Module 3 (ulit) Flashcards
devoted to recognizing and controlling hazards in the workplace that could cause death, disability, injury, sickness, or significant discomfort and inefficiency among the workers
Occupational Safety and Health (OSH)
What does OSH stand for?
Occupational Safety and Health
declared that OSH standard will be the guidance and compliance of the involved parties
Article 162 of the Labor Code of the Philippines
What does ILO stand for?
International Labor Organization
According to ILO, 1000 people are estimated to die every day from _______.
occupational accidents
According to ILO, 6500 people are estimated to die every day from _______.
work-related diseases
According to ILO, mortality is ______ distributed across the world.
not equally
what is the mortality in Asia?
65% or 2/3 of world mortality
According to ILO, the mortality went from _____ deaths in 2014 to ____ deaths in 2017.
2.33 Million, 2.78 Million
Entitled “An Act Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards and Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof”
RA No. 11058
What implemented the rules and regulation for RA No. 11058?
Department Order No. 198, Series of 2018
Applies to all establishments, projects, and sites and all other places where work is being undertaken in all branches of economic activity
RA No. 11058
Who enforces OSH Standards, in the exercise of visitorial and enforcement powers?
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
refers to the physical or environmental conditions of work which comply with prescribed OSH Standards
allows the workers to perform the job without or within acceptable exposure limit hazards
refers to a sound state of the body and mind of the workers that enables the worker or employee to perform the job normally
refers to a workplace wherein the presence of hazard or potential hazard within the company may affect the safety and/or health of workers
high risk establishment
refers to a workplace where there is moderate exposure to safety and health hazards and with probability of an accident, injury, or illness
medium risk establishment
refers to a qualified first-aider, nurse, dentist, or physician engaged by the employer to provide occupational health services in the establishment, project, site, or workplace
Occupational Health Personnel
inspects and investigates all aspects of the work pertaining to safety and health of workers
Safety and Health Committee
refers to a body created within the workplace tasked with the authority to plan, develop, and implement OSH policies and programs, monitor, and evaluate the OSH program
Safety and Health Committee
refers to a qualified Safety Officer 4 or its equivalent, duly certified by DOLE to perform and/or render consultative services on OSH in at least 2 fields of specialization as determined by DOLE
Occupational Safety and Health Consultant
refers to a set of rules issued by DOLE which mandates the adoption and use of appropriate practices, means, methods, operations or processes, and working conditions to ensure safe and healthful employment
Occupational Safety and Health Standards
refers to a qualified Safety Officer 3 or its equivalent, duly certified by DOLE to render occupational safety and health services in a defined and specific scope or core competency
Occupational Safety and Health Practitioner
refers to a specialized clothing or equipment designed to protect workers against safety and health hazards that may cause serious workplace injuries and illnesses
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
What does PPE stand for?
Personal Protective Equipment
refers to a set of detailed rules to govern company policies, processes, and practices in all economic activities to conform with OSH standards
Safety and Health Program
refers to any employee or officer of the company trained by DOLE or DOLE-Accredited Training Organization and tasked by the employer to implement an OSH program
Safety Officer
refers to an employee who has completed the mandatory 8-hour OSH orientation course as prescribed in the OSH standards and 2-hour trainer’s training
Safety Officer 1
refers to an employee who has completed the mandatory 40-hour OSH training course applicable to the industry as prescribed in the OSH standards
Safety Officer 2
refers to someone who has a 40-hour OSH training course applicable to the industry, additional 48 hours of advanced/specialized OSH training course, and at least 2 years of experience in OSH
Safety Officer 3
refers to someone who has a 40-hour OSH training course, 80 hours of advanced/specialized Occupational Safety training course, and aggregate of 320 hours of OSH related training or experience
Safety Officer 4
One of the duties of an employer is to register its establishment to DOLE. Where is this provided under?
Rule 1020 of the OSH standards
The establishment shall submit a copy of the _____ to the DOLE Regional, Provincial, Field, or Satellite Office having jurisdiction over the workplace.
OSH program
A duly signed company commitment to comply OSH requirements together with the company OSH program using the prescribed template shall be considered approved upon submission except for _______ which shall need approval by DOLE prior to construction.
Construction Safety and Health Program
The company shall review and evaluate the OSH program ______, to ensure that its objectives are met towards an improved safety and health performance.
at least once a year or as necessary