Module 7 - The Cytoskeleton Flashcards
provides cells shape and structure
- necessary for the shape of specialized structures in differentiated cells such as microtubules in cilia and actin in microvilli of epithelial cells
- cell shapes depends upon the unique functions of different filaments, and so in neurons we see microtubules providing structures to the elongated axons, while actin provides shape and function to the growth cone
- cytoskeleton must also. be dynamic to provide movement such as migration of cells and cell division
3 classes of filaments in eukaryotic cells
- defined by their diameter and type of subunit used as building blocks
1) actin filaments = typically labelled using fluorescently tagged phalloiding molecule, phalloiding binds to actin monomers with a high affinity and high specificity, but it also stabilizes the filament when bound. Actin can also be labelled with an antibody to actin or with a protein fusion such as actin GFP
2) microtubules = labelled using antibodies specific to one of the tubulin subunits or using a protein fusion such as tubulin GFP
3) intermediate filaments = there are many types of IFs that can be labelled using an antibody specific to a monomeric subunit of the filament or a GFP fusion protein
Filament composition
each filament is constructed from smaller protein subunits to form a long polymer
1) actin = thinnest filament and are composed of monomeric actin subunits
2) microtubules = the thickest filament and are made up of dimeric subunits of alpha and beta-tubulin
3) many intermediate filaments each is assembled. from a different protein or set of proteins
filament distribution
3 filaments are distributed differently in each type of cell
in epithelial cells:
1) actin forms the shape of the microvilli at the apical cell surface
2) intermediate filaments span the cell to provide structural support. ones made with lamin proteins form the nuclear lamina that provides structure and shape to the nucleus
3) microtubules form networks for intracellular transport
motor proteins
there are filament specific motor proteins that track along actin filaments and microtubules
- myosin proteins move along actin filaments
- kinesin and dynein track along microtubules
- general structure: head domain binds to a cytoskeletal fiber and the tail domain attaches to a cargo
- ATP hydrolysis provides energy for walking
Actin based structures and movement
- highest density of actin is at the cell periphery
- actin filaments underlying the cell membrane determine the shape and movement of the cell surface
- typical actin based functions include the establishment of microvilli, the formation of contractile bundles that form the sarcomeres that power muscle cell contraction
- formation of filipodia and lamellipodia needed for cell migration and contractile ring that directs cytokinesis
actin filament structure
are 2 stranded helical polymers with each polymer build from actin monomers called G-actin
actin filament polarity
actin filaments are polar, 2 ends look and behave differently from one another
- myosin head protein binds in just one orientation on the actin filament
- under the EM can see the proteins point away from the actin filament
- defines a plus and minus end based on the rate of actin polymerization
- (+) end grows more quickly through the. addition of more actin subunits and has a barbed appearance (chevron end of arrow)
- (-) end grows more slowly and may shrink and has a pointed appearance
G-actin monomer
a single actin monomer globular actin (G-actin) is divided into 4 structural domains with a large cleft between domains 2 and 4
- cleft forms an ATP nucleotide binding site
- each actin monomer is polar, thus the microfilaments built up from these subunits are also polar
- ATP binding pocked is pointed to the minus end of. the elongating polymer, so that the ATP binding pocket of each monomer is not exposed within a filament except for a pair of monomers right at the minus end
actin polymerization and depolymerization
- an actin filament is not a static structure
- it is dynamic, constantly engaging in polymerization and depolymerization
- can occur at plus and minus end, but tends to be more growth at plus and more shrinkage at minus-end
- ATP binding regulates the growth and disassembly of the actin filaments
- Actin ATP monomers in the cytosol can join the plus end as long as the [ ] of actin ATP is high enough
- actin as intrinsic ATPase activity that hydrolyzed ATP to ADP and replaces inorganic phosphate (Pi)
- this happens within the polymer so that most of the actin filament is made up of actin-ADP
- ADP is not released because the nucleotide-binding site is covered in the actin filament
- the rate of polymerization is greater than the rate of depolymerization at the (+) end where actin-ATP monomers are added
- Actin-ADP tends to come off the (-) end readily where the rate of depolymerization is greater than the rate of polymerization
- in the cytosol, free actin-ADP can release ADP and exchange it for ATP
-filamentous actin (F-actin) is created through the polymerization of actin monomers
critical concentration
concentration. at which the rate of actin monomer addition is equal to the rate of removal, means no net growth at that end
- if the [ ] of actin monomers is greater than the critical [ ], then the rate of polymerization will exceed the rate of depolymerization and the end of the filament will grow
- if the [ ] of actin monomers is lower than the critical [ ], then the rate of depolymerization will exceed the rate of polymerization, and the end of the filament will shrink
- the critical [ ] and the working [ ] of actin monomers are different at each of the ends so that different dynamics can be seen at each end
factors regulating the rates of actin dynamics in the cell
- prolifin: binds to actin-ATP promoting ATP binding and activating the monomer. The prolific actin dimers accumulate at the plus end, increasing the local [ ] of active actin monomers
- thymosin: binds to actin monomers and inhibits polymerization, however thymosin actin dimers also accumulate at the plus end, creating a buffer of stored actin monomers
- capping proteins: at the ends of actin filaments can inhibit polymerization or depolymerization
- a phenomenon observed with actin filaments in which there is no net increase in the length of the filament because the rate of polymerization at the (+) end is equal to the rate of depolymerization at the (-) end
- while there is. no increase in the length of the filament, the relative position of the filament in the cell is changing, and effectively the filament is moving forward
actin and cell migration
actin filaments can power the movement of cells through the reorganization of actin filaments that push out the cell membrane
-thisis observed through formation of filipodia and lamellipodia in a migrating cell
Myosin: AF-based motor
myosin motor proteins area able to move along actin filaments and power intracellular cargo trafficking
- 8 identified family members
- myosin I, II, and V are present in nearly all eukaryotic cells and distinguished by structure and function
- all share a characteristic motor (head) domain at the N-terminus which has a site that binds actin filaments and a site that binds and hydrolyzed ATP to drive the motor
- while head domains of myosin are similar, tail domains are highly divergent in order to carry different cargo at different rates
- most myosin moves towards the plus. end of actin filaments
myosin II
contains 2 heavy chains that form a coiled coil motif and 4 light chains of 2 distinct types
-the motor domain heads can be seen as small globular domains at the top of the tails
regulation of myosin assembly
phosphorylation of myosin light chains of myosin II by a MLC kinase drives polymerization of the myosin proteins by initiating extension of the myosin tails and activating the actin binding domain on the motor heads
myosin II bipolar thick filament
- an assembly of 15-20 myosin II proteins forms a bipolar filament called myosin II thick filament
- bipolar filament has myosin motor heads to the left and right of a bare patch of myosin tails
- the motor heads are exposed for association with actin filaments
contractile muscles
- contain sarcomeres
- within the multinucleated contractile skeletal muscle cells, the myosin II thick filaments are associated with actin filaments (thin filaments) into a structure called a sarcomere
- the term “striated muscle” comes from the appearance of these structures
- the plus end of the actin filaments are fixed to Z-discs within the sarcomere
- capping proteins cap the ends, tropomodulin at the minus end and capZ at the plus end
- nebulin binds together parallel actin filaments
- the myosin thick filament are in the middle, they are also attached to the Z-discs but by a giant molecular spring called the titin protein