module 4 Flashcards
Intelligence is????
ability to solve problems and to adapt and learn from experiences.
Ability to adapt, shape, and select environments.
What are the main intelligence tests?
- The Binet test
- stanford-binet 5
the wechsler scales
What is the Binet test?
Binet stressed that the core of intelligence consists of complex cognitive processes such as memory, imagery, comprehension, and judgement. He tested potential items and determined the age at which a typical child could answer them correctly.
What does mental age mean?
(came up from Binet) an individual’s level of mental development relative to others.
What is intelligence quotient?
concept created by William stern. Refers to an individual’s mental age divided by chronological age multiplied by 100: IQ = MA/CA x 100
What is the Stanford-binet 5?
analyzes five areas including: fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial reasoning, and working memory.
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What are the Wechsler scales?
Has different levels of testing from children to adults. The WISC-V now not only provides an overall IQ score but also yields five composite scores including: Verbal Comprehension, Working Memory, Processing Speed, Fluid Reasoning, and Visual Spatial
What is normal distribution?
symmetrical, bell-shaped curve with a majority of the cases falling in the middle of the range of possible scores and few scores appearing toward the extremes of the range.
What is stern berg’s triarchic theory?
Robert Sternberg thinks that the traditional IQ test fails to measure some important dimensions of intelligence. His triarchic theory consists of:
- analytical intelligence
- creative intelligence
- practical intelligence
What is analytical intelligence?
the ability to analyze, judge, and evaluate, compare, and contrast
What is creative intelligence?
consists of the ability to create, design, invent, originate, and imagine
What is practical intelligence?
involves the ability to use, apply, implement, and put ideas into practice.
What is gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences?
according to Howard Gardner people have multiple intelligences and IQ tests measure only a few of these. He proposed 8 intelligences
What are the 8 intelligences of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences?
verbal interpersonal mathematical intrapersonal naturalist Bodily-kinesthetic spatial
What is emotional intelligence?
the ability to perceive and express emotional accurately and adaptively, to understand emotion and emotional knowledge, to use feelings to facilitate thought, and to manage emotional in oneself and others.
What does the study of intelligence center on?
The study of intelligence centers on the extent to which intelligence is influenced by genetics (nature) vs. the extent to which it is influenced by the environment (nurture)
What is cross-cultural comparisons
Values of a culture may influence the direction in which a child develops. In a cross-cultural contect, intelligence depends on a great deal on environment.
What is a stereotype threat?
anxiety regarding whether one’s behavior might confirm a negative stereotype about one’s group
What is a culture-fair tests?
intelligence tests that are designed to avoid cultural bias.
What is Bayley Scales of Infant Development?
Widely used scales, for assessing infant development. Has five scales: cognitive, language, motor, socio-emotional, and adaptive.
Carly Laughed And Made Sounds
What is the Fagan test correlated with?
intelligence in older children
What does a cross-sectional study assess?
assesses individuals of different ages at the same point in time.
What does a longitudinal study assess?
the same individuals are studied over a period of time.
What is crystallized intelligence?
an individual’s accumulated information and verbal skills, which continues to increase with age
What is fluid intelligence?
the ability to reason effectively
What is cognitive mechanics?
the “hardware” of the mind, reflecting the neurophysiological architecture of the brain as developed through evolution. Involves the sped and accuracy of the processes involving sensory input, visual and motor memory, discrimination, comparison, and categorization. (similar to fluid intelligence)
What is cognitive pragmatics?
The culture-based “software” of the mind. Includes reading and writing skills, language comprehension, educational qualifications, professional skills, and the self-knowledge and life skills that help us to master or cope with life. (similar to crystallized intelligence)
What is wisdom?
expert knowledge about the practical aspects of life that permits excellent judgement about important matters
What is a cognitive scale?
items measured the absence of cognitive wisdom and included items on not having the ability or being unwilling to understand something thoroughly