Module 3 Notes Flashcards
Business Income vs Property Income (Capital Gaines) - Determination
- No specific rules
- It is necessary to evaluate the facts of each case.
- Property income (capital gains) is generally passive income. Capital gains are only 50% taxable
- The following factors must be looked it for the determination
- Original intention:
- Primary: Did the taxpayer deliberately seek a profit from an income rather than a capital nature?
- Secondary: Did the taxpayer build into a transaction, at the time of purchase,a profitable alternative in the event that the primary intention is frustrated?
- Number and frequency of transactions;
- Relation of transaction to taxpayer’s business;
- Circumstances that caused the disposition
- Original intention:
Calculation of Taxable Business Income
- Taxable business income is not the same as GAAP net income
- Tax rules must be followed to calculate taxable business income
- Taxable business income is generally calculated on an accrual basis
- Section 12 contains specific business income inclusions
Business Income Inclusions (sec 12)
- Services to be rendered in the future
- A/R for services rendered
- Reserves - bad debts and warranties
- Insurance proceeds - depreciable property
- Payments based on production or use
- Bad debts recovered
- Interest, dividends
- Partnership income
- Inducement payments, reimbursments
Business Income Deductions
- Section 18 contains specific limits or exclusions on business income deductions
- Section 20 contains specific allowed deductions
- All reasonable business expenses are generally deductible except capital expenses or reserves.
- capital expenses usually go through the capital cost allowance system
- only specific reserves are allowed. A reserved claimed in one year must be added back in the next year and then a new reserve may be claimed.
- For employement income, a special provision is generally needed to deduct an expense. Contrast this requirement to a business income expense
- Deductions of business losses can be denied if reasonable expectation of profit cannot be demonstrated. (e.g. setting up a home-based business with not prospect for revenue just to generate losses to offset employment income.)
Specific allowed deductions (sec 20)
- Capital cost allowance
- Cumulative eligible capital amount (CECA)
- Interest (on loans for purchases to produce income.
- Expenses of issuing shares or borrowing money.
- Premiums on life insurance used as collateral.
- Discount on debt obligations
- Reserves
- doubtful debts
- goods not delivered
- services not rendered
- deposits on returnable containers (other than bottles)
- manufacturer’s warranty reserve
- amount not due until a later year under an instalment sales contract
- A reserve claimed in one year must be added back in the next year and then a new reserve can be claimed.
- Employer’s contribution to RPP
- Employer’s contribution to DPSP
- Cancellation of lease
- Landscaping of grounds
- Expenses of representation
- Investigation of site
- Utilities service connection
- Disability-related modifications and equipment
- Convention expenses