Module 6: Association Offences Flashcards
Is a person withdrawing from a conspiracy still guilty of the offence?
A person withdrawing from the agreement is still guilty of conspiracy as are those who become party to the agreement after it has been made.
However a person can effectively withdraw before the actual agreement is made.
When does a conspiracy end (case law)?
R v Sanders
A conspiracy does not end with the making of the agreement. The conspiratorial agreement continues in operation and therefore in existence until it is ended by completion of its performance or abandonment or in any other manner by which agreements are discharged.
What are the admissibility rules around conspiracy?
The intention, of the parties involved, to actually carry out the offence is an essential element to a conspiracy charge. There must be a common aim to commit some offence and an intention that the aim is to be effected.
Anything a conspirator or party to a joint charge says or does to further the common purpose is admissible against the others involved, this being an exception to the hearsay rule and as such conspirators should be jointly charged.
However, this does not include explanations made after the common purpose is carried out. Then, the explanation is evidence only against the person making it.
What is the investigative procedure for suspects in relation to conspiracy?
Interview the people concerned, and obtain statements to establish:
- The existence of an agreement to commit an offence, or
- The existence of an agreement to omit to do something that would amount to an offence, and
- The intent of those involved in the agreement
- The identity of all people concerned where possible
- Whether anything was written, said or done to further the common purpose.
What should you consider when charging someone with conspiracy?
Laying both a substantive charge and a related conspiracy charge is often undesirable because:
- The evidence admissible only on the conspiracy charge may have a prejudicial effect in relation to other charges
- The judge may disallow the evidence as it will be too prejudicial, ie the jury may assume the accused’s guilty knowledge or intent regarding the other charge and not look at the evidence, basing its assumption on the conspiracy charge.
- The addition of a conspiracy charge may unnecessarily complicate and prolong a trial
- Where the charge of conspiracy is not founded on evidence or is an abuse of process, it may be quashed
- Severance may be ordered. This means that each indictment or information may be heard at separate trials.
In each case of attempt, you must prove?
• The identity of the suspects, and
• Intent - That they intended to commit an offence, and
• Act - They did, or omitted to do, something to achieve that end
Proximity - That their act or omission was sufficiently close.
In relation to attempts what is R v Harpur and what was concluded?
R v Harpur
The court may have regard to the conduct viewed cumulatively up to the point when the conduct in question stops…. the defendants conduct may be considered in its entirety. Considering how much remains to be done…. is always relevant, thought not determanative.
‘his actions need not be considered in isolation;sufficient evidence of his intent was available from the events leading up to that point.’
The following questions should be asked in determining the point at which an act of mere preparation may become an attempt?
- Has the offender done anything more than getting himself into a position from which he could embark on an actual attempt? Or
- Has the offender actually commenced execution; that is to say, has he taken a step in the actual crime itself?
What is an example of a legally impossible act, refer to case law?
R v Donnelly
Where stolen property has been returned to the owner or legal title to any such property ha been acquired by an person, it is not an offence to subsequently receive it, even though the receive may know that the property had previously been stolen or dishonestly obtained.
Once the acts are sufficiently proximate, the accused has no defense that they?
- Were prevented by some outside agent from doing something that was necessary to complete the offence; eg interruption from police
- Failed to complete the fill offence due to ineptitude, inefficiency or insufficient means, eg insufficient explosive to blow apart a safe
- Were prevented from committing the crime because an intervening event made it physically impossible, eg removal of property before intended theft
You are not able to charge someone with an attempt to commit a crime where?
- The criminality depends on recklessness or negligence, eg manslaughter
- An attempt to commit an offence is included within the definition of that offence, eg assault
- The offence is such that the act has to have been completed in order for the offence to exist at all. EG, demanding with menaces; it is the demand accompanied by the menace that constitutes the offence
What are the ingredients to Parties to an offence Section 66, Crimes Act 1961?
(1) Everyone is a party to and guilty of an offence who-
(a) Actually commits the offence; or
(b) Does or omits an act for the purpose of aiding any person to commit the offence; or
(c) Abets any person in the commission of the offence; or
(d) Incites, counsels, or procures any person to commit the offence
What is the case law in relation to multiple offenders and parties to an offence?
R v Renata
Three offenders beat the victim to death in the car park of a tavern. The prosecution was unable to establish which blow was the fatal one or which of the 3 offenders administered it.
‘The court held that where the principal offender cannot be identified, it is sufficient to prove that each individual accused must have been either the principal or a party in one of the ways contemplated in s66(1)’
What is a secondary offender in relation to being party to an offence?
Those who assist in the principal offender(s) either before or during the commission of an offence are considered secondary offenders and thus their liability generally lies within the scope of s66(1)(b), (c) or (d)
To be party to an offence, the acts of the secondary offender must be earlier in the time or contemporaneous with the acts of the principal offender(s). Whether the acts are contemporaneous is dependent on the circumstances of each case.
