Module 6 review sheet Flashcards
Describe the difference between edema and lymphedema
Edema is fluid accumulation in interstitial tissue from any cause whereas lymphedema is specific to an issue in the lymphatic tissue.
DVT is asymptomatic in about _____ of all cases
there is _____ cure for lymphedema
no cure
Unless a massage therapist has specifically trained in Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD), massage should be _____ on areas with lymphedema
3 primary functions of the lymphatic system
drain and filter excess interstitial fluid
transport dietary lipids
carries out immune response
What should you do as a MT if your client has neuropathy?
Communication is key – continually check in on how the cl is doing and what feels good or doesn’t feel good so that tx can be adjusted as needed.
5 risk factors of DVT
cigarette smoking
hx of DVT, stroke, heart attack, hypertension, sepsis
prolonged bed rest
2 sx of DVT
pain in affected legs that may feel like cramping or soreness
swelling in affected leg
What precautions need to be taken as an MT if your client arrives with
swollen tissue that appears to be from fluid build-up?
- Area of swelling should be avoided
- Elevate affected area
- Potentially postpone massage until cl had consulted physician and ruled out DVT, other blood clot, or lymphedema.