Module 4 Multipotent Stem Cells Flashcards
What are mesenchymal stem cells?
Multipotent stem cells found in bone marrow that are important for making and repairing skeletal tissue. Also play an important role in maintaining environment of the bone marrow along with assisting in the immune response. Note that these also begin to decrease as we age.
What are adult stem cells?
Undifferentiated multipotent stem cells that reside in differentiated tissues.
Autologous vs allogenic MSC therapy?
Autologous: self donation, own MSC can be the reason for their disease, long time.
Allogeneic: Donated MSC, immediate use, cells can be selectively derived from young donors.
What are satellite cells?
They are myogenic (muscle) stem cells that help with muscle regeneration throughout the lifespan.
What is Duchenne muscular dystrophy?
X-linked disease that is most common form of MD that primarily affects boys due to absence of dystrophin, a protein involved in in the integrity of the muscle.
Signs: Swayed back, weak butt muscles, shoulder and arms held back, thin weak thighs.
What is dystrophin?
Anchor-type protein that sits just inside muscle cell membrane and tethers structural proteins inside the cell to the proteins that sit in outer surface of cell membrane.
Name the different approaches to treat DMD?
Myoblasts: Clinical trials in 1991 but other studies show mixed results in improving muscle strength. You also have to do these injections all over the body.
Satellite cells: Precursor population that can differentiate into myoblasts and repair muscle fibers or self renew and remain dormant awaiting muscle regeneration. Problem: small number of satellite cells can be extracted from biopsies and not easy to expand in culture.
MSC’s: Works but is limited in muscle regeneration
ES and IPs: Powerful as it can make any cells but ethical concerns and fear of tumor.
Stem cell scaffold will be vital for all these approaches to rebuild muscle
Chondrocytes come from which germ layer and form what 3 types of cartilage?
The mesodermal origin.
1. Hyaline (articular) cartilage: Found in joints, rib cartilage, nose, and trachea.
2. Elastic cartilage: Found in ear, epiglottis, and larynx.
3. Fibrous: Found in intervertebral discs.
Describe the components and composition of articular cartilage
Majority is a matrix made up of water with remaining solid materials:
Collagen: Resist shear stress and give structure and tensile strength
Proteoglycans and proteins: Shock absorbers
Chondrocytes: Cells that produce ECM for development and maintenance.
Define osteophyte
bony outgrowth associated with the degeneration of cartilage at joints
Describe the composition of bone
60% weight of bone is mineral (calcium and phosphate) and the rest is water and matrix, with the matrix proteins being collagen to provide strength.
Describe the bone remodeling cycle
Osteoclasts perform bone resorption (removing bone to be replaced)> reversal stage> osteoblasts perform bone formation (ossification) > osteocytes and mineralization. It’s believed that osteoporosis has an uneven relationship with osteoblasts and osteoclasts.
Describe phase of bone’s natural healing process
Reactive phase: Blood cells migrate to tissue surrounding fracture and constrict to stop bleeding.
Reparative phase: Periosteal cells close to fracture develop into chondroblasts to form hyaline cartilage while periosteal cells furthest from fracture turn into osteoblasts to form bone. The 2 tissues grow unite and is replaced with lamellar bone and finally with trabecular bone.
Remodeling Phase: Trabecular bone undergoes bone remodeling phase and becomes compact bone.
All around can take 3-5 years.
Properties of bone grafting
Graft osteogenesis: Cellular events within a donor graft which survive transplantation and synthesize new bone at recipient site.
Graft osteoinduction: New bone formation through active recruitment of host MSC from surrounding tissue. Facilitated by growth factor Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs).
Graft osteoconduction: Facilitation of blood-vessel incursion and new bone formation into graft structure.
Properties of ideal bone-graft
Biocompatible, bioresorbable, osteoconductive, osteoinductive, structurally similar, and cost-effective
Describe the bone marrow microenvironment
Niches: Local tissue microenvironments that maintain and regulate stem cells.
Hematopoiesis: Formation of blood and cellular components provides a model for understanding mammalian stem cells and their niches.
What are HSCs and why are they important?
Hematopoietic stems cells are multipotent stem cells that give rise to cells of both the blood and immune cell lineage. As these HSCs are found mostly in the bone marrow, understanding the HSC niche helps in improving regeneration following injury or transplantation.
