular problems with Botrytis infected red grapes.
Oxidation of the pigments leads to loss of red colour and yellowing.
What effect does pH have on catechol oxidase?
Catechol oxidase is very active in the pH range encountered in winemaking. It has optimum activity at pH 4.8 with a broad range of activity from pH 3 to pH 5.
Activity falls to about 80% of maximum activity at pH 3. However, the stability of the enzyme with time is best close to pH 7, and in the usual winemaking pH range its activity gradually decreases. This instability contributes to the ease of avoiding catechol oxidase activity after primary fermentation.
What effect does pH have on Laccase?
Laccase from Botrytis has both strong activity and good stability in the usual pH range of winemaking.
An optimum pH of 4.7 is shown in its activity towards some phenolic compounds, and an optimum of pH 4.0 towards red grape pigments.
The stability of laccase contributes further to the dangers of it in must and wine since the optimum pH for stability is 3.4 and it remains stable over the range pH 2.5‑7.0.
What is the effect of temperature on catechol oxidase?
Catechol oxidase shows maximum activity at 30 C and is instantaneously deactivated at 75‑80 C.
At intermediate temperatures it can undergo gradual loss of activity, for instance an 80% loss of activity at 65 C after 3 minutes.
Why is flash pasteurisation used in some German wineries?
At the optimum pH of 4.75, the temperature optimum for laccase is somewhat higher than that for catechol oxidase, at 40‑50 C.
However the difference between the temperature for optimum activity and that of deactivation is small. At pH 3.4 it is very temperature sensitive and is inactivated in about 5 minutes at 45 C.
This temperature sensitivity indicates that heating of must can be an effective treatment for laccase problems. The technique also destroys bacteria of secondary infections of botrytised grapes. It is important that heating is rapid, to minimise the time at or near the
temperature optimum for activity, and that cooling is rapid, to minimise flavour changes resulting from the high temperatures.
Why is rapid cooling of musts beneficial in minimising oxidation?
For both enzymes, oxidation rates decrease rapidly as the temperature decreases below their temperature
The rate is about three times less at 10 C than at 30 C.
Rapid cooling of warm musts is therefore beneficial in minimising oxidation and in reducing the level of sulfur dioxide required to gain a certain degree of control.
What is the effect of sulfur dioxide on catechol oxidase?
Sulfur dioxide dramatically reduces the activity of catechol oxidase.
Typical results are a 90% loss of activity within minutes of addition of 40 ppm sulfur dioxide.
As the rate of enzymatic oxidation in must is rapid and there is often difficulty in excluding air in grape handling and processing, the rapid and effective protection afforded by sulfur dioxide is invaluable.
What is the effect of sulfur dioxide on the activity of laccase?
Laccase activity is much less inhibited by sulfur dioxide added in harvesting or to the must.
A study in Bordeaux of Cabernet Sauvignon containing about 30% rotten fruit showed only an 8% decrease of activity to result from an 80 ppm addition of sulfur dioxide. Often, addition rates of 200 ppm may be needed to seriously limit the enzyme’s action.
Why is there a need for much greater levels of sulfur dioxide addition when handling rotten fruit?
The relative insensitivity of laccase to sulfur dioxide, the high level of sulfur dioxide binding components, and
the need to suppress secondary aerobic bacterial infection all contribute to a need for much greater levels of sulfur dioxide addition when handling rotten fruit.
How is laccase activity detected in red wines?
In red wine, laccase activity is detectable by leaving a sample of the wine exposed to air overnight.
Laccase activity should be suspected if the sample develops a significant change of colour; cloudiness; a deposit; a loss of brightness to the colour, or an iridescent surface film.
If the activity is particularly strong, the colour turns towards yellow‑brown.
Why does the activity of catechol oxidase not persist through into red wines?
In red wine production, extraction of colour is accompanied by extraction of tannins into the wine.
