Module 5 - IQ 1 Flashcards
Not extinct/still surviving
What is a species with a long period of survival suggestive of?
- The environment that the species live in is unchanging
- The species has the capacity to reproduce and adapt to a changing environment quickly enough to survive
Advantages of asexual reproduction
- Low energy expenditure
- Rapid
- Large numbers produced
Disadvantages of asexual reproduction
- Low/no genetic diversity
- Offspring all susceptible to same conditions
Advantages of sexual reproduction
- High genetic diversity
- Higher chance of offspring
Disadvantages of sexual reproduction
- High energy expenditure
- Low numbers of offspring
- Slow
Why is genetic diversity advantageous?
Without it, an entire species will either survive or not survive an adverse event (eg a disease)
External Fertilisation (EF)
Happens outside the body of the female. EF must occur in an aqueous (watery) environment otherwise the gametes will dry out
Joining of male and female gametes
Internal Fertilisation (IF)
Happens inside the body of the female. Often occurs in land environments where there is high risk of gametes drying out (desiccation)
Advantages of External Fertilisation
- Low energy expenditure
- Large numbers of offspring produced
- Low or no parental care
Disadvantages of External Fertilisation
- Hazardous environment
Advantage of Internal Fertilisation
Disadvantages of Internal Fertilisation
- High energy expenditure (for fertilisation and parental care)
- Low numbers of offspring
Separates the daughter cells during PMAT
Binary fission
Splitting into two. A newly divided cell grows to twice its size, replicates its genetic material (DNA) and then splits into two cells with identical genetic material
An adult organism gives rise to a small bud which separates from the parent and grows into a new individual
Body of organism breaking into two or more fragments, clones of original
Tiny, unicellular reproductive cells. Spores effectively expand the distribution of the species and are able to colonise new environments
Part of sexual reproduction
Fertilised egg
Muscular contraction
The movement of sperm is helped by muscular contraction of the walls of the uterus and the fallopian tubes
Where does fertilisation of the ovum occur?
In the fallopian tube