Module 5-8 Flashcards
Ways to prevent cancer?
Teach warning signs of cancer, modifications of risk factors, regular screenings and removal of at risk tissues.
What are some prevention screenings for cancer?
Colonoscopy, mammography, digital rectal exam, fecal occult blood testing, pap smear, pelvic exam, breast self-exam, testicular self exam
What are the warning signs of cancer?
C -change in bowel pattern A- a sore does not heal U- unusual bleeding T- Thickening of breast, testicle, skin I- indigestion O- obvious change in mole N- Nagging cough
What are the stages of cancer?
Stage 0= carcinoma in situ Stage 1= local tumor growth Stage 2= limited spreading Stage 3= regional spreading Stage 4= metastasis to other organs
What is the management of cancer goals?
Cure- no disease
Control- control cancer cell growth.
Palliation- pain control and relief of symptoms.
What are the treatment options for cancer?
Surgery, chemo, radiation, biologic response modeifiers, bone marrow transplant, stem cell transplant, gene therapy
What are the components of Radiation Therapy?
Effects only local tissue area
Teletherapy: radiation source external to patient.
Brachytherapy: “short” or “ close” therapy with radiation source in direct contact with tumor for a specific time.
Immediate and long-term side effects limited to the tissues exposed.
What are the side effects of radiation therapy?
Hair loss
Xerostomia, stomatitis, altered taste, tooth decay
N/V, anorexia, esophageal irritation, chest pain, dysphagia, diarrhea
Bone marrow suppression
Cystitis, UTIs, sterility
What is the nursing care for radiation therapy?
Don’t remove skin markings
Avoid direct exposure to sun.
Oral care
Antidiarrheals, sitz bath, low residue diet.
Premedicate with antiemetics, light meal before treatment
Psychosocial support: address fear, anxiety, prayer
What are the precautions for nurse during radiation?
Time distance, shields for all exposed to radiation therapy.
Minimal time in direct contact with client
Shielding devices, radition badge
Private room
No pregnant staff of visitors.
Proper handling of body fluids.
What are the components of chemotherapy?
Treats cancer systemically
Rapid growing cells sensitive to chemo. Ex. skin, hair, intestinal tissues, sperm, and blood-forming cells.
One treatment/week for several weeks.
Different agents work at different levels of cell cycle
Combination of agents most effective.
What are the side effects of chemo?
Bone marrow suppression Alopecia Mucositis, stomatitis entire GI tract. N/V, diarrhea, paralytic ileus Anxiety, sleep disturbance, sterility Changes in cognitive function Nephrotoxicity, hyperkalemia Hemorrgiccystitis Heart failure, cardiomyopathy, pulmonary fibrosis, hypocalcemia Peripheral neuropathy
What are the nursing care for patient with Chemo for nausea/vomitting and stomatitis, mucositis, ulcers?
Nausea/vomitting= antiemetics, adjust diet, prevent unpleasant sight/ odors, hydrate(oral fluids, ice chips, oral hygiene, distraction, relaxation, small frequent meals, bland diet, avoid caffeine.
Stomatitis, mucositis, ulcers= avoid alcohol-based mouthwash, soft toothbrush, avoid spicy foods, use lip lubricant, remove dentures, no flossing, no food with sharp edges. Soft, pureed diet, liquid diet. Pain relief-topical agents.
What are the nursing care for patient with Chemo for alopecia?
Alopecia= explore impact on self image. Cut hair, obtain wigs, scarves. Mild shampoo, no curling irons, hair dryers, no chemical products.
What are the nursing care for patient with Chemo for infection and anemia?
Bone marrow suppression= no crowds, good hygiene, no fresh flowers, reverse isolation. Monitor temperature, urine for UTI, wounds, cuts, cough. Wash dishes thoroughly, don’t change cat litter, no garden work. Diet- no fresh fruits/vegetables, undercooked meat, no salad.
Anemia- fatigue, PRBCs
What are the nursing care for patient with Chemo for thrombocytopenia?
Avoid IM injections, test urine/stool for blood, observe IV sites for bleeding. Avoid rectal trauma, use electric razor, soft-bristled toothbrush, no flossing, no hard foods, well-fitting dentures, no dental extractions, noncontact sports, wear shoes.
