Module 7: Investments and Pensions Flashcards
ISAs can be in (3)
Interest, dividends and capital gains through ISAs are
Tax free
Annual limits for ISAs
16-17 years old = £20,000 but only in cash ISAs
<16 years old = £4260, no withdrawals before 18th birthday
Help to buy ISA saving
£200 per month
Bonus on help to buy ISA
25% on purchase of first residential property (limited to max bonus of £3000)
Bonus on help to buy ISA only payable when
Property being purchased costs < £450,000 in London and < £250,000 elsewhere
Help to buy ISA only available until
November 2019
LISA can be opened by UK resident individuals aged
LISA - annual saving
Up to £4000 pa until aged 50
Savings in LISA count towards
Annual ISA limit of £20,000
Bonus paid
25% paid by government on total amount paid into LISA excluding interest/ growth
Withdrawal of LISA
From 60th birthday or after 1 year if being used to purchase first residential property < £450,000 anywhere
Enterprise investment scheme cannot
Reduce IT liability to a negative number
If shares sold within 3 years EIS
IT reducer is clawed back - increases tax due
Amount of EIS clawed back
Sale proceeds x initial rate of relief received
If the shares in EIS/ VCT are given away (other than to spouse/ partner or on death)
Full tax reducer is clawed back
Capital loss on disposal of shares EIS
Can be set off against gains OR set against net income in year of disposal or PY
When calculating loss on disposal of shares
(Proceeds less cost) Cost is reduced by amount of any EIS tax reducer claimed on investment
Venture capital trust
Quoted company approved by HMRC which invests in unquoted shares
Venture capital trusts (VCTs) IT clawback
If shares sold within 5 years
Clawback same as EIS:
Sale proceeds x initial rate of relief received