Module 4: Testing Software Quality Characteristics Flashcards
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
While the previous chapter described specific techniques available to the tester, this chapter considers the…
Application of those techniques in evaluating the characteristics used to describe the quality of software applications or systems.
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
This syllabus discusses the quality characteristics which may be…
The attributes to be evaluated by the Technical Test Analyst are…
Evaluated by a Test Analyst.
Considered in the Advanced Technical Test Analyst syllabus [CTAL-TTA].
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
The description of product quality characteristics provided in ISO 25010 [ISO25010] is used as a…
Guide to describe the characteristics. The ISO software quality model divides product quality into different product quality characteristics, each of which may have sub-characteristics.
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
Functional suitability
Functional correctness
functional appropriateness
functional completeness
Test Analyst
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
Technical Test Analyst
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
Appropriateness recognizability
user interface aesthetics
user error protection
Test Analyst
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
Performance efficiency
Time behavior
resource utilization
Technical Test Analyst
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
Technical Test Analyst
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
Test Analyst
Technical Test Analyst
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
Technical Test Analyst
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
Co-exostance - Technical Test Analyst
Interoperability - Test Analyst
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
For all of the quality characteristics and sub-characteristics discussed in this section…
Quality characteristic testing requires…
Without a strategy to deal with…
Some of this testing, e.g., usability testing, can require…
the typical risks must be recognized so that an appropriate test strategy can be formed and documented.
Particular attention to SDLC timing, required tools, software and documentation availability, and technical expertise.
Each characteristic and its unique testing needs, the tester may not have adequate planning, ramp up and test execution time built into the schedule [Bath14].
Allocation of special human resources, extensive planning, dedicated labs, specific tools, specialized testing skills and, in most cases, a significant amount of time. In some cases, usability testing may be performed by a separate group of usability or user experience experts.
Quality Characteristics - Intro (4.1)
While the Test Analyst may not be responsible for the quality characteristics that require a more technical approach, it is important that…
For example, a test object that fails performance testing…
Similarly, a test object with interoperability issues…
The Test Analyst is aware of the other characteristics and understands the overlapping areas for testing.
May likely fail in usability testing if it is too slow for the user to use effectively.
With some components is probably not ready for portability testing as that will tend to obscure the more basic problems when the environment is changed.
Quality Characteristics for Business Domain Testing (4.2)
Functional suitability testing is a primary focus for the Test Analyst. Functional suitability testing is focused on…
The test basis for functional suitability testing is generally…
Functional suitability tests vary according to…
At the system test level, functional suitability tests include…
For systems of systems, functional suitability testing will focus primarily on…
A wide variety of test techniques are…
“what” the test object does.
Requirements, a specification, specific domain expertise or implied need.
The test level in which they are conducted and can also be influenced by the SDLC. For example, a functional suitability test conducted during integration testing will test the functional suitability of interfacing components which implement a single defined function.
Testing the functional suitability of the system as a whole.
End-to-end testing across the integrated systems.
Employed during functional suitability testing (see Chapter 3).
Quality Characteristics for Business Domain Testing (4.2)
In Agile software development, functional suitability testing usually includes the following:
- Testing the specific functionality (e.g., user stories) planned for implementation in the particular iteration
- Regression testing for all unchanged functionality
Quality Characteristics for Business Domain Testing (4.2)
In addition to the functional suitability testing covered in this section, there are also…
Certain quality characteristics that are part of the Test Analyst’s area of responsibility that are considered to be nonfunctional (focused on “how” the test object delivers the functionality) testing areas.
Functional Correctness Testing (4.2.1)
Functional correctness involves verifying…
Functional correctness testing employs…
Functional correctness testing can be conducted at…
The application’s adherence to the specified or implied
requirements and may also include computational accuracy.
Many of the test techniques explained in Chapter 3 and often uses the specification or a legacy system as the test oracle.
Any test level and is targeted on incorrect handling of data or situations.
Functional AppropriatenessTesting (4.2.2)
Functional appropriateness testing involves evaluating and validating the…
This testing can be based on…
Functional appropriateness testing is usually conducted during…
Defects discovered in this testing are indications that
Appropriateness of a set of functions for its intended specified tasks.
The functional design (e.g., use cases and/or user stories).
System testing, but may also be conducted during the later stages of integration testing.
The system will not be able to meet the needs of the user in a way that will be considered acceptable.