These tannins bind to proteins by hydrogen bonding to form insoluble tannin‑protein complexes.
As oxidase enzymes are proteins, this complexing might be expected to occur with them also, leading to their removal from the wine during draining, racking and filtration processes.
Some activity may remain in white wines.
Why does juice settling and racking reduce the oxidation rate?
Catechol oxidase is largely membrane‑bound in the berry and some of it remains attached to the solid particles of the grape during processing. This insoluble component is removed from the juice during settling and racking; these operations typically accounting for a reduction of oxidation rate of about 40%.
Similarly, since much
catechol oxidase is attached to solid particles of the berry, its activity is found to be greater in pressings than in free run juice and greater in heavier pressings than in light pressings.
Why does settling and racking not effect the activity of laccase?
As laccase is a totally soluble enzyme,
settling and racking are without effect on its activity.
How do catechol oxidase and laccase interact with bentonite?
Bentonite interacts with and binds to certain types of proteins. Since enzymes are proteins, it is feasible that bentonite would combine with and remove these oxidative enzymes.
Catechol oxidase does combine to some degree with bentonite (for instance a 32% loss of activity has been noted with an addition rate of 1.0 g L of
However laccase is only slightly bound and not effectively removed.
What is non-enzymatic oxidation?
It requires oxygen, it mainly oxidises phenolic compounds and it involves metal ions as catalysts.
However these metal ions are not bound within an enzyme but are free or complexed in solution.
This type of oxidation is often called chemical oxidation.
Why is non-enzymatic oxidation only apparent in wine rather than in juice?
Non‑enzymatic oxidation is much slower than enzymatic oxidation; consequently it is usually only apparent when oxidative enzyme activity has declined, that is in wine.
Why is non-enzymatic oxidation important?
Although it is much slower than enzymatic oxidation, it is important because the time‑span of wine handling and storage is much greater than that of juice handling and storage.
It is also important because wine components other than phenols can become involved, and because some effects of juice oxidation can be reversed or masked by primary yeast fermentation.
Why has the careful removal of all traces of copper and iron from wine been found to result in virtual cessation of oxygen uptake?
Oxidation requires catalysis, and certain metal ions, notably copper and iron, play a very important role.
Careful removal of all traces of copper and iron from wine has been found to result in virtual cessation of oxygen uptake.
What happens to non-enzymatic oxidation as temperature increases?
Like any chemical reaction, oxidation is very temperature dependent.
An increase of 10o C gives a two‑ to three‑fold increase in reaction rate.
Why is oxidation favoured by high pH conditions?
Oxidation is favoured by high pH conditions because phenols are weakly acidic.
As the pH is raised, they increasingly exist as anions by loss of hydrogen ions.
Since anions are electron rich and oxidation involves electron‑removal, oxidation occurs much more readily as the pH is raised and the anion concentration increases.
What is a key difference between enzymatic and non-enzymatic oxidation of phenolic compounds?
Non-enzymatic oxidation leads to production of hydrogen peroxide in addition to ortho-quinones.
Why is the production of hydrogen peroxide in non-enzymatic oxidation of phenolic compounds important?
The hydrogen peroxide is important as it can lead to acetaldehyde production from ethanol, especially when the wine sulfur dioxide concentration in the wine is low.
What is the process that oxidises ethanol? How does it work?
Oxidation of ethanol arises from a process called coupled oxidation.
One oxidation leads to production of a further oxidising agent, different to oxygen itself, that can bring about a second and quite different oxidation.
The reaction results in the production of hydrogen peroxide which can act as an alternate oxidising agent to oxygen.
How does hydrogen peroxide contribute to sherry-like characters in wine?
Hydrogen peroxide is a very vigorous oxidising agent when in the presence of metal ions such as Fe(II). It is able to undergo rapid reduction by Fe(II) to produce a hydroxyl radical that is so reactive that it reacts at near diffusion controlled rates. That is, it reacts with the first thing in wine that it meets after being generated.
