Module 6 Vocabulary Flashcards
An organized collection of rows and columns of similarly structured data on a worksheet.
A collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval, and use of that data.
A row of data in a table, representing a complete set of field values for a specific person, place, object, event or idea; also called a tuple.
A column containing a specific property for each record, such as a person, place, object, event, or idea.
Banded Row
Rows in a table that are formatted in alternating colors.
Table Array
A table of information in which data is looked up.
Lookup Table
A table that stores the data you want to retrieve with a lookup function; also called a table array.
HLOOKUP Function
Searches for a value in the top row of a table or an array of values, and then returns a value in the same column from a row you specify in the table or array; used when comparison values are located in a row across the top of a table of data.
VLOOKUP Function
A function that returns values from a vertical lookup table.
Lookup Value
The value that is being looked up in a lookup table.
Table Arguments
The left columns in a table array.
Return Value
The data values being retrieved by the lookup function from a lookup table.
Column Index Number
The column location of the return value within the table array.
Calculated Field
A field whose values are not entered but calculated based on other fields.
Computational Field
A table column or field that contains a formula, function, cell reference, structured reference, or condition.
Structured Reference
A reference that allows table formulas to refer to table columns by names that are automatically generated when the table is created.
Data Bars
In conditional cell formatting, colored horizontal rectangles in a cell; the larger the number, the wider the data bar.
To organize data, such as table rows, items in a list, or records in a mail merge, in ascending or descending order, based on criteria such as date, alphabetical order, file size, or filename.
Ascending Order
The arrangement of text alphabetically from A to Z, numbers from smallest to largest, and dates from oldest to newest.
Descending Order
Data sorted from highest to lowest, most recent to earliest, or alphabetically from Z to A.
Sort Keys
The field or fields on which records are sorted in a query.
A logical rule by which data is tested and chosen.
A request for information from a data source.
Search String
The sequence of letters you enter in a search box.
Wildcard Characters
A special symbol that substitutes for unknown characters in search text; the most common are the question mark (?), which stands for any single character, and the asterisk (*), which represents any group of characters.
Criteria Range
A location separate from the table used to list specific search specifications.
Extract Range
A range in which Excel copies the records that meet the comparison criteria in the criteria range in a search or filter to another part of the worksheet.
A function that calculates the average of numbers in a table field that pass a test.
DCOUNT Function
A function that counts the number of numeric entries in a table field that pass a test.
MATCH Function
The function that returns the position number of an item in a range or table.
INDEX Function
An alphabetical list of terms and topics and the page numbers on which they appear; usually appearing at the end of a document.
AND Function
A logical function that returns the word TRUE if both arguments are true.
OR Function
A logical function that returns TRUE if either part of the condition is true.
XOR Function
A rarely used logical function that returns TRUE if either argument is true, and returns FALSE if both are true or false.
NOT Function
A logical function that uses a single argument and returns TRUE is the condition is false.
A function that lets you change the orientation of a range - that is, return a vertical range of cells as a horizontal range, or vice versa.
An Excel function that calculates the average of values within a range that meet multiple criteria.
Control Field
A field on which you sort.
Outline Symbols
In Outline view, the buttons that, when clicked, change the amount of detail that appears in the outlined worksheet.
Treemap Chart
An Excel chart that provides a hierarchical, visual view of data, making it easy to spot patterns and trends.