What are the nursing care for patient with Chemo for renal dysfunction?
Chemo is nephrotoxic
Hematuria, kidney stones electrolyte imbalances, cystitis, UTI
Adequate fluid intake
Monitor BUN creatinine.
What are the oncologic emergencies/complications?
Infection/sepsis- common cause of death Superior vena cava syndrome SIADH Tumor lysis syndrome Infarction/ organ failure Spinial cord compression
What is SIADH?
Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH) is a condition in which the body makes too much antidiuretic hormone (ADH). This hormone helps the kidneys control the amount of water your body loses through the urine.
What is superior vena cava syndrome?
Condition can lead to a painful, life-threatening emergency.
Signs: edema, JVD, dyspnea, erythema, and epistaxis, facial swelling, increased ICP
How to treat cancer pain?
Assess for pain
Pain common in advanced stages
Many psychosocial effects, emotional
Very treatable - schedule does, with additional doses for breakthrough pain.
What are psychosocial/ spiritual concerns for cancer>
Financial issues change in role Family needs Death and dying Meaning and worth of life, prayer Confidentiality, advocacy, education
What are the specific types of cancer?
lung, breast, colorectal, cervical, ovarian, prostate and testicular, melanoma.
What are some facts about lung cancer?
Leading cause cancer death in US.
Prevent by no smoking, healthy diet, no second hand smoke, use PPE when dealing with chemicals that affect lungs.
Symptoms: silent until late stages, fever/chills, productive cough, chest pain, dyspnea, anorexia, fatigue, weight loss, nausea/vomiting.
What are some facts about breast cancer?
lump, upper outer quadrant, hard, irregular, nonmobile, nontender.
Nipple discharge clear/blood Dimpling of the overlying skin.
What are risk factors for colorectal cancer?
Family history of Colorectal Cancer in a first-degree relative (parent, sibling, child), or known family history of a specific gene mutation. Race/Ethnicity, being African American or Jew of Eastern European descent. Being a Type 2 Diabetic. Lifestyle.
What are some facts about colorectal cancer?
Diagnostic used colonoscopy
Assessment findings = pain, rectal discomfort, change in bowel habits, blood in stool/anemia, mass obstruction.
What are some facts about cervical cancer?
risk factors HPV, smoking Recommended screening pap smear Assessment findings painless vaginal postmenstrual and postcoital bleeding. foul-smelling vaginal discharge. pelvic, lower back and groin pain Anorexia and weight loss Leakage of urine and feces from vagina Dysuria Hematuria Abnormal pap smear
What are some facts about ovarian cancer?
Risks factorsWomen over the age of 50 have a higher risk, and most cases of ovarian cancer occur in women who have already gone through the menopause. More than half the cases of ovarian cancer diagnosed are women over 65 years.
Assesstment: pelvic/abdominal pain, bloating, urinary freq/urgency, difficulty eating or feeling full quickly.
What are some facts about prostate cancer?
Age. …
Race. …
North American or northern European location. …
Family history. …
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) syndrome. …
Other genetic changes. …
Agent Orange exposure. …
Eating habits.
Symptoms include difficulty with urination, but sometimes there are no symptoms at all.
What are some facts about Testicular cancer?
Testicular cancer most often occurs between the ages of 15 and 40 years.
Causes of testicular cancer unknown
Testicular self-exam for screening
What are some facts about skin melanoma cancer?
Risk factors: overexposure to the sun, genetic predisposition, light skin, age 60/older Assessment: Asymmetry border irregularity, color change, diameter of 6mm or > Evolving in appearance Derm skin screening yearly
What are the risk factors of personality disorder?
Genetic, neurobiological, psychological, environmental, diathesis-stress model
What is cluster A personality disorder called?
What are the cluster A personality disorders called?
Paranoid, schizoid, schhizotypal
What is cluster B personality disorder called?
What are the cluster B personality disorders called?
Borderline, narcissistic, histrionic, antisocial
What are the cluster C personality disorders called?
Avoidant, dependent, OCD
What is cluster C personality disorder called?
What are the personality disorders characteristics?
Jealous, controlling as adults
unforgiveness and projection of feeling
Social anxiety in childhood