module 6 Flashcards
What are the four general functions of the respiratory system?
- Air passageway (atmosphere & alveoli)
- Site for exchange (O2 and CO2)
- Detection of odor (olfactory receptor)
- Sound production (vocal cord vibration)
Structural organization of the respiratory system
Upper respiratory tract and lower respiratory tract
Upper respiratory system
- Nose
- Nasal cavity
- Pharynx
- Larynx
Lower respiratory system
- Trachea
- Bronchus
- Lungs
- Bronchiole/Bronchus
Functional organization of the respiratory system
Conducting zone and respiratory zone
Conducting zone
Bulk movement of air into and out of lungs: nose to terminal bronchiole
Conducting zone
Bulk movement of air into/out of the lungs (nose to terminal bronchioles)
Respiratory zone
Diffusion of gasses into/out of the body: respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, and alveoli
Respiratory zone
Diffusion of gasses (respiratory bronchiole, alveolar duct, and alveoli)
Bronchiole tree
- Highly branched system of air-conducting passages that originates at the main bronchi
- At each point, bronchi decrease in size but increase in number of passageways (& surface area for exchange)
Bronchiole tree
- Highly branched system of air-conducting passages that originate at the main bronchi
- At each point, decrease size but increase number of passageways and surface area
Bronchioles and alveoli
- Have a large surface area for gas exchange
- High capillary density where gas exchange occurs
- Vascular smooth muscle (regulates the diameter of bronchioles)
- Elastic fibers allow for stretch and recoil
- Connective tissue for support
Episodes of bronchoconstriction; wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and excess mucus. Often caused by sensitivity to an airborne agent
Asthma treatments
- Inhaled steroids
- Bronchodialators
- Each lung contains 300 to 400 million
- Alveolar pores: openings provide collateral ventilation
- Surrounded by pulmonary capillaries
- Divided by interalveolar septum (contain elastic fibers)
What are the three types of found in the alveoli
- Alveolar type 1
- Alveolar type 2
- Alveolar macrophages
Alveolar type 1 cells
- Most abundant
- Make up the internal surface of the alveolus simple squamous
- Ideal for diffusion
Alveolar type 2 cells
- Less common and smaller
- Simple cuboidal
- Produce and secrete surfactant (reduces surface tension and prevents collapsing)
Alveolar macrophages
- Mobile scavengers
- Engulf foreign material, dust, bacteria, etc.
Respiratory membrane
- Thin, large surface area
- Ideal for diffuison of gasses
What three components of the respiratory membrane
- Capillary endothelium
- Basement membranes of capillary endothelium and alveolar epitheluim fused together
- Alveolar epithelium
Anatomy of the lungs
Apex, base, diaphragm, ribs, costal surface, mediastinal surface
Left lung
- 2 lobes divided by one fissure
- Smaller
- Cardiac impression on the medial surface
- Cardiac notch on the interior surface (heart development in the fetus)
Right lung
3 lobes diveded by three fissures, larger and wider
Hilum (lungs)
Bronchi, pulmonary vessels, autonomic nerves, lymph vessels pass through here
Pulmonary circulation
Blood from the right ventricle to pulmonary capillaries, gas exchange - back to LV
Bronchiole circulation
blood from the systemic circulation providing oxygen and nutrient to the tissues of the lungs
8 steps of pulmonary ventilation
- Air containing O2 is inhaled into alveoli
- O2 diffuses from alveoli into the blood of pulmonary capillary
- O2 is transported in blood to systemic cells of the body
- O2 diffuses from the blood of systemic capillaries to systemic cells
- CO2 diffuses from systemic cells into the blood of systemic capillaries
- CO2 is transported in the blood to the lungs
- CO2 diffuses from the blood into the pulmonary capillaries into alveoli
- Air containing CO2 is exhaled
Boyle’s Law- Relationship of pressure and volume
Constant temperature, the pressure of a gas decreases if the volume of the container decreases and vice versa
Volume and Pressure equation
(P1)(V1)=P2)(V2), P1 and V1 represent initial conditions and P2 and V2 are the changed conditions
What type of relationship to pressure and volume have?
Air pressure gradient exits when force per unit area is…?
Greater in one place than another (high to low pressure)
The thoracic cavity and lungs are lined with what serous membrane called what?