Describe the composition of blood
55% is plasma (water with proteins that help with electrolyte balance and infection resistance)
45% is erythrocytes (RBC)
1% is leukocytes (WBC) and platelets (thrombocytes)
What are the 3 important proteins in plasma that help with electrolyte balance and protect the body from blood infections and disorders
Albumin, Globulin, Fibrinogen
What is serum in blood?
Clear yellowish fluid that remains from blood plasma after clotting factors have been removed (fibrinogen).
Remember the blood types and reasons on who can donate to who?
Are you a blud?
What was the niche hypothesis
Femur contained marrow cavities where primitive cells tend to localize.
Trabeculae: Minute projection of bone are found throughout the metaphysis so many cells are close to the bone surface.
Endosteum: Interface of bone and marrow and contains osteoblasts and osteoclasts. Arteries carry oxygen, nutrients, and growth factors into bone marrow before feeding the sinusoids.
What are the two distinct niches that reside in the bone marrow?
Endosteal niche: Outer edge of bone marrow containing osteocytes, bone matrix, and HSCs.
Perivascular niche: Inner core of bone marrow with actively diving HSCs, sinusoidal endothelium, and MSCs.
What occurs when bone marrow is damaged or diseased?
It’s likely individuals develop blood or autoimmune disease, and/or cancer. Examples include Leukemia, Lymphoma, and Myeloma.
What is Leukemia? (Symptoms and Causes)
Bone marrows greater abnormally large number of immature white blood cells that don’t function called blasts cells or blasts. This causes the white blood cells not able to fight infection and impairs the ability of the bone marrow to produce other import blood lineage cells
Symptoms: Being ill, anemia, and excessive bleeding.
Possible causes: Radiation/toxin exposure, viruses, genes, chemicals.
Acute vs Chronic: Acute gets worse quickly while chronic gets wore slowly.
Name the types of leukemia
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Abnormal transcription factors affecting development of B and T cells (affects children).
Chronic myeloid leukemia: Chromosomal deletion or somatic hypermutation (affects adults, twice in men)
Acute lymphocytic leukemia: Oncogenic mutations leading to accumulated immature myeloid blasts (affects adults)
Acute myeloid leukemia: Tyrosine kinase pathway (affects 20-50, rare in children).
What is myeloma?
Blood cancer that targets plasma cells and prevent normal production of antibodies. Myeloma cells results in production of abnormal antibodies, or M proteins which offer no benefit to the body and outcrowd functioning antibodies.
Diseased plasma cells exploit normal bone marrow microenvironment for their survival.
What is lymphoma?
Cancer that occurs when lymphocytes (T cells, B cells, NK cells) proliferate in an uncontrolled manner. The abnormal lymphocytes clump together and form a mass in the lymph nodes or other organs of the lymphatic system.
Hodgkin lymphoma vs Non-Hodgkin lymphoma?
Hodgkin Lymphoma:
-One of the most curable types of cancer as predictable pattern of growth (one lymph node to another)
-Reed-Sternberg cells help distinguish Hodgkin from other types of lymphoma.
- Rarely found outside of the lymph nodes
Non Hodgkin Lymphoma:
-30 types and can be classified by the types of lymphocytes affected.
-NHL frequently exists anywhere/distributed throughout the body.
What is cancer cell dormancy?
Cancer cells enter an state of quiescence or dormancy which makes therapeutics targeting high proliferation not effective and these can be activated at a later time and cause recurrence. Given cancer deaths occur after 5 year of survival, it’s been an effort to stimulate the quiescent endosteal niche to the more active perivascular niche.
Describe Cancer Hijack of MSCs in the bone marrow
MSCs and immune cells are recruited to tumors through inflammatory chemokines and their recruitment helps promote vascularization, tissue remodeling and immune responses. They also differentiate into supportive stromal cells to support this tumor microenvironment. However, due to their unique homing ability, this can be a good option for therapeutic modifications.
What is umbilical cord blood and what 2 cell types of stem cells were identified in it?
Blood that remains in fetal portion of placenta and in the attached umbilical cord after childbirth. Cord blood contains stem cells that can treat hematopoietic and genetic disorders. The placenta helps transfer nutrients and oxygen from mothers blood to fetal blood.
MSCs and HSCs
What is GVHD?
It’s Graft vs Host Disease and is the massive immune attack that results from HLA mismatch. GVHD itself can kill you and with it being so immunosuppressive, it’s predispose their patients to life threatening infections.
