Module 4.1 Flashcards
Organic Chemicals
Covalent molcuelces based ont he element carbon
check sheet for examples of alcohol
-lines represent the COVALENT BONDS
-All of these molecules are based ont he element CARBON
carbon atoms have FOUR COVALENT BODNS
hydorgen forms ONE COVALENT BOND
These moelcules on the sheet have two parts
check star one
-Chain of carbon atoms bonded to hydorgen atoms .
-This part of the moelcule is called of the hYDROCARBON CHAIN
-the length of the hydrocarbon chain is dependant on the molecule .
check star two
-each moelcule also contains a second part
-the o-h ocygen covalnet onded o the hydrogen alcohol group is what scientists call thisese .
all of these molecules react int he same way but why ?
as they all contian an alchol group referred to as the FUNCITONAL GROUP OF ORGAIC MOLECULES .
What is a functional group ?
Prt of the moelcule that deretmines how it reacts (alchols all react ina simialr way becuse of their functional groups .
Alcohols are a homologous series , what does this mean ?
they have the sae fnctional group but each sucessive meember has an additional -ch2 .
my functional gro pis cll
example of me is cholormethane
wat is me ???
family of organic molecules is cALLED hydrocarbons
hydrocarbons are covalnet compounds containing only the elements carbon + hydorgen .
check sheet for all the hydrcarbons drawn
ETHANE has a SINGLE covalnet bond beween he carbon atoms .
-HYdrcarbons that only have a single covalent bond bewteen carbon atoms are called SATURATED hydrocarbons .
ethene has a double covalnet bond between caebrn toms
ethyne has a triple covalnet bond between carbon toms
any hydrocarbon with double / tirple covalne bonds betwen carbon aroms are called UNsatruaed hydrocarbons .
ethane is a memeber of the alknane homolgous series key though
-Alakanes have NO FUNCTIONAL GRoup BUT STILLR EFERRED TO AS homoglous series
part one of naming alkanes
1.the first paert of each name (aka prefix) tells u the NUMBER OF CARBONA TOMS
prefixes can also be used to name alkenes
alkenes with 3 carboncatoms
-name of all alkenes end in ENE .
3 carbonaTOMS SO PREFIX IS prop ene . PROPENE
Issue with alkenes with mroe than carbona toms
-the double bond cn be in different postions .
-TO nme the molecules we have to show the position of the double bond .
-TO OD THAT WE NUMBER THE carbon atoms .
-look at the shhet
-the double bond les betwen carbon 1+2
-in the name , we use the LOWEST OF THE TWO NUMBRTD that the double bodn lies in .
as the double bond lies betwen carbon 1 +2
the moelcule i called but 1 nee
check sheet of ranother example
-a carbon chain can me numbered frome ither left or right so wheere do we start ?
You choose the ned that to produces the LOWEST POSSIBLE NUMEBRS check sheet for the example .
in alkenes
we use a number to show the position of the double bonds
example of a branched chain hydrocarbon
branched chain hdyrocarbonds have a side chain / branch
- of naming
start by identifying hte longest ahin of carbon atom
the longest chain is 7 carbn atoms LOOK VERYY CAREFULLY WHERE IT IS .
-alaknes with 7 carbon chians are called heptane
- naming
look at the number of carbon atoms in sid chain
side chain has one crbon atom check dstar one .
-go back to the table - ONCE CRBON ATOM HAS THE PREFIX METH .
-so we call the side chin with one carbon atom the methyl group .
- of naming
State the positon of the methyl group on the main carbon chain .
-to do tht we number the carbon atoms .
-do this from the left the methyl group IS ON CARBON .
this is the right one
so the moelcules name is 3METHYL HEPTANE
(postion of chain how manyc arbon atoms then LONGEST Carbon chain )
what if we had two methyl groups on carbon 3 ?
check sheet
check sheet again
3,5 DImethylheptaine
check example 2
do not be caught out , the longest carbon chain is FIVE CARBON S .
-where is the methyl group on cabron 3
what if we have two side chains and they are not the same ?
check sheet
-idenitfy the lonesgt chins
and name sof side chian .