Where the act was part of the original planning, eg providing a means of escape, then the person who committed this act would be deemed to be a principal party.
However, a person cannot be convicted as a party for an offence that is already complete. In such a case they would be liable as an accessory.
Actual proof of assistance is required for Parties to offences, what are 3 examples?
- Keeping lookout for someone committing a burglary
- Providing a screwdriver to someone interfering with a motor vehicle
- Telling an associate when a neighbor is away from their home so as to allow the opportunity to commit a burglary
What is an example of a legal duty?
An army sergeant who watches as a subordinate assaults another person and does nothing to prevent it would be liable as a secondary party to the assault. This is because the sergeant has a power of control over the subordinate and a lawful duty to prevent such incidents and intervene.
What does incite mean?
To incite means to ‘rouse, stir up, stimulate, animate, urge or spur on a person to commit the offence.
What needs to be proven for Accessory after the fact?
- That the person (person A), who is received, comforted or assisted by the accessory (person B) is a party (principal or secondary party) to an offence that has been committed
- That, at the time of receiving, comforting or assisting that person (person A), the accessory (person B) knows that person (person A) was a party to the offence
- That the accessory (person B) received, comforted or assisted that person (person A) or tampered with or actively suppressed any evidence against that person (person A)
- That, at the time of the receiving, comforting or assisting etc, the accessory’s (person B) purpose was to enable that person (person A) to escape after arrest or to avoid arrest or conviction.
What are the Spouse/civil union partner exceptions in relation to Accessory After the Fact?
Under S71(2), you cannot be charged with being an accessory after the fact to your spouse (legally married), or your spouse and another party (this when they work in concert). This is the same for those in a civil union, but not a de facto relationship.
What is the legislation and case law for Knowing any person to have been a party to an offence in relation to Accessory after the fact?
‘’Knowing’’ means ‘’knowing, or correctly believing’’… the belief must be a correct one, where the belief is wrong a person cannot know something.
R v Crooks
Knowledge means actual knowledge or belief in the sense of having no real doubt that the person assisted was a party to the relevant offence. Mere suspicion of their involvement in the offence is insufficient.
At the time of the assistance being given, an accessory must process the knowledge that?
- An offence has been committed, and
- The person they are assisting was a party (principal or secondary) to that offence
Where this knowledge comes about following the rendering of the assistance they are not liable as an accessory
Evidence of perjury, false oath, or false statement in relation to Misleading Justice?
Section 112, CA1961 – No one shall be convicted of perjury, or of any offence against section 110 or section 111 of this Act, on the evidence of one witness only, unless the evidence of that witness is corroborated in some material particular by evidence implicating the accused.
What is Fabricating evidence in relation to Misleading Justice?
Everyone is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, with intent to mislead any
tribunal holding any judicial proceeding to which section 108 applies, fabricates evidence by any means other than perjury.
What are the Ingredients of Perjury?
The ingredients of the offence of perjury are:
- A witness making any
- Assertion as to any matter of fact, opinion, belief, or knowledge
- In any judicial proceeding
- Forming part of that witness’s evidence on oath
- Known by that witness to be false, and
- Intended to mislead the tribunal
What is opinion evidence by Lay witnesses?
Section 24, Evidence Act 2006 – A witness may state an opinion in evidence in a proceeding if that opinion is necessary to enable the witness to communicate, or the fact-finder to understand, what the witness saw, heard, or otherwise perceived.
What is Intention to mislead?
The offence of perjury is complete at the time the false evidence is given accompanied by an intention to mislead the tribunal.
There is no defence where the witness later recants and informs the tribunal of the falsity of the earlier evidence given.
Examples of misleading justice (PRACTICAL 9 points)?
Examples of conspiring or attempting to mislead justice within sections 116 and 117 may include:
- Preventing a witness from testifying
- Willfully going absent as a witness
- Threatening or bribing witnesses
- Concealing the fact a crime has been committed
- Intentionally giving police false information to obstruct their inquiries
- Supplying false information to probation officers
- Assisting a wanted person to leave the country
- Arranging a false alibi
- Threatening or bribing jury members
The act of receiving requires the satisfaction of three elements, what are they?
- There must be property which has been stolen or has been obtained by a crime
- The accused must have ‘received’ that property , which requires that the receiving must be from another (you cannot receive from yourself)
- The accused must receive that property in the knowledge that it has been stolen or illegally obtained, or being reckless as to that possibility
When is the act of receiving complete?
The act of receiving any property stolen or obtained by any other crime is complete as soon as the offender has, either exclusively or jointly with the thief or any other person, possession of, or control over, the property or helps in concealing or disposing of the property.
