Module 4 Excel Definitions Flashcards
100% stacked column chart
A column chart that places the data series values within combined columns showing what percentage is contributed by each series.
axis title
Descriptive text that appears next to an axis
bar chart
A column chart turned on its side so that the length of each bar is based on its value.
category values
The groups or categories to which series values belong.
A visual representation of a set of data values; also called a graph.
chart area
The chart and all of the other chart elements.
chart design theory
Edward Tufte
chart element
An individual part of a chart, such as the title or the legend.
chart junk
a proliferation of chart elements—chosen because they look “nice”—confuse and distract the reader.
chart legend
A box that identifies the data markers associated with each data series.
chart subtype
A variation of a chart type
chart title
A descriptive label or name for the chart.
clustered column chart
A column chart that displays the data values in separate columns side by side.
column chart
A chart that displays data values as columns with the height of each column based on its value.
combination chart
A chart that combines two or more Excel chart types into a single graph.
data bar
A conditional format that adds a horizontal bar to the background of a cell proportional in length to the cell’s value.
data callout
A data label that appears as a callout bubble pointing to a data marker.
data label
Text associated with an individual data marker.