Module 3.1- Afferent System Flashcards
Discuss the receptors and processes involved in olfaction, gustation and vision. Describe the parts of the ear and their roles in the process of hearing. Identify the parts of the eye and their functions. Discuss how the central nervous system processes information related to all of the senses
What are afferent nerves?
Nerves that relay information from periphery nervous system to the central nervous system.
What is another name for the afferent nerves?
Sensory nerves
What are efferent nerves?
Nerves that send information from the Central nervous system to the peripheral effector cells.
What is another name for efferent nerves?
Motor nerves
What are the two components of the efferent nervous system?
Somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system
What is the somatic nervous system?
Fibres of motor neurons that supply skeletal muscles and regulate its contractions
What is the autonomic nervous system?
Innervates and regulates non-motor organs such as smooth and cardiac muscle, glands, blood vessels and other internal organs.
What is exteroception?
Means by which the nervous system receives information about the external environment
What is interoception?
Means by which the nervous system receives information about the internal environment.
What is propeioception?
Means by which nervous system receives information about the position and movement of the body.
How does the body subconsciously use sensory information, without the participation of the conscious parts of the brain?
To generate reflex actions
Is all sensory information used in conscious perception?
Not all, but most.
Where is sensory information directed for conscious perception?
The cerebral cortex.
What is sensation?
Conscious perception of sensory stimuli
How can one figure out what an animal sees/feels/hears/smells?
Impossible to know exactly but inferences can be made by observing the animals reaction to selected stimuli.
Are receptors capable of detecting both internal and external environments?
What kinds of stimuli can receptors respond to?
Sound waves, Light waves, Pressure, Temperature, Chemicals.
Where are sensors found?
Scattered throughout the body
What are sensory receptors?
Specialised neuronal structures.
What do sensory receptors do?
Convert detected stimuli into electrical energy for transduction.
Sensory neurons may be specialised how?
Ending of an afferent neuron (eg pain receptors).
Separate cells (retina photoreceptors).
Closely associated with ending or a peripheral neuron.