What is control over property in relation to receiving?
Control over property may still be exercised by a receiver when the property is in the possession of the receiver’s agent or servant – control must be intentional.
Doctrine of recent possession in relation to Receiving?
It is the presumption that, where the defendant acquired possession willingly, the proof of possession by the defendant of property recently stolen in, in the absence of a satisfactory explanation, evidence to justify a belief and finding that the possessor is either the thief or receiver, or has committed some other offence associated with the theft of the property, eg burglary or robbery.
Legally impossible in relation to Receiving (case law)?
R v Donnelly
Where stolen property has been physically recovered by the Police, it is legally impossible to commit the crimes of receiving or attempted receiving in respect of it, although there may be evidence of conspiring to receive property dishonestly obtained.
Explain Section 243 of the crimes act about money laundering, in relation to concealing and deal with?
Section 243 CA1961
(1) For the purposes of this section and sections 244 and 245 –
Conceal: in relation to property, means to conceal or disguise the property, and includes without limitations:
a) To convert the property from one form to another
b) To conceal or disguise the nature, source, location, disposition, or ownership of the property or of any interest in the property
Deal with: in relation to property, means to deal with the property in any manner and by any means, and includes, without limitations:
a) To dispose of the property, whether by sale, purchase, gift or otherwise
b) To transfer possession of the property
c) To bring the property into NZ
d) To remove the property from NZ
What is the definition of interest in relation to Money Laundering?
A legal or equitable estate or interest in the property; or
A right, power, or privilege in connection with the property
What is required to be proved in relation to Money laundering? (PRACTICAL 4 points)
When considering the principal charge of money laundering, under s243(2), proof of the following four elements is required:
- Dealing with property or assisting with such dealing
- The source of the property being the proceeds of an offence punishable by 5 years imprisonment or more committed by another person
- Knowledge or belief that the property was the proceeds of such an offence, or recklessness as to whether it was the proceeds of such an offence
- An intention to conceal the property
What is Tainted Property in relation to Criminal proceeds definitions?
Section 5, Criminal Proceeds (recovery) Act 2009
Tainted property
(a) Means any property that has, wholly or in part, been –
i) Acquired as a result of significant criminal activity; or
ii) Directly or indirectly derived from significant criminal activity, and
(b) Includes any property that has been acquired as a result of, or directly or indirectly derived from, more that 1 activity if at least 1 of those activities is a significant criminal activity
What is unlawfully benefited from criminal activity in relation to Criminal proceeds definitions?
Section 7, Criminal Proceeds (recovery) Act 2009
In this act, unless the context otherwise requires, a person has unlawfully benefited from significant criminal activity if the person has knowingly, directly or indirectly, derived a benefit from significant criminal activity (whether or not that person undertook or was involved in the significant criminal activity)
What is Profit forfeiture order in relation to Criminal proceeds definitions?
Section 55, CPA 2009
1) The High Court must make a profit forfeiture order if it is satisfied on the balance of probabilities that –
a) The respondent has unlawfully benefited from significant criminal activity within the relevant period of criminal activity; and
b) The respondent has interests in propety
Unlawfully benefited from significant criminal activity in relation to Criminal proceeds definitions? (case law)
Pulman v Commissioner of Police
The Court held that the purpose of the forfeiture regime was not only to prevent the ability of a person to actually profit from undertaking significant criminal activity but also the ‘’chance’ that they may be able to do so and also to deter significant criminal activity
Affidavit required for application in relation to CPA? (PRACTICAL 5 points)
Such an application will require a straight forward affidavit from the officer in charge of the file outlining:
• Officer in charge
- details
• Offender(s)
- Details
- Charges
- Criminal convictions
- Search warrant – describe the nature of the offending discovered at or involving the property (asset) concerned. Note: where the value of the asset is high you need to demonstrate that the offending was at more of a commercial level
- Admissions made during interviews(s)
- Property
- Describe property sought to be restrained and its value
- Show that offender owns, has custody or control
Restraining Orders in relation to CPA?
Only members of Asset Recovery Units may apply for restraining orders, assets forfeiture orders and profit orders.
Suspect Interview in relation to CPA? (PRACTICAL 7 points)
When interviewing a suspect about money laundering or where proceeds recovery action is to be considered, consider the following points:
- Suspect’s legitimate income
- Suspects illegitimate income
- Expenditure
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Acquisition of financial records, from banks, financial companies, loan sharks, family trust
- Clarification of documentary evidence located, as per above documents
When is conspiracy complete?
The offence is complete on the agreement being made, accompanied by the required intent. It does not require any further progression toward its completion by those involved in the agreement.
What is the distinction between aiding and abetting’ and ‘inciting, counselling and procuring’?
In general term the first requires the person to be present a the scene before or at the time of the offence being committed and the second describes the actions taken before the offence is carried out.
