Module 6 Flashcards
It is a product between two variables which, when sketched against a coordinate plane, their vector arrows are set against each other, tail to tail.
dot product
Applying a force over a certain distance is the simplest definition of ___.
It is an action of a force, moving in a certain direction, to an object. Meaning, it is achieved if the object is moving alongside the direction the force is directed at, or the object is moving at a component of the force’s direction.
Mechanical work
work is not applicable if:
- the object is not moving; and
- the force being applied on the object is perpendicular to the object’s motion
What are the conditions in order to do work?
- the force and the direction of the resulting, or existing, motion is the same; or
- a component direction of a force acting on the object is moving in the same direction as the object’s
The unit of work, which is a dot product derived value, is (1)___. But, it is often shortened to (2)___, in honor of the English physicist (3)___, and to avoid confusion with another concept in Mechanics.
(1) Newton – meters (Nm), (2) Joule (J), (3) James Prescott Joule
It is the computed amount of work done within a certain time.
Power’s derived unit is the (1)___, named after the mechanical engineer (2)___.
(1) Watt (𝑊𝑊), (2) James Watt
What is the other unit for power which is equivalent to 746 watts?
horsepower (ℎ𝑝) or imperial horsepower
It is best defined as the property that objects need to transfer in order to perform work. Since there is transfer involved, it can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only change forms, which allows a body to perform work on another body.
Its unit is also ___. But it can also be watt-second, watt-hour, horsepower-second, horsepower-hour, and so on.
What are two basic forms of energy?
kinetic and potential
It is the energy translated in motion (i.e. it is the energy observed in motion). It is also best explained
as the energy an object possesses because it is moving.
Kinetic energy
It is the energy observed from rest, either from its position to other objects, stresses within itself, and many more.
Potential energy
It is the potential energy stored due to a change in height.
Gravitational potential energy (abbreviated as 𝑈𝑔𝑔)