Module 3 - PRC Flashcards
PLA Roles:
- Defend countries against foreign invasions
- Maintain internal security and stability
- Engage in economic development of the country
Name of formal information warfare strategy?
Integrated Network Electronic Warfare
What is the Five Year Plan?
What is the Blue Army?
May 2011, small group with highly developed skills.
China Goals
Political: economic and technological superiority
Political: Ensure there is one political voice
Military: Disable enemy communication; eliminate enemies’ ability to obtain, control, and use information.
China Doctrine
President Hu Jintao official proclamation that PLA is to conduct cyber warfare in name of Chinese self-preservation.
Role of State
Largely considered to be state-sponsored hacking
Role of Universities
state-controlled universities “recruit” individuals and give training. Universities such as Science and Engineering University is tied to military.
People’s Liberation Army (PLA)
Military Centers associated with cyber attacks:
- General Staff Department
- 4th Department
- General Staff Department 3rd Department
- Technical Reconnaissance Bureaus
- Information Warfare Militia Units (2002)
State Sponsored (actors in):
- Universities
- State-owned Enterprises
- Hacktivists
Role of State-owned Enterprises
- Direct & indirect ties to PLA
- Cyber espionage used to gain economic advantage
Role of Hacktivists & 4 types of operations
- not directly controlled by govn’t
- motives orig. aligned with government’s
- Orig targets: Taiwan & Japan
- 4 types of operations
- virtual sit-ins and blockades
- automated e-mail bombs
- web hacks and computer break-ins
- viruses and worms
China History: Earliest
date back as far as 2001; doctrine goes back into 1990s.
China History: 2002
global energy industry attacked
China History: 2006
Air Force was tracking several individuals / groups.