Module 8: Long Term Obligations Flashcards
Bond Anticipation Notes
short term interest bearing notes issued by a lendor in the expectation that they will soon be replaced by long-term bonds
Capital Leases
a lease which is essentially an installment purchase and meets the criteria of FASB statement 11. The lessee (purchaser) records the acquired property as an asset and corresponding recognizes the present value of the agreed upon lease payments as a liability
Certificate of Partcipation
A long term debt instrument that, although similar in economic substance to a bond, is secured by a long term capital lease
Conduit Debt
obligations issued in the name of a government on behalf of a non-governmental entity. The debt is expected to be serviced by the non-government entity
Debt Margin
the difference between the amount of the debt outstanding computed according to applicable legal provisionand the maximum amount of debt that can legally be issued
Demand Bonds
long term debt instruments with demand provisions that require the issuer to repurchase the bonds, upon noitce from the bondholder, at a special price that is usually equal to the principal plus accrued interest. To ensure their ability to redeem the bonds, issuers of the demand bonds frequently enter into standby liquidity agreements with banks or other financial instruments
Fiscal Funding Clause
A clause in a lease agreement providing that the lease is cancelable if the legislature or other funding authority does not appropriate the funds necessary for the govt unit to fulfill its obligations under the lease agreement
Industrial Development Bonds
bonds issued by governmental units at low interest rates to encourage private development in their area. Repayment of the debt is expected to be the responsibility of the beneficiary of the bond
the condition of being unable to meet debts or discharge liabilities owing to a defciency of avilable financial resources
the entity that rents an asset fro the asset’s owner, the lessor
the owner of rental property who transfers the right to use the property for a specified fee and for a specified period of time, ot the user, the lessee
long term debt
in government, obligations that are not expected to be paid with currently available financial resources. In not-for-profits, obligations that are not expected to be paid in cash or other operating assets within one year or the entity’s normal operating cycle
moral obligation debt
bonds or notes issued by one entity (usually a state agency), but backed by the implied (not legally binding) promise of another entity (usually the state itself) to make up any debt service deficiencies
nonappropriation clause
A clause in a lease agreement providing that the lease is cancelable if the legislature or other funding authority does not appropriate the funds necessary for the govt unit to fulfill its obligations under the lease agreement
noncommitment debt
obligations issued in the name of a government on behalf of a non-governmental entity. The debt is expected to be serviced by the non-government entity