-the name of the molduelse is based on the LONGEST chain
-Side chains are listed ALPHABETICAL witht he lowest possible numers .
worked out of example with two side chaons in dif places
-longest chain is 8 = octan e
one isde chian = methyl as one carbon
another side chain = 2 cabrons ehtyl group
POSTIONS = methyl is on carbon3
ETHYL is onc arbon 5
IF U WERE TO NUMBER FROM LEF TTO RIGHT , the lowest numbers woudl nt be produced .
name is
5ethyl,3methylloctane .
same rules apply with branched alkenes
-longest carbon chain is five atoms .
-double bond is between crbon2 and ,
so it is based on PENT-2-ENE
-Methyl grou pis on carbon 3 os moleeucl eis called 3METHYLPENTANE
STRUCUTRE of methane
-methane has one cbron tom
joined byc oelnt bond to four . so molecular formular is ch4
molecular formula
the molecular formula ells sus the elemnets in a molecle and then umber of toms o feach elemeent methnae = ch4 .
emprical forumla
tells us hte ismplest whle number ratio of the the atom sof each element in a compound o fncl
one to one ratio so emprical formula is nacl
whe writing moleuclar forumala of orgnic moelcules always but c before h and then ny other elements are listed alphabeitclaly
one problem with molecular formula
does not give us an information on the strucutre of the moleucle 9how the aotms are bonded to eachother )
second problem with the moleuclar formula
different compounds can have rs can have the same moleuclr formula
C2H4 O2
ethanoic acid and methyl methanoate
-cant tell from the moleuclar forumla alone which compound e are discussing .
emprical forumla c2h6 divide by smallest number HICH IS 2
empricl formula is CH3
a sample of hydrocarbon contains 0.48g of carbon and 0.08 gh of hdyrogen
calculate emprical formula
STEP ONE - wokout the moles of carbon ahd hydrogen by doing
so mol of carbon is 0.04 and moll of hydorgen is 0.08
DIVIDE BYTHE SMALLEST MOL WHICH IS 0.04 U WILL GEt emprical formula as ch2 .
empirical formula is used to worko out the moelulcar formual .
we know our ocmpound ofr example has a mr of 28gg1. get hte mr of our empricl formula = 14
divide mr of compound by mr of empricl formula =2
times our empricl formul by 2 = C2H4 menng our compound is ETHENE .
DISPALED formula of hydorcarbon propane
3 carbons and eighth ydorgens .
key ; displayed formula
shows us the relative position of each atom and all the covalent bonds .
-KEY ; displayed formual does not show accurate bond angles .
however , rather than displayed formula - scientists prefer using structural formula .
structural formula shows us how atoms are arranged but does not show bonds .
KEY ; need to show atoms bonded to each carbon atom in turn . CHECK SHEET AND DLOOK AT PENTANE TOO .
Two different versions of chloropropane
check sheet these are called isomers
chlorine is afrer CARBON1 in the strucurl formula
-chloirne is after CARBON2 in the strucuturl formula .
What if we need to show a side chain in the structural formula ?
-methyl group of carbon atom with 3 hydorgen atoms .
-In the strucural formula , we place the meythl group in BRACKETS
-As the methyll group is bonded to carbon 2 , In the strucural formul we put it after C2 .
alcohol group check sheet
key about the alcohol group is hat the covlent bond runs from the Carbon aatom to the oxygen atom so need to show in the moleucle .
what is skeletal formula ?
Skeltal formula is the simplest possible way to show the strucuutre of an organic molecule .
-we do NOT show crbon nd hdyrogen toms .
-Only atoms we show are FUNCTIONAL GROUPS
-Instea we show the ocvalnet bonds between cabron atoms and bond to functionl roups . LOOKA T EXAMPLES ON SHEET .
Haven’t shown the covalent bond between oxygen and hdyrogen in fucntional group as it is not a critical to show the bond in the funcional grous (will say if it is essentail thoghghghg)
what is is the general formula
the general formula is the simplest algebric formula for a memeber of a homoglous seris
what is the general formula for alkanes and alkenes
- generral formula for alkanes is cnh2n+2
general formula for lakenes is cnh2n
workout thecholroalkanes
- each moleucle has two hdyrogen atoms bdoned to a caron atom .
