module 4 Flashcards
S- phase
chromosomes & centrosomes are duplicated . sister chromatids are held together at centromere
prophase 1
Homologus chromosomes bind together from synaptonemal complex forming a tetrad and the marked chaismata areas go over crossing over. and spindle fibers emerge from centrosomes
metaphase 1
independant assortment happens
Anaphase 1
spindle microtublus pull homologous chromosomes apart
result meiosis 1
Genetic variation, 2 haploid cells with one homolgous chromosome pair each
Meiosis II
Much of the same idea as mitosis. results in four haploid nduaghter cells with one sister chromatid each
four daughter haploid cells –> sperm/eggs
non disjunction
happens in older women (homologus chromsoomes are not sepereated)
odd ammount of chromosomes that isn’t normal
Hersey and chase
shoed that dna is the biological holder of info
monomers of dna replication
molecular machine responsible for dna replication
DNA exiciion
removes geenral area of misscoding, replaces it and seals it up with ligase
Xeroderma Pigmentosum
example of inproper dna repairing from radiation
exception to central dogma
reverse transcriptase / retroviruses / HIV