Module 6 - 10 Flashcards
Social Computing
is a type of ICT that combines social behaviour and info systems to create a digital social context that has value… improving collaboration and interaction among people through user generated content
Makes socially produced info available to all
- directly as when users rate a movie
- indirectly as with googles page rank alogrithm
take content from multiple websites and mixes them together to create a new kind of content e.g. google maps
Social commerce
the delivery of electronic commerce activities and transactions through social computing
Benefits to customers social commerce
Better faster vendor responses to complaints because customers can air their complaints in public and because of crowdsourcing complaints
Customers can assist other customers
Customers expectations can be met more fully and quickly
Customers can easily search , link, chat and buy while staying on a social networks page
Benefits of social commerce to businesses
Can test new products quickly and inexpensively
Learn a lot about their customers
Identify problems quickly and alleviate customer anger
Increase sales when customers discuss products positively on social networking
Create better marketing campaigns
Use low cost user generated content for example in marketing campaigns
Identify influential brand advocates and reward them
Risks of social commerce
negative unedited and possibly invalid and unethical reviews
potential bias content
info security concerns
invasion of privacy
violation of intellectual property and copyright
employees reluctance to participate
data leakage of personal info or corporate strategic info
poor or biased quality of users generated content
Social shopping
a method of electronic commerce that uses all of the key aspects of social networks- friends , groups, voting, comments , discussions, reviews and focuses on them shopping
Group shopping
offer discounts and special deals during short time frame
Shopping communities and clubs
offer discounts for members and limited time without dec brand
Types of e-commerce
Business to consumer Business to business Consumer to consumer Business to employee Government to citizen Government to business
How e-business is executed
Electronic auctions
- auctions can be conducted from the sellers site the buyers site or a third partys site
Forward auctions
- sellers place items at sites for auctions and buyers bid
Reverse auctions
buyers post a request for quotation with info on the desired purchase
suppliers study the RFQ and submit bids electronically.
web 2.0
a loose collection of information technologies and applications plus the websites that use them. These websites enrich the user experience by encouraging user participation and social interaction and collaboration. It often harnesses collective intelligence e.g. wikis , deliver functionality as services and remixable applications
web development technique that allows portions of webpages to reload with fresh data instead of requiring the whole web page to reload
speeds up response time to inc user satisfaction
IS within an organisation fall into 3 types
Transaction processing system
Functional area IS
Enterprise resource planning systems ERP
Transaction Processing System
TPS support monitoring , collecting, storage and processing of data from the org. basic business transactions, each of which generates data
TPS process tends to be standard
- Data are collected by people or sensors and are entered into the computer via input device
- The system processes data in one of two basic ways:
- batch processing: TPS that processes data in batches at fixed periodic intervals
- online transaction processing OLTP: processing of business transactions as soon as they occur
TPS manage the complexities of trans data example
when more than 1 person or application program can access a database at the same time the database has to be protected from errors from overlapping updates / data. The most common error is for the results of one of the updates to be lost
Function area IS
designed to support a functional area of a business by inc its internal effectiveness and efficiency
Example of FAIS
IS for accounting and finance
e.g. manage money flow within and out of org.
Managing financial transactions
Enterprise resource planning
IS that take a business process view of the overall org to integrate the planning, management and use of all of an org resources, employing a common software platform and databases`
ERP 2 systems
interorganizational ERP systems that provide web enabled links among key business systems such as inventory and production of a company and its customers suppliers distributors and others
Goal of ERP systems
Integrate the planning, management and use of all organisational resources
designed to breakdown the info silos of an org by integrating the functional areas of the org and enabling seamless info flows across them
Core ERP modules
Financial management
Operations management
HR management
Extended ERP modules
Financial Management module
these modules support acct, financial reports, perf mgmt, corp. governance
they manage acct data, general ledger, acct payable and receivable, fixed assets, cash mgmt and forecasting, product-cost acct, cost-centre acct, asset acct, tax acct, credit mgmt, budgeting and asset mgmt.
Operations Management module
These modules manage aspects of prod planning and execution such as demand forecasting, procurement, inventory management, materials purchasing, shipping, prod planning, prod scheduling , materials requirements planning, quality control, distribution, transportation and plan and equipment maintenance
Human Resource Management module
These modules support personnel admin (including workforce planning, emp recruitment, assignment tracking, personnel planning and development and performance management and reviews) time accounting, payroll, compensation, benefits acct and regulatory requirement.
CRM module
these modules support all apsects of a customers relationship with the org
help the org to inc customer loyalty and retention and thus improve its profitability
they also provide integrated view of customer data and interactions, enabling org to be more responsive to customer needs.
SCM moudle
these modules manage info flows between and among stages of a supply chain , maximise supply chain efficiency and effectiveness
Help org schedule plan and control and optimise the supply chain from the acquisition of raw materials to the receipt of finished goods by the customers
Business Intel module
These modules collect info used throughout the business, organise it and apply analytical tools to assist managers with decision making
e-Business module
support customers and suppliers demand access to ERP info including order status, inventory levels and invoice reconciliation
customers /suppliers want info in a simplified format and accessed via the web
these modules provide two channels of access into ERP systems info
- channel for customers B2C
- suppliers and partners B2B
Enterprise resource planning systems
originally developed to: facilitate business processes associated with manufacturing, such as raw materials management, inventory control, order entry and distribution
evolved to include: admin , sales, marketing, human resource processes
Companies now employ an enterprise wide approach to ERP that utilises the web and connects all facets of the value chain.
Define customer relationship management
An org strategy that is customer focused and customer driven
Orgs concentrate on satisfying customers by assessing their requirements for products services and then provide high quality responsive service
CRM systems have two basic elements
Identify customer touch points and
Consolidate data about each customer
Customer touch points
a company’s points of customer contact from start to finish
helps develop strategy on how to get to my customer to make decisions like whether to embrace social media
Data consolidation and the 360- degree view
of the customer enable the orgs functional area to readily share information about customers
Collaborative CRM Systems
Provide effective and efficient interactive communication with the customer throughout the entire organisation
Enable customers to provide direct feedback to the org
Two major components of operational CRM systems are:
customer facing apps - support direct interactions with customers e.g. marketing
customer touching apps- customers interact directly with tech and apps rather than interact with a company representative
Analytical Customer Relationship Mgmt Systems
Analyse customer behaviour and perceptions in order to provide actionable business intelligence
What is a supply chain
the coordinated flow of materials, info, money and services from raw material suppliers, through factories and warehouses to end customers
it includes the organisations that process and deliver products
The structure and components of supply chains
upstream: when sourcing or procurement from external suppliers occurs
internal: where packaging, assembly or manufacturing takes place
downstream: where distribution takes place
Tiers of suppliers
Tier 3- produce basic products such as glass, plastic and rubber
Tier 2- use these inputs to make windshields, tyres and plastic mouldings
Tier 1- produces integrated components such as dashboards and seat assemblies
Supply chain flows
Material flows: are the physical products that flow along the chain
Info flows: consists of data related to demand, shipments, orders, returns and schedules
Financial flows: transfer of money, payments, credit card info
What is the function of SCM
to plan, organise and optimise the various activities performed along the supply chain in order to maintain partnerships and processes providing an operational advantage
What is a push model?
A business model in which the production process begins with a forecast which predicts the products that customers will want as well as the quantity of each product. Then company then ‘pushes’ or sells those products to consumers
What is a pull model?
A business model in which the production process begins with a customer order and companies make only what customers want, a process closely aligned with mass customisation.