module 5 & 6 flash cards
what are the three things that need to be considered for internal validity?
bias, chance and confounding
what is one way you can easily reduce chance
by increasing the sample size
what does increasing sample size do for chance
can reduce variability between samples
can increase likelihood of getting a sample that is representative of the population
can increase precision of parametre estimate
what is a fundamental concept of chance
you cannot eliminate sampling error but it can be reduced with larger sampling sizes.
what are type II errors in chance?
you incorrectly fail to reject the null hypothesis when you should have (the p value shouldve been less than 0.05 but we got one that was more than 0.05)
what are type I errors?
when you incorrectly find an association when there isnt actually one.
if your 95% confidence interval contains the null value is it statistically significant?
no, if it does the p value will also lie in the interval so the association wont be statistically significant.
what are three reasons why p values are problematic?
arbitrary threshold - always report what the number of the p value is not just if its significant or not.
Only about null hypothesis-
nothing about importance- statistical significance is not clinical significance.
what stages of the design study process can bias be controlled for?
can only be controlled in the design and data collection stages
what is selection bias
when there are differences between people who are included in the study and those who are not.
what three things do you need to take into consideration of selection bias for case control studies
who does it affect (what group), how does it affect them (over/under representated), what does this do to the measure of association (biased upwards or downwards)
how can selection bias occur in cohort studies
loss to follow up
If comparision is selected seperately from the exposed group this can lead to bias.
what is information bias?
bias that is created through differences in the way data on exposed or outcome are obtained.
what is publication bias?
authors encouraging organisations to approve things containing ‘positive’ findings
what are the three properties of a potential confounder?
needs to be independently associated with both the outcome and exposure
not on the causal pathway .
what four things can confounding do ?
overestimate of a true association
underestimate a true association
change the direction of a true association
give an apperance of an association when there isnt one.
what are three methods of controlling for confounding during the study design
what is randomisation, where can it be applied and what three factors does it require?
can only be applied in randomised control trials and it is where people are randomly allocated into their groups. a strength of this is that it controls for known and unknown confounders.
randomisaton requires:
-a large sample size
-need equipose
- an intention to treat analysis
what is restriction, where can it be applied and what are its cons?
restriction the sample to one stratrum of potential confounder (ie restrict the study to only look at particular age brackets) and this method can be applied to all study types.
but this can…
-reduce generalisiability
-reduces the number of people who could participate
-potential for resididual confounding with incorrectley measured confounders.
-usually only one potential confounder
what is matching, where can it be applied, pros and cons
you choose people to have the same composition in both the control and comparison groups in regards to potential confounder. can do this at individual level or at frequency level (ie 20% simularity). useful for difficult confounders, can improve efficiency of case control studies
-difficult and limit potential participants
-need special matched analysis
what are three methods for controlling confounding in the study analysis?
multivariable analysis