MODULE 5 - Putting Microbes to Work in the Environment Flashcards
why do biofilms have to be on wet surfaces?
they have to have a moisture content so the bacteria can survive
what are some nutrients and environmental factors that form gradients?
how can a bacteria survive starvation through morphological changes?
endospores (metabolically dormant, resistant to heat)
nucleoid condensation (nucleoid associated proteins bend DNA so it can condense, stress the bacteria and they switch to starvation mode where gene transcription changed, so stress response pathways activated and growth slowed)
how can bacteria survive starvation with starvation proteins?
transpeptidases which cause peptidoglycan cross-linking and thickening of cell wall
chaperones which prevent denaturation and help renature damaged proteins
why are starved cells hard to kill?
the can survive for years
can become more virulent
how does formation of persister cells occur?
small subset of cells which are spontaneously dormant (non-growing) even with nutrients available
starvation triggers persister cells through nutrient depletion leading to stress adaptation
formation of persister cell occurs in exponential phase
why are persister cells important?
they can’t be treated with antibiotics
they don’t harbour antibiotic ressitance genes and instead express antibiotic tolerance phenotype
they are tolerant to the immune system and so are all together hard to eradicate
what is the difference between antibiotic resistance and antibiotic tolerance?
resistance based on genetic mutation on chromosome, while tolerance means the bacteria overcomes the antibiotic but isn’t resistant to it
what’s worse than having persister cells infecting you?
having persister cells in a biofilm infecting you
biofilm formation can also enhance persister cell formation by stressing bacteria
what are the stages of biofilm development?
reversible attachment
irreversible attachment (EPS starts to be secreted)
maturation and dispersion
where in the biofilm are you likely to find bacteria with a tolerant phenotype?
in the deeper levels where they are under more stress (O2 and nutrient limitations)
when bacteria don’t grow that well they might randomly start mutating chromosome, if antibiotic treatment happening they especially can develop R genes
can biofilms have multiple type of microorganism in them?
they can be individual or polymicrobial (e.g. bacteria, fungi)
in what stage of biofilm formation are bacteria most vulnerable to eradication?
during reversible attachment
during irreversible attachment bacteria much more tolerant to antibiotics, immune system and starvation and generally cannot be eradicated by antibiotics alone
what is extracellular polymeric substances and what does it do?
major component of a biofilm (50-95% of dry weight)
chemical composition may vary between different strains/enviros but is primarily polysaccharide
protects from desiccation, antibiotics, toxins, immune cells
maintains integrity of biofilm and binds essential nutrients (making local rich environment)
what are the advantages of biofilms?
physical attachment (in moving enviros like river, GI tract, bloodstream)
this beneficial as allows it to stay in one place, substrate may provide nutrients, extracellular enzymes that solubilise don’t get diluted quickly, nutrients may be higher in biofilm than enviro
what is the medical significance of biofilms?
delay wound healing
increase risk of infection (chronic, polymicrobial)
protects from body’s immune response (inflam response may induce biofilm formation)
providing nutrients in form of exudate (from dead immune cells)
damages healing tissue
how common are biofilm bacteria involved in chronic (non-healing) wounds?
biofilm bacteria in 60-90% chronic wounds
these wounds are stuck in inflammatory phase of healing and cannot progress further
often not easily realised and bacteria feed on host response
how can host immune response worse biofilm formation in wound?
neutrophils and macrophages come to wound to release proteases (e.g. matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)) as these degrade dead tissue and extracellular matrix proteins
problem is when too many pathogens in wound more and more neutrophils come and produce more metalloproteases which provides more nutrients for bacteria by degrading dead tissue
in normal physiological conditions MMP levels controlled
what are matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs)?
proteases which require metal as co-factor for catalytic activity to occur
factor in abnormal healing in chronic wounds due to over production and increased protease activity
unbalanced activity facilitates colonisation and proliferation in chronic wounds
bacteria also secrete them so in bad wound lots of tissue being degraded thus lots of nutrients for bacteria
how are biofilms a problem for our teeth?
dental plaque is a biofilm and formation damages tooth and causes receding gums and bad breath
causes periodontal disease, dental caries
biofilms on teeth a symptom
flossing/brushing regularly prevents this
what are some biofilm infections that form from objects?