-have one extra hydrogen at the end of each molecule .
-each moelcule also contians one atom of chlorine .
so genral fromula is CNH2N+1CL
This step by step process applies to all .
general formula for alchols
HAVE TO show rthe whole functional group . .
Check sheet for formula for butane
Butane is an alkane with the molecular formula c4h10
What other thing had the molecule formula c4h10
Methyl propane
Butane and methyl propane ahve the same molecular formula , but different sirry curls formulas . Theses are called STRUCTURAL ISers
Meaning of structural isomers
Molecules work the same molecular formula and different structural formulas
Chekc sheet for different structural formulas of pentane and learn them
Check sheet for different structural isomers of pent-1-ene and learn them
Change rhe poison of the double bond and you get pent2-ene
Another one
Pent-1-nee move carbon 5 to carbon 2
Another one 2-methylbutene
Take methyl group on and move methyl group onto carbon 3 , to get 3 methylbut1ene
Taking pent .2ene
We can move carbon 5 onto carbon 2 giving structure 2 methyl but 2 ene
And that is all of them .
Key : ask nws ask have structural isomers which are called cycloalkanes
Check sheet for cycloalkanes of penitence
Check sheet for structural isomers of 1-chlrprnjtanr (learnnn)
Some stringers nah be r thoight there was a fifth structure isomer . WITJ THR FIFTH CL ON THE methyl group but that’s jus another wya of smdraeing methul ptopane
Sometimes , different structural isomers have different functional groups .
Check sheet and lesrn
What is a functional group isomer
Functional gorip jsomers the molecules have the same molecular formula but different functional groups .
Chain isomers
They diffeeent in the arrangement kf the hydrocarbon chain . Two examples SHEIN a
Positional isomers
Have different positions of the functional group . On the hydrocarbon chain , one chlorbitane and 2chlorobutane are examples .
What re stereoisomers
Stereosisomers are moelcuels with the the same struccutrl formula butatoms are arrnged differently in space .
Stereoisomers are molecules with the same structural formula, but atoms are arranged differently in space
There are two main types of stereoisomers
Geometric jsomers
And optical jsomers
Chekc the sheet for 1,2 dibromowrhanw
KEY: single covalent bonds are fully rotational . AKA THE covalent bond between the two carbon atoms can rotate .
All of the diagrams shown for the same molecule all that has been done is in each case is rotate the carbon bond between the carbon mains.
Showing in sheet 1,2 dibromoethene
Double covalent bonds have very resiteicfwd rotation.
A double covalent hind can flex slightly . But cannot rotate like a single covalent bind . This means that this meolcule actually exists in two different forms .
1,2 dibromowrhwne
These are called geometrical jsomers or 1.2 dibromowrhwne check sheet
One is CIS and one is TRANS
KEY : cis/ trans jsomers is one of the naming systems for gemeoteixal jsomers . The other one is E/Z
Any can have cis/ trans jsomers as long as it needs to conditions.
Condition one
Carbon atoms on the Dublin bond must have attached to 2 different groups.
Can see this in the monster drawn before.
Both carbon atoms on either side of the double bond is bonded to a bromine atom and a hydrogen atom.
Condition two
At least one of these groups must be the same, on both carbon atoms on the double bond (in the in the case store, it is actually true for both the hydro and the bromine.)
Step one on deciding which is which.
Look at the group which is the same on both sides of the double bond. In this case we can choose either hydrogen, atoms or bromine atoms. We’re going to choose the hydrogen atoms in this case.
Step two of deciding, which is which
– If the two hydrogen atom are on the same side of the molecule, then this is a CISI.
– however, if the two hydrogen atoms are opposite the molecule than this a trans is OMR .
SIS/trans, isomers for BUT – two – ENE
In the case of this, the carbon atoms are on either side of the double bond and are both body to a hydrogen atom and meter group. We are going to stick with the hydrogen again.
– In the C.I.S. is more hydrogen atoms are on the same side of the molecule (diagram on left).
In trans, isomer and opposite size of the molecule, check the right side.
