Module 5.1 to 5.2 Flashcards
What is the 2 basic capital of any forest enterprise?
- Timber stand
2. Land
Valuation of land and timber is a large concern because investments are ____, relatively ____, and entail in ___ the many responsibilities of _____
heavy, permanent, full, land ownership
The ____ nature of timberland investments makes ____ and _____ of appraisal techniques particularly important
long-range, careful, searching application
2 Ways of Valuating Forest Land and Timber Stand
- Timberland market values
2. Foreas areas on a permanent timber growing basis
Based almost entirely on the conversion value of the timber stand currently in the existence upon the land. With little or no regard for the possibilities of continued production of forest crops.
Timberland market values
As forest areas are placed on a permanent timber-growing basis, timberland will be ____ valued, bought, and sold on the basis of their ____ rather than on the value of ____ as stumpage for conversion
increasingly, productive capacity, currently standing timber
The application of _____ based on land productivity is important for the establishment of ____ for sound forest investment.
sound valuation methods, market prices
One enduring resource of a permanent forest business
Value of land for forest uses is derived from the _____ or _____ it can ____
Forest crops, other services, produce
4 controlling factors of forest land value
- Site quality
- Kind and intensity of management practiced including its costs
- Value of the product
- Effect of time interval involved as measured by the rate of interest employed
Inherent vigor of the site that measures the potential productivity of the forest.
Site quality
Site quality remains approximately _______ irrespective of the ____, _____, or ____ of the timber stand currently occupying the area, except when _____ have caused soil erosion, impoverishment, or development of undesirable soil texture or structure
constant, character, condition, quality, land-use
Influences the volume and quality of timber actually produced
Kind and Intensity of Management Practices
3 properties that can be controlled by silvicultural practices
- Degree of promptness of regeneration
- Species composition
- Stocking and growth
A given site may produce crops ranging from practically ___ to all of those approaching its ____
none, biological potential
The cost of _____ must be considered in relation to their _____.
Forest practices, Efficacy
Entails not only an estimate of what the products will bring in the market but also the cost of getting the products off the market
Value of the product
______ are often of controlling importance in determining the value of the timber crop as it stands in the forest
Accessibility factors
Determines what rate of interest should be employed in bringing the various costs and income elements, incurred and received at widely differing times to a common point in time
Effect of time interval involved
Growing timber takes time and usually a lot of time in relation to the ___ of most productive processes within the range of business experience
Growing of timber takes time and usually a lot of time in relation to the ___ of most productive processes within the range of business experience
Public owners have a relatively ___ time preference, indicating the use of a fairly ___ interest rate in considering public undertakings
low, low
Individual owners who must operate in full exposure to competitive business pressures, have a ____ time preference and can be expected to apply a rate at least as ___ as the ___ rate for alternative investments
Higher, high, going
In estimating forest land value for even-aged forest, direct estimate is to start with a ____, and visualize _____ of a forest stand upon it
Price of bare land, Establishment
A stand is grown to maturity, harvested, and the process started over again with no _____ to the series of income.
Termination date
A particular plot soil yields a crop at _____ intervals only
The various elements of cost and income pertinent to a particular plan of mgt must all be brought to a common point in time so that net income can be determined and capitalized. What is the common point in time?
Rotation age
Soil expectation value capitalizes the _____ value once every 30 years.
rotation age value
Significance of forest land values
Se estimation includes all the factors affecting land values