Pros and Cons of storing umbilical cord blood
No donor risk
Stored indefinitely and rapid availability
Increased ethnic diversity of donor pool
High proliferative potential
Private companies began to overtake public companies offering it for free and now has made it costly.
Child’s own cord blood would rarely be suitable for transplant back to the individual today as the cord blood stem cells carry the same condition to the recipient and can’t treat genetic diseases.
AAP and Obstetricians and Gynecologic have declared use of cord blood as biological insurance to be unwise.
Lots of misinformation about cord blood successfully treating things such as Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s, spinal cord injuries.
Rando fact: Each child shares one of its 2 HLA genes with each parent
What is peripheral blood stem cells?
It’s today’s standard of care and use GCSF (granulocytes colony stimulating factor) to stimulate release of stems cells in bone marrow to circulating (peripheral blood). Alongside this, physicians can take enough cells for 2 transplants incase the first one doesn’t work. They don’t use banked cord blood cells as it’s usually not enough cells and unknown about the quality of collection.
Why is cell dosage important?
Generally with donor engraftments, it’s more successful when patients receive a lower number of cells that go below cell dose threshold in comparison to larger number of cells, which can be deadly, especially for pediatric patients. However, it’s also important to improve the number of cord blood cells available for adult cord blood transplantation.
What are 2 types of cells in the nervous tissue?
Neurons: Excitable nerve cells that transmit electrical signals. Live for 100 years and don’t divide.
Glial (Supporting cells) : “Nerve glue”
astrocytes: metabolism and synapse formation
oligodendrocytes: produce myelin sheaths in CNS
microglia: phagocytes
ependymal cells: lines the cavity of CNS and spinal cord: cilia
Schwann cells: Form myelin in PNS
satellite cells: surround neuron cell body and gas and nutrient exchange
What are clusters called in the CNS vs the PNS?
CNS: nuclei
PNS: ganglia
What are the 3 things neurons can synapse with?
Neurons, muscles, and glands.
Oligodendrocytes vs Schwann cells?
Schwann (PNS) wrap themselves around a single segment of axon’s myelin sheath while oligodendrocytes (CNS) wrap around numerous axons at once. (Google image for refresher).
Gray vs White matter of CNS?
Gray matter: Neuron cells bodies are clustered.
White matter: Millions of axons running between different parts of CNS, in bundles of ‘tracts’. The white comes from myelin sheaths.
Name the types of nerves
Nerves are bundles of nerve fibers (long axons) in connective tissue
Mixed: Carry both sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent fibers). Ex. spinal nerves
Sensory or afferent nerves: to CNS
Motor or efferent nerves: ventral roots of spinal cord.
What are purkinje cells?
Large neurons with many branching extensions found in the cerebellum that help control motor movement. They release neurotransmitters that have inhibitory actions on nerve impulses, allow these cells to regular and coordinate motor movements.
What are the approaches for peripheral nerve injuries?
It’s better that during an injury to neurons that distal portions like the axon are damaged rather than close to neuron body as they can undergo a good amount of regeneration.
1. Suturing severed peripheral nerves
2. Autologous nerve grafts (autographs)
3. Artificial scaffolds and substrates to guide natural regeneration
What are nerve guides?
They’re the tubes use to bridge the stumps of damaged nerves together. They’re usually filled with fluid and cytokines to promote regeneration. They however have a critical gap length where successful regeneration will occur 50% of the time. Things that increase this critical gap length are adding Schwann cells, making them out of degradable collagen, introducing a collagen GAG-matrix.
Examples of Neurodegenerative diseases:
Parkinson’s Disease: Disorder of the CNS as a result of death of dopamine generating cells in region of the midbrain.
Alzheimers Disease: Hyperphosphorylated tau proteins pair with other threads of tau that form protein tangles in nerve cell bodies and disintegrate microtubule and collapse neuron’s transport system.
Huntington’s Disease: Gene mutation that leads to toxic accumulation of protein in the brain and destroy cells in the basal ganglia.
Multiple Sclerosis (MS): Inflammatory disease which myelin nerve cells in brain and spinal cord are damaged and therefore inhibit nervous system communication.
ALS: Motor neurons>spinal cord>muscles. ALS degenerates motor neurons and therefore brain is unable to control muscles.