Module 5 Flashcards
Which of the following statements represents the concept of Fishbein’s theory of reasoned action?
I perform regular breast exams because my mother had breast cancer.
Attitudes can be defined as learned __________ to respond to an object or class of objects in a favorable or unfavorable way
Which of the following statements represents the construct of the subjective norm for the theory of reasoned action?
I feel that my parents and my husband want me to have the procedure.
A perception about how easy or difficult it is to perform a behavior in each condition identified in a person’s control beliefs is known as:
perceived power
According to the Theory of Reasoned Action and Planned Behavior, one way to change behavior would be to
alter intention
The following is a simple definition of which concept in Social Cognitive Theory:
A system of rewards (positive) and punishments (negative) in response to a behavior.
Which concept is this?
The following is a simple definition of which concept in Social Cognitive Theory:
The values that are placed in the expected outcomes of a behavior especially those that produce positive outcomes such as routine dental care and teeth cleanings (saving money down the road).
Which concept is this?
The following is a simple definition of which concept in Social Cognitive Theory:
Confidence in one’s ability to pursue a behavior.
Which concept is this?
The concept of self-regulation is understood as controlling our own behavior based on our own personal standards of belief that we can do something.
There are four major factors studied when using Social Cognitive Theory e.g. behaviors, environments, ideas, and emotions.
Social capital is an investment to be made within trustworthy social networks
One limitation with using the term “capital” is that it can be misunderstood because the word is associated with economics and finances
Relationship building is essential in understanding Social Capital Theory.
One limitation of Social Capital Theory is that is takes many layers of support to help people build relationships, which can slow down the efforts of health promotion initially.
One limitation of Social Capital Theory is that it does not consider relationship building in group.
Exchange of personal stories, ideas, insecurities, and being vulnerable with each other are identified methods in _________________________. Choose one answer
trust building
Relationship building is not important if trying to enhance social capital.