One substrate that exists in high concentration in wine and is oxidised is ethanol, and the product of this oxidation of ethanol by the hydroxyl radical is acetaldehyde.
If free sulfur dioxide levels are inadequate to bind the acetaldehyde, it will contribute to aroma (as a sherry‑like character) and can cause premature ageing of the wine.
How does sulfur dioxide protect against non-enzymatic oxidation?
Sulfur dioxide is sufficiently reactive with hydrogen peroxide to scavenge the vast majority of hydrogen peroxide before it can react with Fe(II), and thereby sulfur dioxide limits the subsequent conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde .
Sulfur dioxide is able to efficiently react with hydrogen peroxide to generate sulfuric acid.
What cautions should be remembered when using sulfur dioxide to protect against oxidation?
- it does not achieve this by reacting with and removing dissolved oxygen;
- it does not stop the first oxidation step leading to hydrogen peroxide production;
- it does not completely eliminate other oxidations by hydrogen peroxide, some acetaldehyde still forms;
- low levels of free sulfur dioxide are less effective than higher levels because the efficiency of the scavenging action depends upon the concentration of sulfur dioxide;
- formation of acetaldehyde from ethanol will result in binding of an equimolar quantity of free sulfur dioxide (see section on sulfur dioxide), reducing the concentration and protective effect of free sulfur dioxide.
What is polymerisation?
Polymerisation is the act of producing covalent bonds between substituent compounds.
What happens to polymerisation of the phenolics derived from the skins and seeds of grapes if acetaldehyde is present?
If acetaldehyde is present, a different polymerisation process is also possible.
Like polymerisation during ageing, this can lead to production of insoluble polymers, but it can occur more readily and rapidly than polymerisation during ageing, leading to a situation of premature development and ageing of the wine.
For the reaction of phenolic compounds with acetaldehyde, this process can lead to premature ageing, changes to the bitterness and astringency characteristics of the wine, and precipitation of red wine pigment.
How does sulfur dioxide protect against acetaldehyde-induced polymerisation?
Conversion of acetaldehyde to its bisulfite addition compound avoids acetaldehyde‑induced polymerisation.
Conversely, release of acetaldehyde from its bisulfite addition compound, if free sulfur dioxide is entirely lost, can lead to acetaldehyde-induced polymerisation of phenolic compounds.
Why is sulfur dioxide important in preventing the formation of coloured products from dehydroascorbic acid?
- Scavenging of oxygen by ascorbic acid is a metal ion catalysed process in which ascorbic acid is oxidised by a pathway analogous to the oxidation of phenols.
- It produces hydrogen peroxide which may induce oxidation of ethanol or be scavenged by sulfur dioxide.
- Ascorbic acid may also react with the hydrogen peroxide that is produced by oxidation of phenolic compounds or ascorbic acid by dissolved oxygen, but it is relatively inefficient in this role compared to sulfur dioxide.
- The dehydroascorbic acid produced from the reaction of ascorbic acid with oxygen can undergo further reactions leading to yellowing of wine unless free sulfur dioxide is present.
- Therefore, in combination with ascorbic acid, sulfur dioxide is important not only in scavenging hydrogen peroxide but also in preventing the formation of coloured products from dehydroascorbic acid.
Is the reaction of dissolved oxygen with sulfur dioxide fast or slow in wine conditions?
Reaction of dissolved oxygen with sulfur dioxide is exceedingly slow and essentially negligible in wine conditions.
What is the primary reaction of oxygen in wine?
Reaction of dissolved oxygen with phenolic compounds or ascorbic acid is generally the primary reaction of oxygen and it is catalysed by metal ions.
What does the oxidation of phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid by dissolved oxygen produce?
Oxidation of phenolic compounds and ascorbic acid by dissolved oxygen produces hydrogen peroxide, a vigorous oxidising agent when Fe(II) is present.
