Vaccine against MTB is called
BCG (Bacillus of Calmette and
BCG is consists of a live attenuated strain derived from [?]. It is given at birth (or anytime after birth) as a single dose by
intradermal route. It is a component part of the National Immunization
Program in the Philippines.
Mycobacterium bovis
The BCG vaccine is not 100% effective. Studies suggest a [?] % effective
rate in children.
The BCG vaccine does not prevent [?], only disease. BCG given at
earliest possible age protects the possibility of TB meningitis and other TB
infections in which infants are prone.
The BCG vaccine cannot circumvent [?] in previously exposed individuals
disease reactivation
BCG Vaccination may complicate the way the tuberculin skin test is read
because it causes [?]. In places that do not vaccinate, the skin test may be used to monitor the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.
false positives
Prompt initiation of effective TB treatment of people with TB disease is recommended to reduce MTB transmission.
Treatment is given to individuals who are at risk of developing active TB disease to reduce that risk and transmission. Also referred to as LTBI treatment or preventive therapy.
TB Preventive treatment (TPT)
Covering one’s mouth when coughing minimizes the spread of potentially infectious aerosols, including those laden with MTB. Surgical face masks should be used among patients presumed or confirmed to have infectious PTB until they are deemed non-infectious.
Respiratory separatio
[?] people with presumed or demonstrated infectious TB is recommended to reduce MTB transmission
have greatly reduced M. bovis infections.
Eradication of tuberculosis in cattle; pasteurization of milk
Control measures depend on:
1. Prompt and adequate treatment of all discovered cases.
2. Follow up on sources of infection and their contacts so they can be
3. Educating people about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including
providing information about the proper use of barrier contraceptives.
4. Serologic screening of high-risk populations should be performed, and to
avoid congenital syphilis, pregnant women should undergo serologic
testing during early and late pregnancy.
Treponema pallidum
Chemoprophylaxis — The antibiotics of choice are [?, ?]. Since mycoplasmas lack a cell wall, the penicillins and
cephalosporins are ineffective.
- tetracycline (adults only)
- erythromycin
Patient isolation is a problem due to the long duration of the disease. It is
problematic to isolate patients to avoid close contact for a long period of
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
No vaccines are currently available
Mycoplasma pneumoniae