Module 6 Flashcards
What are the 3 reasons we focus on provider reform in the quest for value based healthcare?
- Providers respond to financial incentives
- Predominant provider payment methods contribute to deficiencies
- New opportunities for linking payment to value
Alternative payment models are developed to steer from volume to value
What are the 4 dimensions of value (as a multidimensional concept)?
- High-quality care
- Cost
- Coordination
- Prevention
What are the 2 components of VBP?
- Substantial base payment: population based payment = global payment -> giving a budget to HC providers for the care of a group of patients
- Small variable payment that rewards measurable aspects of value (like quality)
What are the characteristics of an ideal population based payment? Describe them.
- A single payment to a multidisciplinary provider group.
Why? To stimulate well-coordinated care:
- holds groups accountable for spending and quality
- central role of primary care physician
- one single payment -> removes financial barriers - Covers a comprehensive care package that goes beyond single conditions.
Why? To stimulate coordination and prevention:
- care packages stretch beyond single services (whole-person accountability)
- prevention is more effective and less expensive than a cure
- attribution of population based on region - Is fixed for a defined period of time
Why? To stimulate cost-conscious behavior:
- budget vs actual spending in HC
- more financial risk - Is adjusted for the risk profile of the target population.
Why? To prevent strategic provider behavior that may thwart value:
- 3 purposes of risk adjusting
1. prevents cherry picking and
lemon dropping
2. fairness in payment allocation
3. providers focus fully in
optimizing value - Includes additional risk-mitigating measures for hc providers.
Why? To prevent strategic provider behavior that may thwart value:
- protect providers against excessive financial risk (insurance and systematic risk)
Name and describe the 3 sources of complexity in the design and implementation of VBP models.
- Choice overload - no “one size fits all”
- define care package
- delineate and attribute
- setting the budget/spending target
- define qualifying criteria - Barriers to sharing information
- data systems: often these differ and are not compatible with each other
- attitude: lack of open culture within hospitals - Quality of relationships and trust
- good relationships and mutual trust are important preconditions to success