Module 4 Flashcards
At standard conditions, determine if a reaction is spontaneous, if it is exothermic or endothermic,
and if it increases entropy. Know which data you need to determine this.
-useable energy gained or released by reaction
More negative -> release a lot of energy
More positive -> needs a lot of energy to initiate
Internal disorder of a substance
negative: Decrease in entropy -> less disorder
positive entropy: spontaneous
low entropy ->low disorder
high entropy -> high disorder
Positive: endothermic, system absorbs energy
Negative: exothermic, system releases energy
What is unstable, metastable, and stable as it pertains to gibbs energy?
Unstable -> needs decrease in energy
Metastable -> could release more energy but needs activation energy to get started
Stable -> has minimal gibbs free energy
What is the common ion effect?
Le chateliers principle
If a common ion already exists in solution, the total amount of a compound that can dissolve will decrease
System will proceed in the direction to counteract change
Explain why some spontaneous reactions do not appear to proceed forward very rapidly at Earth
surface conditions. Provide a geochemical example
High activation energy
2) Reactions occur at very slow rate
Graphite to diamond has a very large energy barrier
What does k tell you about solubility?
What does k mean for a weathering reaction?
Smaller k -> more insoluble
Large k -> reaction is happening readily
small k -> mineral being weathered is quite stable
determine rate order for reaction
-what is rate law, rate constant, know units of k
Zeroth order: reaction rate constant
k = mol L–1 s–1
First order: rate depends on [reactant]
Second order: rate depends on [reactant]2