Module 4 - Terminations Flashcards
- opia
- opy
- opsia
- opsy
visual disorder; vision; a viewing; examination (4)
destruction; a loosening; breakdown
a hardening (of an organ or other body structure); a hardening caused by (a substance)
surgical puncture to withdraw fluid
a narrowing; constriction
death [of cells, tissues, or organs]
sense of touch; touch
- ectopia
- ectopy
malposition; displacement (2)
stagnation (of a flow or movement); cessation
- edema
- oedema
fluid-filled swelling (of an organ or structure) (2)
pertaining to the control (of a substance); pertaining to the stagnation/cessation (of flow)
- algesia
- odynia
pain (2)
- rrhagia
- rhagia
- rrhage
- rhage
rapid discharge (of a substance, or from an organ or other location) (4)
an insufficient amount (of a substance)
- orexia
- orexis
appetite (2)
pertaining to infection; infected
treatment (of an organ, symptom, or disease); treatment by means (of a substance or process)
- osphresia
- osphresis
- osmia
sense of smell (3)
- acousia
- acousis
sense of hearing (2)
device used to control; agent used to control
- iatry
- iatrics
study and treatment [in specific reference to the medical profession or a physician]
- ectasis
- ectasia
dilation; expansion; bulge (2)
prolapse [a slipping down of an organ or part of an organ]
- rrhexis
- rhexis
rupture (2)
pertaining to the destruction, loosening, or breakdown [make appropriate choice for the context]
- geusia
- geustia
sense of taste (2)
marriage; sexual union
- rrhea
- rhea
discharge (of a substance, or from an organ or other location) (2)