In addition to hydrogen peroxide, the oxidation of phenolic compounds produces what?
ortho-quinones, and
the oxidation of ascorbic acid produces dehydroascorbic acid.
What scavenges hydrogen peroxide?
Hydrogen peroxide can be scavenged by sulfur dioxide.
How does acetaldehyde production reduce free sulfur dioxide levels?
- Oxidation of ethanol by hydrogen peroxide and Fe(II) gives acetaldehyde.
- The actual oxidising agent is the hydroxyl radical.
- Acetaldehyde can affect aroma and cause polymerisation of phenolic compounds if free sulfur dioxide is not available to bind it.
- Acetaldehyde production reduces free sulfur dioxide levels.
What contributes to the browning that is noticed as rapid oxidation of juice takes place?
One is that quinone forms are more yellow‑brown in colour than the parent phenolic compound, which are usually colourless or very slightly yellow.
The colour of the quinone form contributes to the browning that is noticed as rapid oxidation of juice takes place.
The quinone structure is very reactive. What are further reactions following the oxidation step that forms quinones?
Important further reactions are those with:
- proteins,
- phenolic compounds,
- ascorbic acid
- free sulfur dioxide (or more specifically the bisulfite ion)
Why do ortho-quinone compounds react with electron rich compounds?
The ortho-quinone compound is an example of an electrophilic compound.
That is, it generally reacts with other compounds that are electron rich as it has two adjacent carbonyl groups that are considered electron deficient.
This in turn means that the compound has several sites of positive character associated with it that are ideal sites at which electron rich compounds can react with.
What process gives rise to the precipitation of brown oxidised material when white juice oxidises?
Quinones react readily with proteins. The products are often insoluble and separate from solution as a dark precipitate.
Reaction of quinones with proteins is particularly likely in white juice or wine, prior to protein removal with bentonite, since protein levels are then generally high.
What other type of phenolic material are quinones likely to react with?
Flavonoids are more reactive to quinones than non-flavonoids.
Why is the reaction of quinones with flavonoids more beneficial that with proteins?
The reaction of quinones with flavonoids is more beneficial than reaction with proteins because it can lead to a regeneration of a diphenol; the type of phenolic unit present before oxidation to a quinone.
What explains the better stability of red wines towards oxidation?
The reaction of quinones with flavonoids is more beneficial than reaction with proteins because it can lead to a regeneration of a diphenol; the type of phenolic unit present before oxidation to a quinone.
This process is favoured by a high flavonoid content (to favour quinone‑phenol reactions) and a low protein content (to minimise quinone‑protein reactions); it is therefore mainly important in red wine.
The better stability of red wines towards oxidation is related to this process.
How does ascorbic acid react with quinones to protect against oxidation? Why is sulfur dioxide required in addition to ascorbic acid?
Reaction with ascorbic acid converts the quinone directly back to the original phenolic form before the quinone can participate in detrimental reactions.
In the process, ascorbic acid is oxidised to dehydroascorbic acid, so free sulfur dioxide is required to avoid further conversion of it to yellow‑coloured products.
Why does the reaction of quinones with free sulfur dioxide reduce the free and total sulfur dioxide concentration?
Reaction of quinones with free sulfur dioxide is quite analogous to the binding of sulfur dioxide to carbonyl compounds; the product is a bisulfite addition compound.
However, often the process is not reversible, meaning that the binding results in a decrease in both the free and total sulfur dioxide concentration
What explains the oxidative stability of red wines?
- higher concentration of phenolic material in red wines.
- red wine can spread the effects of that oxidation over more phenolic material and give the appearance of being less affected.
- also, many oxidative spoilage aroma compounds of wine are volatile aldehyde compounds, and red wine has a higher concentration of phenolic compounds that can react with these aldehydes and convert them to non-volatile forms.
- aldehydes that are in a non-volatile form cannot undergo transition from the wine solution to its headspace and therefore cannot be detected upon aroma analysis of the wine.