Module 8-Environmental Pathology Flashcards
Coal Worker’s Pneumoconiosis is due to what?
Inhalation of coal dust which leads to black lung disease
also in the stem look for coal workers
In coal workers pneumoconiosis there are 3 types, each card will go through the types. Type 1 —
Asymptomatic: accumulation of carbon in perilymphatic regions and lymph nodes
2nd type of coal workers pneumoconiosis is…
- Simple: aggregation of carbon-laden macrophages in nodules and macules
- -occurs in the upper lobes
- -Macules: macrophages containing coal
- -Nodules: multiple macrophages with fibrosis, more common
- -may cause dilation of alveoli (focal dust emphysema)
3rd type of coal workers pneumoconiosis is…
- Complicated: progressive massive fibrosis
–coalescence of modules into fibrosis scars
–large blackened scars
—significant resp impairment
(note that as the coal miner is exposed to more and more coal then the pathology goes from simple to complicated)
Why is complicated pneumoconiosis more dangerous?
Because your exposed to more coal and macrophages (dust cells) start secreting TGFbeta and TGFbeta starts recruiting fibroblasts —- leads to fibrosis
What are the signs and symptoms of pneumoconiosis?
Interstitial dry cough and SOB
What would be the spirometry results for pneumoconiosis?
normal FEV/FVC (the air that is in can get out fine) (they are both decreases which is why the ratio is normal) TLC low (aka cant get the air in ) restrictive lung disease
What are complications for pneumoconiosis?
Cor pulmonale Contraction atelectasis (b/c of fibrosis)
Explain the coal rank
Ratio of carbon to other materials
–higher ratio of other materials associated with higher risk of CWP
aka you want a low rank!!!!
Asbestosis is due to inhalation of asbestos fibers, what common population?
SHIP YARD WORKERS (this will be in the stem)
—others mining, construction workers , milling or home insulation
What are the two shapes of the asbestosis fibers?
Amphobole: straight/stiff and more dangerous because it penetrates the lower lobes
Crystotile: curly/flexible and less pathogenic because more easily removed by mucociliary apparatus.
Asbestosis causes diffuse interstitial fibrosis (not nodular) in ________ lobes around bronchioles, alveolar ducts and interstitum
What does asbestosis look like on gross appearance?
Honeycomb lung: fibrosis
- -thickening of the pleura
- –see thickening of RV — cor pulmonale
- -asbestos in the lymph nodes — bilateral hilar lymphadenopathy —carcinoma
- –large pleural mass in the recess – obliteration of pleural space
- –all indications of mesothelioma
What does asbestosis look like on histology?
Asbestos body —- Ferruginous bodies: macrophages + asbestos fibers
- -macrophages attempt to phagocytize asbesto fiber – macrophages coat fiber with iron (from their own ferritin) – ferric state — beaded structures with translucent macrophages
- -H & E: Golden Brown
- –Prussian Blue: blue
Asbestosis is a restrictive lung disease so what would you expect on spirometry?
normal FEV1/FVC
low TLC