Module 3- Pulmonary neoplasms/Sarcoidosis/Environmental &Occupational lung disorders Flashcards
screening for Lung CA
CT scans annually for age 55-74 can help identify disease early. Major concerns are1. Generlizabilty to practice, 2.Duration of screening, 3. overdiagnosis, and 4. cost effectiveness
Solitary pulmonary Nodule
most are asymptomatic and represent an incidental finding on CXR/CT
Imaging evaluation
Rapid progression= infection, ling term stability= benignity, size is correlated with malignancy
Edge Characteristics of nodules
well-defined edge = benign
ill-defined margins/lobular appearance = malignancy
Treatment of Pulmonary nodule
Depends on probability- low, high, intermediate
Low probability
under 30, stable for more than 2 years, pattern of benign calcification- watchful waiting
High Probability
proceed directly to resection following staging, bx rarely yield specific benign diagnosis
Intermediate probability
traditionally- dx bx
PET scan
Sputum cytology
Right Middle Lobe Syndrome
recurrent/persistent atelectasis of right middle lobe- CT needed to make sure no tumor
Bronchial Carcinoid Tumors
low grad malignant neoplasms
Carcinoid Tumors
hemoptysis, cough, focal wheezing, recurrent PNA,
Most occur in central bronchi- peripheral is rare
Carcinoid Syndrome
Flushing, diarrhea, wheezing, hypotension
Rare, Pink/purple tumor in central airway that are well vascularized stroma, BX likely to complicated by significant bleeding
Bronchial Carcinoid Tumors tx
grow slowly and rarely metastasize
complicaitons- bleeding and airway obstruction
surgical excision due to resistance to chemo and radiation
Mediastinal Masses
S&S is insidious onset of retrosternal chest pain, dysphagia or dyspnea
often is found on routine cxr
systemic disease of unknown etiology characterized in 90% of patient by granulomatous inflammation of the lung
S&S of Sarcoidosis
Malaise, fever, dyspnea of insidious onset, symptoms cause my skin involvement iritis, peripheral neuropathy arthritis or cardiomyopathy may prompt the patient to seek care
Some patients may be asymptomatic
Lab findings for sarcoidosis
leukopenia- elevated erythrocyte sedimentation and hypercalemia or Hypercalciuria
Angiotensin converting enzyme may be elevated
Skin test anergy is present in 70%
ECG may show conduction disturbances and dysrhythmias
Imaging of Sarcoidosis
include b/l hilar adenopathy alone- stage 1
hilar adenopathy and parenchymal involvement- stage 2
Parenchymal involvement alone- stage 3
Stage 4- advance fibrotic changes principally in the upper lobes
Special exams for sarcoidosis
requires histologic demonstration of noncaseating granulomas in biopsies
BX- easy accessible sites
Transbronchial lung biopsy has high yield
Treatment of sarcoidosis
Oral corticosteroids usually over months to years
long term suppressive medications can be used in patients not tolerate to oral steroids
Prognosis for Sarcoidosis
Stage one is the best but stage 4 has worst
most will suffer irreversible lung impairment
Patients require long term follow up with physical exam, pulmonary function test, chemistry panel, eye test, cxr, ecg
Smoke inhalation
Must be assessed for 3 consequences
1. impaired tissue oxygenation
2. thermal injury to upper airway
3. injury to the lower airways and lung parenchyma