Module 3 - Prokaryotic Cell Structure Flashcards
curved rod
Rigid helices
flexible helices
multinucleated filaments
variable inshape
two spheres
chain of spheres
cluster of spheres
groups of four
groups of eight
short rod (spherical rods)
Plasma membranes
- Requirement for all living organisms
- Plasma membrane encompasses the cytoplasm
– Separates cell from its environment
– Selectively permeable barrier - Some molecules are allowed to pass into or out
- Transport systems aid in movement of molecules
– Location of vital metabolic processes
– Detection and response to chemicals in surroundings with
the aid of receptor molecules - Some prokaryotes also have internal membrane
membrane lipids
- “Amphipathic”
- Polar ends
– interact with water
– hydrophilic - Nonpolar ends
– insoluble in water
– hydrophobic
bacterial Membranes
- Highly organized, asymmetric, flexible,
dynamic - Differ from eukaryotic membranes in that they
lack sterols
– Contain hopanoids (sterol-like molecules)
– Stabilize the membranes
Bacterial cell wall
- Rigid structure outside the plasma membrane
- Provides characteristic shape to cell
- Protects the cell from osmotic lysis
- May also contribute to pathogenicity
- Few prokaryotes lack cell walls
- Bacteria divided into two major groups based on
response to gram stain (due to cell wall structure)
– G+ bacteria stain blue-purple
– G- bacteria stain red-pink
Peptidoglycan (Murein)
- Meshlike polymer
composed of identical
subunits - Contains N-acetyl
glucosamine (NAG)
and N-acetylmuramic
acid (NAM) and
several different amino
acids - Chains of linked
peptidoglycan subunits
are cross linked by
Gram Positive cell walls
- Composed primarily of
peptidoglycan - May also contain large
amounts of teichoic acids
(polymers of glycerol or ribitol
joined by phosphate groups)
– Not present in Gram -
– Negatively charged
– Appear to extend the surface of
the peptidoglycan
– May play a role in maintaining the
cell wall structure
– The side chain (R) may be
glucose, D-alanine, or others
Gram positive cell walls pt 2
- Some gram-positive bacteria have a layer of proteins
on the surface of the peptidoglycan - Periplasmic Space:
– Lies between plasma membrane and cell wall and is smaller
than that of Gram- bacteria
– Periplasm has relatively few proteins
– Enzymes secreted by Gram+ bacteria are called
– Those that remain in the periplasmic space usually attach to
the plasma membrane
– Exoenzymes perform many of the same functions of the
periplasmic enzymes of Gram- bacteria
– Often serve to degrade nutrients for transport across the
Gram negative cell wall
- Thin layer of peptidoglycan surrounded by an outer
membrane composed of lipids, lipoproteins, and
lipopolysaccharide (LPS) - No teichoic acids
- More complex than Gram+ walls
- Peptidoglycan is ~2-5% of wall weight
– Outer membrane lies outside the thin
peptidoglycan layer
– Braun’s lipoproteins connect outer membrane to
peptidoglycan - Periplasmic space differs from that in Gram+ cells
– may constitute 20-40% of cell volume
– many enzymes present in periplasm
Role of LPS
- Protection from host defenses (O side chain)
– O antigen elicits immune response
– Many Gram- bacteria can rapidly change the
antigenic nature of their O side chains - Contributes to the negative charge on cell
surface (core polysaccharide) - Helps stabilize the outer membrane structure
(lipid A) - Lipid A can act as a toxin (termed endotoxin)
- May contribute to surface attachment and
biofilm formation - Aids in creating a permeability barrier
Outer membrane
- More permeable than the plasma membrane due to
the presence of porin proteins and transporter
– porin proteins form channels through which small
molecules (600-700 daltons) can pass
Gram staining mechanism
- Thought to involve
shrinkage of the pores of
the peptidoglycan layer
of gram-positive cells
– Constriction prevents
loss of crystal violet
during decolorization
step - Thinner peptidoglycan
layer and larger pores of
gram-negative bacteria
does not prevent loss of
crystal violet
Protective nature of the cell wall
- Osmotic lysis
– can occur when cells are in hypotonic solutions
– movement of water into cell causes swelling and
lysis due to osmotic pressure - Cell wall protects against osmotic lysis
– Lysozyme breaks the bond between N-acetyl
glucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid
– Penicillin inhibits peptidoglycan synthesis - If cells are treated with either of the above they will
lyse if they are in a hypotonic solution
internal membranes
- Intracytoplasmic