How might the involvement of parties be established?
- Reconstruction of the offence committed indicating more the one person involved.
- The principal offender admitting other involved.
- A suspect or witness admitting to providing aid or assistance.
- A witness providing evidence of another person involvement based on their observations.
- Receiving information indicating other involved.
What was held in the case R v Russel in relation to parties?
Man charged with the murder of his wife & two sons where after an argument his wife jumped into a swimming pool with the sons and the man did nothing to stop her, the Court held that he was morally bound to take active steps to save his children, but by his deliberate abstention from doing so he became and aider and abettor and this a secondary offender.
Briefly define the following in relation to accessory after the fact?
Receives - Harboring, offering shelter or hiding
Comforts - Providing shelter, food, clothing or supplies
Assists - Providing transport, acting as look out, misleading authorities, giving advice, services.
Tampers with - alter evidence against offender
Actively suppresses - concealing or destroying evidence against offender.
What is the difference between parties to an offence and accessory after the fact?
Parties involved before or during the commission of the offence and accessory after the offence.
Under what circumstances can you charge a person with accessory after the fact when they have received goods dishonestly obtained?
When you can prove they have received the stolen goods to enable the other person to evade justice.
When may a prosecution for perjury begin?
Only when it is recommended by the courts or directed by the commissioner. However you can start an investigation.
What intent must you be able to prove in order to establish a charge of perjury?
Intention to mislead the tribunal holding the judicial proceedings.
What are the two main points to be covered when interviewing a suspect in respect of perjury?
Whether the suspect knew their assertion was false; and
Whether they intended to mislead the tribunal governing proceedings.
Explain how possession of property can be established in a charge of receiving?
By showing the property is:
- In the immediate physical custody of the receiver; or
- at a location, over which the receiver has control (home or business)
What was held in the case R v Lucinsky?
The property received must be the property stolen (or part of) and not some other item for which the illegally obtained property had been exchanged for which are the proceeds of.
What is meant by the term proceeds as it related to s243, money laundering?
Any property that is derived or realised, directly or indirectly, by any person from the commission of an offence.
What is the definition of serious offence in relation to money laundering?
An offence punishable by a term of imprisonment of 5 years or more. Includes any act committed anywhere so long as in NZ it would be a 5 year + crime.
What is the purpose of an assessment process when preparing an application for a restraining order relating to an instrument of crime?
Is conducted to determine:
- value of asset
- equity in the asset
- any third part interest
- the cost of action in relation to the asset
How is the term ‘money laundering’ defined?
Is the process by which income and assets derived from illegal activity are converted or disguised as apparently legitimate income.
Can you conspire to commit a crime outside of NZ?
Yes, as long as the intended offence is a crime in the Country its planned to be committed.
What are 3 elements required for an attempt prosecution to succeed?
- Intent to commit an offence
- Act, they did something or omitted to do something to achieve that end
- Proximity - There act or omission was sufficiently close.
What is R v Ring?
Intent to steal ring from pocket, put hand in, no ring, convicted of attempted theft.
Can you attempt to commit an attempt?
What is the function of the judge and jury in relation to attempts?
Judge - decides whether the the accused has left the preparation stage.
Jury - if the facts presented have been proven beyond reasonable doubt and if the acts done are close enough to the full offence.
If the accused was charged with an attempt, yet the full offence was made out, can he be convicted of the full offence?
No, only the attempts.
If he charged with full offence and that’s not made out he can be convicted of attempts.
What is the imprisonment term for attempts?
Half of the offence and up to 10 year max for life.
What is section 66(2) in relation to parties?
2 of more people form a common intention to do an unlawful purpose, and to assist each other, each offence committed by the individuals they are liable for if it was known to be a probable consequence.
What is R v Pene? (parties)
Must intention help or encourage.
What is Larkins v Police? (parties)
Must be proof of assistance.
What is Ashton v police? (parties)
Secondary party owing a legal duty - driving instructor.
What is Betts and Ridley? (parties)
Punch a man he dies, the other get away driver is guilty as they agreed on a push, probable consequences.
What is R v Gibbs? (accessory)
The act done must actually help the person in some way.
Investigative procedure for misleading justice? (PRACTICAL 5 points)
- Conspiring to defeat justice is both civil and criminal
- No defence that the aim was a just one
- If you can prove conspiracy you may prove a willful attempt
- Only prosecute if directed by court or commissioner.
- Complaints arise from, an individual or directed by a judge.
What is the purpose of the Criminal Proceeds Recovery Act?
A regime for the forfeiture of property-
a) that has been derived directly or indirectly from a significant criminal activity
b) that represents the value of a persons unlawful derived income.
What is significant criminal activity in relation the CPR?
5 years max + or proceeds of 30k +.