Module 5.3: Exchange Rate Determinants, Carry Trade, and Central Bank Influence Flashcards
The FX carry trade attempts
to capture an interest rate differential and is a bet against uncovered interest rate parity
FX Carry
an investor invests in a higher yielding currency using funds borrowed in a lower yielding currency. The lower yielding currency is called the funding currency.
If the higher yield currency does not depreciate by IR differential, the investor makes a profit
Profit on FX Carry Trade
interest differential - change in spot rate of investment currency
Risks of the Carry Trade
Crash risk
return distribution characterized by negative skewness and excess kurtosis (i.e., fat tails)
used to keep track of transactions between a country and its international trading partners
Current Account Influences on Exchange Rates
Flow supply/demand mechanism.
Portfolio balance mechanism.
Debt sustainability mechanism.
Flow supply/demand mechanism.
Current account deficits downward pressure on the exchange value of that currency. The decrease in the value of the currency may restore the current account deficit to a balance—depending on the following factors:
-The initial deficit.
-The influence of exchange rates on domestic import and export prices.
-Price elasticity of demand of the traded goods.
Portfolio balance mechanism.
Countries with current account surpluses usually have capital account deficits may find their portfolios’ composition being dominated by few investee currencies. When investor countries decide to rebalance their investment portfolios, it can have a significant negative impact on the value of those investee country currencies.
Debt sustainability mechanism.
A country running a current account deficit may be running a capital account surplus by borrowing from abroad. When the level of debt gets too high relative to GDP, investors may question the sustainability of this level of debt, leading to a rapid depreciation of the borrower’s currency.
Mundell-Fleming Model
evaluates the short-term impact of monetary and fiscal policies on interest rates—and consequently on exchange rates.
High Capital Mobility
international capital flows are relatively unrestricted
low mobility of capital
international capital flows are restricted
Monetary and Fiscal Policy under Mundell-Fleming Model
Monetary Approach to Exchange Rate Determination
Pure monetary model.
Dornbusch overshooting model.
Pure monetary model.
PPP holds at any point in time and output is held constant. An expansionary (restrictive) monetary policy leads to an increase (decrease) in prices and a decrease (increase) in the value of the domestic currency.
Dornbusch overshooting model.
A restrictive (expansionary) monetary policy leads to an excessive appreciation (depreciation) of the domestic currency in the short term and then a slow depreciation (appreciation) in the long term PPP value.
portfolio balance approach to Exchange Rate Determination
takes a long-term view and evaluates the effects of a sustained fiscal deficit or surplus on currency values.
Approaches to Exchange Rate Determination
Monetary Approach
portfolio balance approach
Mundell-Fleming Model
The objectives of capital controls or central bank intervention in FX markets are to:
Ensure that the domestic currency does not appreciate excessively.
Allow the pursuit of independent monetary policies without being hindered by their impact on currency values.
Reduce the aggregate volume of inflow of foreign capital.