catheter insertion causing UTIs, vascular disease (bloodstream)
catheter contaminated often through caregivers hand
piercings, tattoos and brandings
how can we prevent biofilm formation on wounds?
regularly clean and debride wound tissue, remove biofilm material, necrotic tissue, foreign material in order to prevent biofilm maturation
sometimes difficult as biofilms might be attached to healthy tissue
most effective in early stages
how can we manage biofilm once it has formed in a wound?
increase frequency of debridement
cannot completely remove biofilm
once removed prevent re-establishment, otherwise this can happen within 24h
how do we treat bacterial biofilms once they are formed in wounds?
biofilms become resistant to most antimicrobials within 48-96hrs
clinical management requires complete removal of infected area
if not possible, attacking on regular schedule may force biofilm detachment, make bacteria susceptible for treatment and host defences HOWEVER can cause systemic infection e.g. sepsis, bacteraemia which are more virulent infections
what are the stages of biofilm development?
initial attachment phase
primary colonisation phase
climax community phase
what influences adhesion of the first few bacteria in a biofilm?
linked to environmental cues and quorum sensing
they also produce biosurfactants to break down water content in an environment
what are the surfaces bacteria adhere to before forming biofilm?
attachment often occurs on rough surfaces e.g. a crack to get stuck in
if on smooth surface could be due to flow boundary layer where flow pushes bacteria against surfaces
describe the initial attachment phase?
microbes attach to a surface or themselves
attachment helped with flagella, filaments (help bacteria recognise surface structures), fimbriae (little charged hairs which are attracted to certain surfaces) and pili
mobile bacteria in aqueous phase become loosely attached via electrostatic or hydrophobic interaction w surface
describe the primary colonisation phase?
permanent attachment and symbiotic community
production of EPS and extracellular DNA which is the foundation of the biofilm
interaction with substrate which is mediated by production of extracellular polymers by colonising bacteria
once attached to surface active growth begins, micrcolonies form on substrate, further growth continues to cover entire surface
describe the climax community phase of biofilm development?
develops within seven days, growth continues until steady state
once mature biofilm may contain bacteria that can’t even attach to substrate or survive initial nutritional restrictions but other bacteria clutched up (polymicrobial)
what is biofouling?
accumulation (usually a biofilm) of bacteria on a surface they are not wanted on e.g. industrial equipment, ship
what is economies of scale?
ideally you spend lots on equipment at first and then over time produce more product and so it pays off the investment
so you have to find sweet spot where investment pays off as equipment lasts longer
what are common places in industry where biofilm formation is a problem?
power plants, air conditioning, food processing, oil refining
biofilms cause major production disruptions
what are some industrial examples of financial losses due to biofilms?
food industries lose large production due to contamination
fouling of pipes leads to friction and plant failure through corrosion and lesser flow
heat exchanger surfaces lead to inefficient heat exchange
cleaning requires closing of entire plant and scrubbing of plumbing which decreases production
how are biofilms a major problem for the dairy industry?
milk highly perishable as has high nutrient content so easy for microbes to grow
sterile in udder cells
biofilms form at air-liquid interface and are usually bacillus species (floating biofilms)
outline the bacillus genus and how it is bad for dairy industry?
gram-positive rod shaped
highly detrimental as cause dairy spoilage and illness
associated with animal udders and then spread through diary production systems
prod heat resistant endospores allowing persistence through pasteurisation and then biofilm formation
what are some biofilm components produced by bacillus?
amyloid-like fibres (non-soluble proteins) - soluble proteins which fold into insoluble fibres allowing further resistance
what are some common methods of cleaning equipment for biofilm control and what are some problems with this?
use cheap chemical agents such as chlorine, NaOH, acid
chlorination is most common methods however problem is some microbes resistant and chlorine also not good enough to eliminate biofilms as leaves EPS matrix intact
what are some examples of damage caused to at home equipment from biofilms?
rubber seals in washing machine and dishwasher
what is the dairy plant cleaning in place (CIP) procedure?
cold water and acid wash immediately after milking
hot water and NaOH wash to remove adhered residues at least twice a week
cold water acid wash after each alkali wash to remove minerals, kill remaining bacteria and neutralise alkali solution
final wash w detergent