Pleural cavity
Function of the pleura
Protects the lungs from abrasive forces, and allows lungs to adhere to the thoracic cavity (inhalation)
The pleural cavity is divided into what two sections?
Parietal pleura (outer) and Visceral pleura (inner)
Interpleural pressure
Pressure in the pleural cavity, lower
Intrapulmonary pressure
Pressure in the lungs, higher
Why does the interpulmonary pressure have to be higher than the intrapleural pressure?
It allows the lungs to stay inflated
What two factors help to keep the lungs inflated
Pleural cavity (fluid) and the difference in pressure
Quiet breathing
- Passive & unconscious process
- Involves the diaphragm and external intercostals
- Relatively small changes in thoracic cavity volume and intrapulmonary pressure
- Chest volume changes are not readily apparent
Volume change during inspiration
Thoracic cavity volume increases
Vertitical volume changes during inspiration
Increases due to contraction, diaphragm flattens
Lateral volume changes during inspiration
Increases as thoracic cavity widens as ribs elevate (external intercostals)
Anterior/posterior changes during inspiration
The inferior portion of the sternum moves anterior
What is the specific value of interpulmonary pressure (& atmospheric pressure) AT REST
760 mm Hg
What is the specific value of intrapleural pressure AT REST
756 mm Hg
Tidal volume
The amount of air inhaled and exhaled at rest
Inspiratory reserve volume
The extra volume of air that can be inhaled with maximal effort after reaching the end of normal inspiration
Expiratory reserve volume
The extra amount of air that can be exhaled with maximal effort after reaching normal expiration
Residual volume
The volume of air remaining in the lungs after expiratory reserve volume (maximum air that can move into and out of the lungs)
Vital capacity
The maximum amount of gas that can be expelled from the lungs after taking the deepest possible breath
Pathway of air through the respiratory system & functions
- Nasal cavity: transport, condition (humidity, ^temp, clean)
- Trachea: transport, clean
- Primary Bronchi: transport
- Bronchiole: transport
- Alveolar sac: diffusion of gases (O2 and CO2)
Pressure and flow realtionship
Direct, lager pressure = larger flow
Flow and resistance realtionship
Inverse, increased resistance = less flow
Flow equation
Flow = change in pressure/resistance
Resistance equation
R = (viscosity)(length)/radius^4
Less viscosity will do what do resistance
What will increasing the length of the vessel do to resistance
What will increasing the vessel radius to do resistance
If intrapulmonary pressure and intrapleural pressure are equal what will happen to air flow
There will be no air flow
What are the two muscles associated with quiet breathing?
Diaphram and intercostals
What is the specific value of intrapulmonary pressure during quiet inspiration (breath in)
758 mmHg
What is the specific value of intrapleural pressure during quiet inspiration (breath in)
754 mmHg
What is the exact value of intrapulmonary pressure during quiet expiration (breath out)
763 mmHg
What is the exact value of intrapleural pressure during quiet expiration (breath out)
756 mmHg
Tidal volume value- Quiet breathing
300-500 mL
Respiratory rate value - Quiet breathing
12-17 breaths/min
Minute ventilation & value - Quiet breathing
amount of air moving into and out of lungs (300mL, 3L)
Forced breathing requires additional
Forced breathing causes greater change in what volume?
Thoracic cavity volume
Tidal volume value - Forced breathing
3000mL (500mL rest)
Respiratory rate value - Forced breathing
40 to 70 breaths per minute
Minute ventilation - Forced breathing
150 L/min to 200 L/min
Where is the control of breathing regulated?
Medulla - Control of breathing
Inspiration and expiration
Pons - Control of breathing
Rate and depth of breathing
Motor output of breathing
Diaphram and External intercostals
Sensory output of breathing
- Central chemoreceptors
- Peripheral chemoreceptors
Thermoreceptors =- Cental hypothalamus
- Peripheral skin
- Skeletal muscle
Where are the peripheral chemoreceptors located?
Aortic arch and carotid sinus
The chemo receptors detect what (independently)
changes in PCO2 and H+ (&PO2)
When the body is cold, breathing will be
less frequent and deeper
When the body is warm, breathing will be
frequent and shallow
What percent of the air is N2?
What percent of the air is O2?