Module 3 Psychiatry Drugs Flashcards
Serotonin antagonist and (weak) reuptake inhibitor
Antagonises Alpha-1 adrenergic receptor
Antagonises serotonin receptor 5-HT2A
Indicated for depression
SE: Drowsiness (H1 receptor blocker), orthostatic hypotension
Max dose: 600mg
Licensed 1970
Half life: 13 hours
Line of treatment: Second
Atypical antipsychotic
Highest affinity to D2 (nigrostrial and mesocortical) and 5HT2a
Due to being more specific, reduces SE
Indicated for Schizophrenia, mania and agitation
SE: Constipation, neutropenia, anticholinergi, NMS
Max dose: 900 mg
Licensed: 1972
Half life: 8 hours
Line of treatment: 3rd line
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor
Indicated for Anxiety and depression
SE: Suicidality can be increased, prolonged QTc (pronounced), dizziness and sleep disturbances.
Max dose: 40 mg
Licensed: 1995
Half life: 33 hours
Line of treatment: 1st
Atypical antipsychotic
Partial D2 agonist (mesolimbic, mesocortical, nigrostrial)
Indicated for Agitation, Mania and Schizophrenia
SE: Constipation, Agitation
Max dose: 30 mg
Licensed: 2002
Half life: 75 hours
Line of treatment: 1st
Serotonin ntagonit and reuptake inhibitor
Indicated for Depression, PTSD, menopausal symptoms
SE: Increased suicidality, prolonged QTc, dizziness and sleep disturbances
Max dose: 40 mg
Licensed: 1992
Half life: 21 hours
Line of treatment: 1st
Atypical antipsychotic
D2 (mesolimbic, nigrostrial and mesocortical) and 5HT2a
Indicated for Schizophrenia, mania and agitation
SE: Constipation, anticholinergics
Max dose: 20 mg
Licensed: 1971
Half life: 30 hours
Line of treatment: 1st
Positive allosteric modulator of GABA
Indicated for Convulsions, agitation and anxiety
SE: COma, respiratory depression
Max dose: 4 mg
Licensed: 1963
Half life: 12 hours
Line of treatment: 2nd
Positive allosteric modulator of GABA receptors
Indicated for Insomnia
SE: Coma, respiratory depression
Max dose: 7.5 mg
Licensed: 1986
Half life: 4 hours
Line of treatment: 1st
Typical antipsychotic
D2 (mesolimbic, nigrostrial, mesocortical)
Indicated for Nausea, Tic disorders, Agitation, Mania, Delirium and Schizoephrenia
SE: EPSES, NMS, and QTc prolongation
Max dose: 20 mg
Licensed: 1958
Half life: 40 hours
Line of treatment: 2nd
Indicated for Depression, OCD, bulimia, PTSD and menopausal symptoms
SE: Increased suicidality, prolonged QTc, dizziness and sleep disturbaces.
Max dose: 60 mg
Licensed: 1986
Half life: 5 days
Line of treatment: 1st
Typical antipsychotic
D2 antagonist (mesolimbic, mesocortical and nigrostrial)
Indicated for Nausea, hicups and schizophrenia
SE: EPSES, NMS and QTc prolongation
Max dose: 1g
Licensed: 1972
Half life: 36 hours
Line of treatment: 2nd
Tricyclic antidepressant
Blocks serotonin and noradrenaline reutake, also affects H1/2 and alpha receptors. Some affinity to NMDA receptor.
Indicated for Depression, chronic pain and migraine prophylaxis
SE: Often lethal in overdose, anticholinergic syndrome and GTc prolongation
Max dose: 150mg
Licensed: 1961
Half life: 25 hours
Line of treatment: 3rd
Atypical antipsychotic
5HT2a and D2 (mesolimbic, nigrostrial and mesocortical). blocking 5HT2a increases dopamine.
Indicated for Schizophrenia, mania and depression
SE: Constipation, anticholinergic
Max dose: 800mg
Licensed: 1997
Half life: 7 hours
Line of treatment: 1st
Bocks reuptake of Serotonin and Noradrenaline and also affects H1/2 and alpha receptors.
Newer TCAs are less danferous in overdoes
Indicated for Depression
SE: Anticholinergic syndrome
Max dose: 210mg
Licensed: 1983
Half life: 18 hours
Line of treatment: 3rd
Most commonly prescribed antidepressant. SSRI.
Indicated for Depression, anxiety, OCD and PTSD
SE: increased suicidality, prolonged QTc, dizziness and sleeo disturbances.
Max dose: 200mg
Licensed: 1991
Half life: 26 hours
Line of treatment: 1st
Serotonin and noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor.
Indicated for Depression, anxiety, diabeticneuropathy, urinary incontenenance
SE: Sleep disturbances, dry mouth, headaches, suicide risk.
Max dose: 120mg
Licensed: 2004
Half life: 12 hours
Line of treatment: 2nd
Serotonin and noradrenaline re-uptake inhibitor
Indicated for Depression and anxiety
SE: Sleep disturbances, hot flushes, headaches, hypertension and suicide risk.
Max dose: 375mg
Licensed: 1993
Half life: 10 hours
Line of treatment: 2nd
Antagonises Alpha 2 adrenergic receptor increasing noradrenergic neurotransmission and increased serotonergic activity, especially at 5-HT1A receptors
Indicated for Depression, off-license usefor PTSD and to aide sleep
SE: Weight gain, drowsiness (H1 receptor blocker)
Max dose: 45mg
Licensed: 1996
Half life: 30 hours
Line of treatment: 2nd