Module 6: Financial Valuation Methods Part 1 Flashcards
Price Earnings ratio (P/E ratio)
P/E ratio = stock price or value today/EPS expected in one year (next four quarters) aka the “forward P/E ratio”
or “Trailing P/E ratio” aka EPS in the past year (last four quarters”
PEG ratio
PEG= (stock price or value today/Expected EPS)/[Growth rate(100 x expected growth rate)]
Valuing equity with the PEG ratio
Stock price = PEG x E x G
Price to sales ratio (P/S ratio)
Price to sales ratio = stock price or value today/(Expected sales in one year)
Valuing equity with the price to sales ratio
= (stock price or value today/expected sales in one year) aka industry avg. x target cos.
Price to Cash Flow ratio (P/CF)
= stock price or value today/expected cash flow in one year
Valuing equity with the price to cash flow ratio
= (stock price or value today/expected cash flow) aka industry avg. X CF (target CF per square)
Price to book ratio (P/B)
= stock price or value/book value of common equity
Valuing equity with price to book ratio
= stock price/ book value of common equity x book value target