– Observed in many
photosynthetic bacteria and
in prokaryotes with high
respiratory activity - Mesosomes
- Plasma membrane infoldings
- function not agreed upon
- may be artifacts of chemical
fixation of bacteria for electron
– network of polysaccharides extending from
the surface of the cell
– a capsule or slime layer composed of
polysaccharides can also be referred to as
a glycocalyx
– Regularly structured layers of protein or
– In bacteria, the S layer is external to the cell wall
– Common among Archaea, where they may be
the only structure outside the plasma membrane
Functions of capsules, slime layer and S-layers
- Facilitate attachment to surfaces
- Protection:
– From host defenses (e.g. phagocytosis)
– From harsh environmental conditions (e.g.,
– From viral infection or predation by bacteria
– From chemicals in environment (e.g., detergents)
– Against osmotic stress - Facilitate motility of gliding bacteria
Archaeal Membranes
- Membrane lipids
are a distinctive
feature of Archaea - Some are
monolayer instead
of bilayer - Contain ether
linkages instead of
ester linkages
(unique bonds)
Archaeal cell walls
- Lack peptidoglycan
- Varies from species to
species but usually
consists of complex
heteropolysaccharides - Methanogens have
walls containing
Cytoplasmic matrix
- Substance in which the nucleoid, ribosomes, and
inclusion bodies are suspended - Lacks membrane-bound organelles (typical in
eukaryotes) - Principally water (70% of bacterial mass is water)
- Major part of the protoplasm (plasma membrane
and everything within) - Homologs of all 3 eukaryotic cytoskeletal elements
have recently been identified in Bacteria and one has
been found in Archaea - Functions include roles in cell division, protein
localization and determination of cell shape
inclusion bodies
- Granules of organic (i.e.
glycogen, poly-B-
hydroxybutyrate (PHB), gas
vacuoles) or inorganic (i.e.
polyphosphate granules, sulphur
granules, magnetosomes)
material that are stockpiled by
the cell for future use - Some are enclosed by a single-
layered membrane
– membranes vary in composition
(proteins, lipids)
- Complex structures consisting
of protein and RNA - Sites of protein synthesis
- Smaller than eucaryotic
– prokaryotic ribosomes 70S - 50S and 30S subunits
– eukaryotic ribosomes 80S - 60S and 40S subunits
– S = Svedburg unit, measure of
The Nucleoid
- Irregularly shaped
region in the cytoplasm - Not membrane-bound
- Chromosome location
– Usually 1 per cell
– Closed, circular, double-
stranded DNA molecule
– Looped and coiled
– Nucleoid proteins
(different than histones)
probably aid in folding
- Usually small, closed circular
DNA molecules - Exist and replicate
independently of the
chromosome - Relatively few genes present
- Genes on plasmids are not
essential to the host, but may
confer selective advantage
(e.g., drug resistance) - Curing is the loss of a plasmid
- Classification based on mode of
existence, spread, and function - Single copy (one per cell) or
multiple copies (eg. 40/cell)
Fimbraie and Pili
- Fimbriae (Fimbria)
– short, thin, hairlike,
proteinaceous appendages - up to 1,000/cell
– mediate attachment to surfaces
– some (type IV fimbriae) required
for twitching motility or gliding
motility that occurs in some
bacteria - Sex pili (pilus)
– similar to fimbriae except longer,
thicker, and less numerous (1-
– required for mating
- Flagellum rotates like a propeller
– In general, counterclockwise rotation causes
forward motion (run)
– In general, clockwise rotation disrupts run
causing a tumble
Distribution varies: (Flagella)
- Distribution varies:
– monotrichous – one flagellum
– polar flagellum – flagellum at end of cell
– amphitrichous – one flagellum at each
end of cell
– lophotrichous – cluster of flagella at one
or both ends
– peritrichous – spread over entire surface
of cel
Other types of motility
- Spirochetes
– exhibit flexing and spinning movements of
axial filaments which are composed of
periplasmic flagella - Gliding motility
– cells coast along solid surfaces
– no visible motility structure has been
- Movement towards a chemical
attractant or away from a
chemical repellent - Concentrations of chemical
attractants and chemical
repellents detected by
chemoreceptors on surfaces
of cells - In the presence of an attractant,
tumbling frequency is reduced,
and runs in the direction of the
attractant are longer - In the presence of a repellent,
the trend is opposite
Bacterial Endospore
- Formed by some
Gram+ bacteria - Resistant to
– heat
– radiation
– chemicals
– desiccation