Why can’t But1Sbe have any cis trans isomers
What is carbon atoms on either side of the double bond must be to 2 different groups.
– at least one of those groups must be the same for both carbons.
Looking at but one ehe we can see carbon one bonded two hogging atoms, so but1sbe is not a cis trans isomer .
What about 1-xhlorobut1eneq
This can have system isomers as a carbons on either sides of double bond is bonded to 2 different groups. (Carbon one is bonded to hydrogen and chlorine atom.
Carbon is bonded to a hydrogen atom and eat our group.
So here is the C.I.S. Trans isomer for 1-chlorobut1ene, check sheet .
workout e/z isomer , how do we do it ?
start by looking at the grop ,kw hich is thw same , on the carbon atoms on either side of the double bond .
How do you workout E/Z isomers ?
Start by looking at the group which is the Same on the carbon atoms on either side of the double bond .
In this case we are looking at the hydrogen atom .
Workout Z isomer
If the group is ok the same side of the molecule then we fall it a Z ISOMER
If the group is on the opposite soxd of the isomer
We call it the e isomer
Ada vantage of cis trans jsomers
Check sheet , in this case , the carbon atoms on either side of the double bond are attached to four diffferent groups .
-so we cannot name these isomers using cis/trans system .
BUT , we can use due E/z isomer rule
And to do that we use the CIP priority rules (initials from scientists who developed this )
Step one of using CIP rules
lol at the atoms attached to the carbons on either side of the double bond
The element with the greatest atomic number is given the highest priority .
-On the LHS we have cl and br
Chlorine has atomic number 7 and bromine is 35
So on the lhs bromine has higher priority .
On Hydrogen has ar
If nimber onefluroine has nine RHS
So on the right hand side flooring has the higher priority. 
We assigned the EOD using the higher priority groups. LHS – higher priority groups on the opposite size of the molecule so this is the E isomer .
HS – higher priority groups are on the same side of the molecule, so this is the z isomer .
Next molecule carbon atoms are on either side of the double bond, have completely different groups.
LHS of the double bond we have a bromine atom and a iodine atom.
Bromine has an atomic number of 35 and iodine has an atomic number of 53. So iodine has a higher priority.
RHS of the double bond – carbon atoms attached to 2 atoms of oxygen.
Therefore cannot establish priority based on oxygen.
So now we move onto the next atom, if there are different, we can use these to establish priority.
I uncover. The atomic number of hydrogen is one and atomic number of carbonate six.
Meaning group containing carbon has a higher priority.
LHS – high priority groups are opposite size of the molecule, so it is a
R isk ed. .
RHS same side , so Aaron
Determine the e / z isomer of this check sheet
HS – hydro atomic number of bond and chlorine atomic number seven. Chlorine has a higher priority.
RHS carbon is one to another carbon so we cannot use this for priority.
Then we have carbon and nitrogen. Carbon has an atomic number of six and nitro atomic number seven. Nous containing group has a heartpriority
General formula of allanes cnh2n+2
Covid bonds all each carbon atom, phones, tetrahedral structure with bond, angles of 109.5°
The bond angles in alkanes are type of covalent bond, Calls a sigma bond
Aia bond forms when electron orbitals from adjacent orbitals directly overlap .
A sigma bond contains a parallel one from each atom, either side of the bond. The par of electrons in the bond directly between the bonding atoms.
When we look at our Keynes, we can see that carbon atoms. You can’t force a different type of corrode and bod called pi bond .
However, in the case of alkanes, only a sigma bond can be formed.
Key: sigma bonds are fully rotational.
The covalent bonding in alkanes are also relatively strong. And take a lot of energy to break.
Alkane is a hydrocarbon. Carbon hydrogen atoms have very similar electronegativity. Many alkanes are essentially non polar molecules.
Helping to explain the properties of alkanes.
Alkanes are insoluble in water. Because water molecules from hydrogen bonds with each other. 
Because our kids have no permanent diapers, they can some hydrogen bonds. Therefore, I’ll keens cannot dissolve in water.
Online money or molecules alkanes are generally unreactive. Because of this strong covalent bond within an alkane molecules.