Module 5 Flashcards
How much do we want our DVs to be correlated?
Preferably .2-.4 would be a nice correlation. Anything above .6 is problematic
What is more important than deciding on DVs that are statistically related?
It is more important that DVs work together to explain a greater concept, rather than be correlated statistically.
What does MANOVA protect against?
MANOVA protects against inflated Type I error (only when DVs are correlated)
In what case is MANOVA more useful than just running multiple ANOVAs?
MANOVA is more useful when provides greater insight and explanation about the variables, beyond doing multiple ANOVAs
How many IVs and DVs do we require for MANOVA. What types of variables should they be?
We need at least 1 IV (continuous or categorical)
We need at least 2 continuous DVs
What is another name for the rows and columns in a matrix?
What are two other names for the individual values in a matrix?
Components or elements
How many rows and columns are in a 3x6 matrix?
3 rows, 6 columns
What is a square matrix?
A matrix with an equal number of rows and columns
What is an identity matrix?
A matrix where the diagonal values are all 1, and the off-diagonal values are all 0
What are the 3 additional data cleaning requirements for MANOVA?
Homogeneity of matrices
Multivariate normality
Multicollinearity and singularity
What are the two assumptions underlying the assumption of homogeneity of covariance matrices?
1) The variances for each DV are equal
2) The correlation between 2 DVs is the same for all groups
It is testing the assumption that each cell of the matrix is from the same population
What statistic tells us about homogeneity of covariance matrices?
Box’s M. We want a non-significant result. This test can be ignored when sample sizes are equal because some MANOVA test statistics are robust to violations of this assumption
How does Field (2013) suggest we check for the assumption of multivariate outliers?
Check the assumption of univariate normality of residuals for each DV in turn. But this does not guarantee multivariate normality.
To avoid multicollinearity, how should we select our DVs? What correlation indicates multicollinearity?
We should select DVs that are moderately or negatively correlated. Anything above .9 or below -.9 correlation represents multicollinearity.