Module 5, Normal Distributions Flashcards
z-scores may be interpreted by:
- a score’s distance from the mean
* z-scores indicate distance from the mean is standard deviation units
* transform them into z-scores to compare two different normal distributions - a score’s location relative to the entire distribution
Standardizing Frequency Distributions
standardized scores:
- used to compare and combine scores that come from different distributions
- when you change a score in its raw to a z-score we call standardizing a score
imagine you want to compare your recent score of 80 on your statistics exam to your roommate’s score of 75 on a exercise physiology exam
◦ scores from different classes
with different distributions are
not directly comparable
◦ 2 different distribution of
scores (could have different
means and different SD) units
are the same (%)
Does the Distribution Change Shape? (standardizing it)
- standardizing distributions does not change the shape of the distribution
- it is a linear transformation
- ex. transforming temperatures in fahrenheit to celcius
Normal Distribution
- a distribution based on a population of an infinite number of scores
- generated from mathematical formulas
◦ not collected data (unlike
frequency distribution)
Characteristics of a Normal Distribution
- the left and right tails continue to infinity without touching the x-axis (since they are generated from mathematical formulas there is an infinite amount)
- shape (“bell-shaped”):
A. unimodal
B. symmetric (left half is mirror
image of right half) - the mean is the population mean (μ)
- the standard deviation is the population standard deviation (σ)
Why do we care about Normal Distributions?!
- researchers believe that many variables are normally distributed
- many inferential tests are based mathematically on the assumption of normal distributions
- we can determine the proportion of the distribution associated with any given score
Problem with Normal Distribution
- distributions with the same population standard deviation but with different population means
- distributions with the same population means but different population standard deviations
- different units of measurement, distributions can have different means and different standard deviations (different amounts of variability) - cannot compare scores from two different normal distributions however when we want to compare we want to use standard normal distribution
Standard Normal Distribution
to avoid confusion that may come from different units of measurement, researchers use the standard normal distribution
z-scores are measured in standard deviation units
- number of deviations from the mean
mean is always 0
standard deviation is equal to 1
symmetric, unimodal and mesokurtic based on mathematical formula